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Ancient Astronauts From Toro Muerto - Peru. Archaeologists stunned to discover Britain’s A1 road is 10,000 years old. Ancient Origins seeks to uncover, what we believe, is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings – our beginnings.

Archaeologists stunned to discover Britain’s A1 road is 10,000 years old

While many believe that we already hold such knowledge, our view is that there still exists a multitude of anomalies and mysteries in humanity's past that deserve further examination. We therefore wish to foster an open community that is dedicated to investigating, understanding and explaining the origins of our species on planet earth. To this end, we aim to organize, support and even finance efforts in this direction. Our aim is to move beyond theories and to present a thorough examination of current research and evidence and to offer alternative viewpoints and explanations to those currently held by mainstream science and archaeology. Come with us on a journey to explore lost civilisations, sacred writings, ancient places, unexplained artefacts and scientific mysteries while we seek to reconstruct and retell the story of our beginnings.

Stonehenge occupé 5000 années plus tôt qu'on ne le pensait. Stonehenge occupé 5000 années plus tôt qu'on ne le pensait première photo aérienne de Stonehenge, 1906 De récentes fouilles ont révélé que la zone de Stonehenge était occupée 3000 ans avant sa construction.

Stonehenge occupé 5000 années plus tôt qu'on ne le pensait

La fouille archéologique, à environ 1.5km des pierres, a révélé que des gens étaient installés là en 7500 avant JC. Les résultats, révélés par des bénévoles et un petit budget, sont de 5000 ans plus tôt qu'on ne le pensait précédemment. Le Dr Josh Pollard, de l'Université de Southampton, a déclaré que l'équipe avait "trouvé la communauté qui a mis en place le premier monument à Stonehenge". Stonehenge. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.


L'ensemble du site de Stonehenge et le cromlech d'Avebury, à une quarantaine de kilomètres au nord, sont inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco dans un ensemble intitulé « Stonehenge, Avebury et sites associés ». Stonehenge. Une Enigme résolue ? . En Images . Video. Les Celtes ont toujours voué un grand respect à Stonehenge.

Stonehenge. Une Enigme résolue ? . En Images . Video

Mais, on sait qu’ils n’en sont pas les bâtisseurs. Il est certain que le site a été utilisé par les druides pour leurs cérémonies. Cependant, les lourds mégalithes étaient là bien avant l’arrivée des Celtes sur le sol britannique. Stonehenge. By qalinx . Au 17e siècle, les découvertes archéologiques favorisèrent l’hypothèse selon laquelle le grand cercle de pierre aurait été construit par les Mycéniens. En fait, les versions sont confuses et discordantes. 10,000-Year-Old Depictions Of Ancient Aliens And UFOs Discovered In India Archaeologists Say. - According to archaeologists these ancient rock carvings represent 10,000-year-old depictions of ancient aliens and UFOs.

10,000-Year-Old Depictions Of Ancient Aliens And UFOs Discovered In India Archaeologists Say

Scientists are now trying to unravel the mystery behind the curious paintings and seek help from NASA, ISRO (Indian Space Research Center) and other archaeologists in order to learn more about the origin of these carvings. The rock paintings were discovered in caves located about 130 kilometers from Raipur, the capital city of the state of Chhattisgarh, India. According to Times Of India, archaeologist JR Bhagat says these paintings depict aliens in spacesuits. "The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets which still create curiosity among people and researchers. Osang-ri Dolmens, Ganghwa, South Korea.

L'ECRITURE DE GLOZEL ET LES EXTRATERRESTRES GEANTS. (Tous droits réservés) Nouveau regard sur le site de Glozel, qui a très probablement reçu la visite d'extraterrestres géants dans un lointain passé.


Je présente dans cet article certains des arguments de mon hypothèse. Les inscriptions de Glozel. Judaculla Rock's Mystery - Does It Contain A Secret Coded Message To Mankind? - This rock covered with undecipherable symbols is one of the greatest archaeological mysteries of the North America.

Judaculla Rock's Mystery - Does It Contain A Secret Coded Message To Mankind?

Neither scholars nor older residents have been able to decipher it. Neither do they know its true origin nor purpose. Is it a prehistoric code? Some kind of secret message for future generations of humanity? Judaculla Rock is one of the largest in the Southeast, and the largest petroglyph in North Carolina, located in the Caney Fork Creek valley in Jackson County, outside of Cullowhee. The details of the petroglyph’s formation are unknown to scientists. Giants had come once to visit the Cherokee. There has been much debate and even controversy over the years regarding the Judaculla Rock. Now, archaeologists know that the artifact predates the Cherokee habitation of western North Carolina, but the boulder's exact time of origin is still unknown. Great Pyramid - Secret Tunnels of Giza Plateau. Secret Tunnels of the Giza Plateau Boris Said Interviewed By Kenneth and Dee Burke Boris Said is the Emmy award-winning writer and producer of the NBC-TV feature documentary, "The Mystery of the Sphinx", hosted by Charlton Heston, which focused on the research of John Anthony West, alleging that the "water weathering" on the Sphinx indicates that it is much older than previously believed.

Great Pyramid - Secret Tunnels of Giza Plateau

Boris also produced the documentary "Secret Chamber", about the opening of the room under the Sphinx which was located during the "Mystery of the Sphinx", research. Before becoming a well-known film documentarian, Boris was a champion auto racer and the driver of the U.S. Bobsled Team for 3 Olympics. Earliest Complete Human Figurine Unearthed On Cyprus.