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Mike Knowlton Gets Immersive « Creative Technology Week. A conversation about storytelling, hackathons, indie rock audio, and collaboration with filmmakers and adventurous brands by Gary Shapiro Gary Shapiro is a writer whose work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Forward, and in the Features section of

Mike Knowlton Gets Immersive « Creative Technology Week

A 20-year veteran of digital production, Mike Knowlton has always pushed the boundaries of storytelling and technology. He is co-founder and CTO of StoryCode, a group that programs immersive media case study presentations at Film Society Lincoln Center. He led in the production of the first-ever Story Hackathon, an event that was covered by Forbes, The Washington Post, and PBS. And as a creative technologist, he founded and led a number of technology companies including user-interface design firm Nascent State, digital agency BASIK, open-source Flash technology Frontal, and Murmur, a hybrid studio/technology company that pioneers new forms of immersive cinematic experiences. Mr Robot, une série comme les USA savent si bien les faire. Elliot Alderson est un jeune informaticien vivant à New York.

Mr Robot, une série comme les USA savent si bien les faire

Il est l’un des meilleurs ingénieurs en sécurité informatique d’Allsafe Security. Elliot est un asperger luttant constamment avec un trouble d’anxiété sociale et une dépression. Son processus de pensée semble fortement influencé par la paranoïa et l’illusion. Ne supportant pas la compagnie, il réagit en piratant les réseaux sociaux ainsi que la vie numérique des personnes passant dans sa sphère d’influence. Il lui arrive aussi d’agir comme un cyber-justicier. Beyond Blair Witch: Why found-footage horror deserves your respect · For Our Consideration. There used to be a rumor about The Blair Witch Project.

Beyond Blair Witch: Why found-footage horror deserves your respect · For Our Consideration

It said that if you paused the movie at the exact right moment—a frenzied midnight sprint through the woods—you could see a masked figure perched in a tree. In this scene, actress/victim Heather Donahue screams amidst the chaos: “What the fuck is that?!” But no matter how many times you rewind or pause it, it’s never clear what she’s screaming at. There is no masked figure. Yet people obsessed, about this and other homegrown theories. This “found footage” concept wasn’t new, necessarily.

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The Key To Writing Great Headlines That Drive More Traffic. When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies to watch was Disney’s 101 Dalmatians.

The Key To Writing Great Headlines That Drive More Traffic

What can I say — those puppies were so stinkin’ cute! One of the movie’s quotes that always stuck with me was something Rodger says to Anita: “Melody first, my dear, and then the lyrics.” It’s a rule that many musicians stick to, but his words have some application for today’s topic. Headlines to articles and blog posts are much like the melody that set the tone for the rest of what you’re about to write . Much like a catchy melody, a Headline is more likely to stick in someone’s mind and grab attention. If that’s not enough to convince you, then let’s take a few minutes to consider some reasons why building an amazing headline is the true foundation of any blog post. Why Does Your Headline Matter? So why? *Click* AT&T Will Use Snapchat to Launch Scripted Superhero Series. Writing A “Choose Your Own Adventure” Story On Twitter ← Terence Eden's BlogTerence Eden's Blog.

I've spent the last few days writing a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) game on Twitter.

Writing A “Choose Your Own Adventure” Story On Twitter ← Terence Eden's BlogTerence Eden's Blog

This blog post briefly discusses how I did it - and what pitfalls I discovered when creating it. But, first, if you want to play.... Background I'm by no means the first person to attempt running a CYOA on Twitter. Two notable examples are: What's interesting is that they both use URLs to direct the user to the next step of the game. URLs eat into your character count. Inspiration Last Hallowe'en Mel Seckington started live-Tweeting the horror that was unfolding in London.

While it was great fun watching the tweets roll by, I thought it would be more fun to allow people to direct the action themselves. I had also just finished reading The Wanderer by Timothy J Jarvis - an eldritch horror novel. I thought I'd try my hand at creating a viral "teaser trailer" for Timothy's book. Crafting The Story. The Non-Linear Dialogue Editor. Les Outils pour Ecrire un Livre Dont Vous Etes le Héros.

Ça y est, vous avez un Univers fictionnel unique, des héros attachants, une belle histoire, il va maintenant, pour obtenir un superbe Livre Dont Vous Êtes Le Héros, il falloir mettre le tout en forme.

Les Outils pour Ecrire un Livre Dont Vous Etes le Héros

Et il existe des logiciels dédiés à cette création et gratuits. La liste n’est ni exhaustive et ne correspond pas à un classement, c’est juste une liste, à vous d’y trouver l’outil qui vous convient le mieux : Le premier, InkleWriter, (Web) à servi à réaliser la partie texte des applications Frankeinstein et Sorcery, c’est dire la puissance de l’outil. C’est « gratuit » (Vous pourrez transformer votre histoire interactive en ebook pour Kindle en payant moins de 10€) et ça fonctionne via une interface web. Attention vous ne pourrez pas réaliser un Sorcery like avec ce widget, il manquera la partie graphisme. Il y a aussi Twine,(Mac, Win, Python). Voilà ce que cela donne pour le projet Girl With A Clawhammer : La quatrième est Quest.
