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School Kitchen Gardens

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‪TEDxBoston - Lisa Gross - Civic Fruit‬‏ KinderGARDEN. Wreath Activity Provides a Sense of Place. James Doyiakos, environmental science teacher at Roald Amundsen High School in northwest Chicago, figured out how to turn an invasive plant problem into a creative lesson to connect his 150 freshman students with nature—by making wreaths. Vigorous grapevine grows up among the lilac bushes edging a school parking lot, threatening to choke out the lilac plants. Instead of pulling the grape plants, every year around the second week of November, Doyiakos takes his students out to trim down the grapevine and gather whatever colorful items—rosehips, aster blooms, leaves, even bits of trash—catch their eye.

Then the students form the cut grapevine into wreaths of all sizes and decorate them with what they gathered in the garden. The activity, says Doyiakos, is his way to help his kids, most from immigrant families, anchor themselves to a natural place and capture it at a specific time. “The kids lack a sense of place [here],” says Doyiakos. This article was written by Lisa Duchene. Welcome. FoodPlay Productions - Turning Kids on to Healthy Habits! Homepage. Children and Youth — ASI. School Garden Project-Home. Non-Profits & Organizations. Gardening and sustainability. Eco Gardening.

Education. World Kitchen Garden Day. World Kitchen Garden Day is an annual, decentralized celebration of food produced on a human-scale. It is recognized each year on the 4th Sunday of August. It is an opportunity for people around the world to gather in their gardens with friends, family, and members of their local community to celebrate the multiple pleasures and benefits of home-grown, hand-made foods. Here is the logo.... when you organise a get together you can download it and use it to attract attention. Activities:How people celebrate International Kitchen Garden Day and with whom is up to them.

-a walking tour of gardens in your area-a kitchen garden or local agriculture potluck-a kitchen garden taste-test-a harvest or planting party-a benefit for a local food/gardening charity-a kitchen garden "teach in"-a single food theme party-an activity at a local farm-etc Cygnet World Kitchen Garden Day Plans: I am organising a walk again this year. See what they are organising in India at Urban Leaves ....

Kitchen Garden Art

Shareable: How to Start a Farmers' Market | School Kitchen Gardens. Youth Initiative High School                                                         &nbs - Home. Ethical Food in Schools. GardenABCs: The School Garden Share Site. SAKG Schools. Cultivating Community. Childrens Garden Network. The Dinner Garden, providing seeds for food for families and communities. School Gardens. Center for a Livable Future. Life Lab | Land-based learning that promotes a sustainable future.

ResourceSmart Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative Victoria (AuSSI Vic) ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic is a Victorian Government initiative that helps schools benefit from embedding sustainability in everything they do. Through ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic schools can take action to minimise waste, save energy and water, promote biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic helps schools reduce costs while giving students the opportunity to learn about sustainability in a tangible and realistic environment.

In 2011, the Victorian Government committed $8.3 million over four years to build on the existing ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic framework. Sustainability Victoria and the Department of Education and Early Childhood (DEECD) are working in partnership on this initiative. Benefits for your school ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic can help your school track its sustainability journey and identify savings made. ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic has five modules. ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic also recognises and rewards schools through the ResourceSmart Schools Awards program. The Food Project. Grow Your Program: Benefits of Garden-Based Learning | Cornell Garden-Based Learning. Home | Benefits | Research That Supports Our Work | Planning & Organizing | Press Packet | Evaluation Benefits of Garden-Based Learning Gardening enhances our quality of life in numerous ways: providing fresh food, exercise and health benefits, opportunities for multi-generational and life-long learning, creating pleasing landscapes and improved environment, and bringing people together.

Garden-based learning programs result in increased nutrition and environmental awareness, higher learning achievements, and increased life skills for our students. They are also an effective and engaging way to integrate curriculum and meet learning standards, giving young people the chance to develop a wide range of academic and social skills. Garden experiences foster ecological literacy and stewardship skills, enhancing an awareness of the link between plants in the landscape and our clothing, food, shelter, and well-being.

Why Garden in Schools? Why Garden with Military Family Members ? Kitchen gardens. Chef Ann Cooper : The Renegade Lunch Lady - Changing the Way We Feed Our Children. Cultivating Community Edible Classrooms Program — Seed Savers Network | Saving seeds - Biodiversity - Edible gardening. What role for schools in preparing for peak oil? | Post Carbon Cities. Summary: Students of all ages are heading back to school this month. Post Carbon Cities Program Manager Daniel Lerch looks at what energy and climate uncertainty means for schools -- and what schools can do for the communities they serve. Our Post Carbon Cities program encourages cities to think about the vulnerabilities they face in peak oil and climate change.

After all, local governments are not just responsible for safeguarding the well-being of thousands of people. They're also employers, debtors, and the owners of millions of dollars worth of buildings, vehicles, equipment and other infrastructure. Schools operate as mini-cities in their own right. As places of learning and, often, focal points for their neighborhoods, schools can play a special role in preparing localities for peak oil and climate change. Portland, Oregon, where the Post Carbon Cities office is headquartered, is full of examples of the valuable roles that schools can play: SSE - School for Social Entrepreneurs - People - Ben Neil.

The Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (OAEC) | Occidental Arts and Ecology Center. The Farm Behind The Food. Teachers have created this resource to explore with children what food labels mean, and how they link to farming and making choices about food. Read more.. Council for Learning Outside the Classroom. Obama Foodorama. Home Page --