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Are you artistic or logic – Maybe both… Posted on Monday, September 10th, 2007 by Roy Pessis Look at the dancer below. What do you see? Is she turning clockwise or counter-clockwise? You just can’t help but love these optical illusions. If you see her turning clockwise (right) then your left side of the brain is doing most of the work, which means you are more of a logic/analyzing person.

If you see the dancer turning counter-clockwise (left) then your right side of the brain is in charge, this means you are the artistic/intuition person. You control the way the dancer turns. Photos, weekly faves « Top 50 Sites for Kids – The Amusement Park of the Web | Weekly Faves – September 17 » Jsdt - Debug javascript in ie,firefox,chrome,safari,opera and all browsers support ajax.

Javascript Debug Toolkit is a software can debug javascript in ie,firefox,safari,chrome,opera,mobile ie browser,mobile opera browser and so on .It works in all the browser support ajax. Javascript Debug Toolkit 2.2.0 is published! Update site URL: Browser support of debug tools There are tow version of jsdt. Javascript Debug Toolkit s0.5 is a Green-free installation software.

*document* Green version of jsdt,need JRE1.5 *download* Install version in windows. Javascript Debug Toolkit 2.2.0 version is a eclipse plugin to debug javascript crossbrowser. *document* *download* Javascript Debug Toolkit 可以在ie,firefox,safari,chrome,opera, 移动IE浏览器,移动opera浏览器等任何支持ajax的浏览器中调试javascript. jsdt有两个版本 独立版是绿色跨平台跨浏览器的软件,可以在windows和linux上运行 文档 解压版需要安装jre1.5 解压版 安装版在windows下安装即可运行 *安装版* Project Lombok. Chord-bin-2.0.tar.gz - jchord - Chord 2.0 Binary Release - A Static and Dynamic Program Analysis Platform for Java. Untitled. Cernunnos - Software Solved. On TermKit. I've been administering Unix machines for many years now, and frankly, it kinda sucks. It makes me wonder, when sitting in front of a crisp, 2.3 million pixel display (i.e. a laptop) why I'm telling those pixels to draw me a computer terminal from the 80s. And yet, that's what us tech nerds do every day. The default Unix toolchain, marked in time by the 1970 epoch, operates in a world where data is either binary or text, and text is displayed in monospace chunks.

The interaction is strictly limited to a linear flow of keystrokes, always directed at only one process. And that process is capable of communicating only in short little grunts of text, perhaps coalescing into a cutesy little ASCII art imitation of things that grown-ups call "dialogs", "progress bars", "tables" and "graphs". The Unix philosophy talks about software as a toolset, about tiny programs that can be composed seamlessly.

In the meantime, we've gotten a lot better at displaying information. Rich Display Pipes Usability. 60seconds.jpg (JPEG Image, 1191 × 842 pixels) Rul1ek75-1.gif (GIF Image, 320 × 240 pixels) Pearls of Wisdom by Dave Barry. Our First Lawsuit - Office of Strategic Influence is accused of plagiarism by a gold digger.

Our response. It's been about a month and we have not heard back from them. I have consulted with my brother in regards to your letter. He shared your letter with his law firm. Four corporate lawyers spent eight hours reviewing it. While they were over, they advised me to respond to you, and tell you to go fuck yourself. They told me to post your letter on our website. Only in Russia… | “Only in Russia” is a surprisingly popular topic. But what is it people want that’s only available in Russia? Based on internet search data, bizarre answers are revealed. Phrases people type into search engines including “Russia” show the truth about what the world really wants. Some of these may surprise you! (top weird phrases people enter into search engines with “Russia”; # per year) “from russia with love” – over 140,000 searches per year 1963, Sean Connery, 007, and a story that still thrills… It’s a dated version of Russia that people still love: “is tide laundry detergent sold in russia” – over 50,000 Why on Earth do so many people want to know?

“opera in russia salaries” – over 50,000 You know global unemployment figures are bad when… “russia bikini” – over 100,000 searches Possible proof that western men dislike the body types produced by their own western diet? Andrey via Compfight “amber room russia” – over 80,000 Now this is an interesting story. View Larger Map Arms dealers in Russia? 25 Funny Vandalized Signs. Sign vandalism is such a popular American passtime that it annually costs more than $270 million to the taxpayer. Some vandals however do manage to rearrange, draw, spay or rub some genuine hilarities. Here, we have dug up 25 such works of art. Spotted on the way to Mordor (Tongariro National Park, NZ) Durham, Great Place to Grow Pot In the memory of Ronnie James Dio. The many pleasures of Constance Bay Never leave empty space on a billboard!

Graffiti Removal Hotline Inevitable! M. Many twists and turns but predictable end. Clearly asking to be vandalized. Desperate adulteration in Central Markets, Adelaide. Carved out at Golden Ear, British Colombia. “Share a Snow” Starbucks Ad improved at Union Square, New York. Public Service Vandalism Located in National Cougar Reserve.

DiCrapios Shitter Island Yet another “Drive Carefully” sign abused. Public awareness message spotted in Seattle. Rate : A Village in Holland with no roads « Funny Pictures wallpapers paintings collections. Chart: Should You Have Kids? Momlogic's Momstrosity: To procreate or not to procreate -- that is the question. Here is the answer. ( Click on image to enlarge) Untitled Document. Web Sudoku - Billions of Free Sudoku Puzzles to Play Online. Please.dont.sit.on.crocodile.jpg (JPEG Image, 1632 × 1232 pixels) - Scaled (44%)

Ross M3L Sedona Belt Drop Holster. How the Rest of the World Sees the U.S. [PIC] Error Message Gallery. Atom Smasher's Error Message Gallery Make your own error messages. Animal-tested.jpg (JPEG Image, 550 × 435 pixels) Why People Lie So Damn Much. Mark Twain Gives Nine Tips for Living an Extraordinary Life. By Henrik Edberg Is truth stranger than fiction? Perhaps. In this great article written by Henrik Edberg, we find that Mark Twain had expressed in his writings over the years an entire philosophy for living.

If he were around today, it seems he would be on the lecture circuit with the likes of Eckhart Tolle or Wayne Dyer. Below are Mark Twain's Nine tips for living a "kick ass" life: “Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” “When your friends begin to flatter you on how young you look, it’s a sure sign you’re getting old.” You may know Mark Twain for some of his very popular books like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Twain is known for his many – and often funny – quotes. 1. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” If you don’t approve of yourself, of your behaviour and actions then you’ll probably walk around most of the day with a sort of uncomfortable feeling. 2. “Age is an issue of mind over matter. 4. 50 Incredibly Weird Facts About the Human Body | The Nurse Nut. Mental Math Tricks to Impress Your Friends. One thing that fascinates me is performing mental math.

Being able to quickly perform additions, subtraction, multiplications etc is a good way to impress your friends. The problem is, I’m not a math genius, and I don’t know much behind simple arithmetic. If you’re anything like me, but you’d still like to learn some basic math tricks, I hope you’ll find this list useful. Simple tricks How to multiply any two digits number by 11 Let’s say that you want to find the product of 36 and 11.

One way to find it would be to multiply 36 by 10 and then add 36 on the result. Example: What happens if the sum of the two numbers is bigger than 9? Square any two digits number that ends with 5 Calculating the square of a number below 100 is extremely simple. Multiply any two digits numbers with the same first digit and the second digit that sums up to 10 Let’s say that you want to multiply 42 and 48 together. Note that if the product of the second digits is below ten, you have to add a 0 in front of it. ie. The Facts About Smoking. Have Fun With English: lexophile. Martin Fowler. Net Index by Ookla. Java Destruction. Bbk14-15_850.jpg (JPEG Image, 1707 × 1100 pixels) - Scaled (50%)

FFSJ: The Fastest File Splitter and Joiner. Features FFSJ is... Very fast: FFSJ can optimize disk-cache and memory usage, this makes FFSJ 3-5 times faster than HJ-Split, WinSplit, MasterSplitter in both splitting and joining tasks. Of course, it is much faster than any compression program. Simple: FFSJ works well on all Windows platforms. FFSJ-Lite doesn't need any requirement of installations or complicated DLLs. Small: Both FFSJ-Lite and FFSJ-Standard editions are small enough to fit on a floppy disk. Easy to use: FFSJ has a friendly user-interface, it can be used to split any file. Easy to be integrated: Since v3.0, FFSJ published its command-line interface. Secure: FFSJ uses an advanced encryption algorithm to make your data much more secure from unauthorized access.

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Maxton via Neatorama. Humorous Egg Art [20 Pics] The egg is probably the most versatile and economical ingredient one has on hand to make some wonderful dishes. But in this post you will see the real emotion of eggs when you go to make a dish with egg. Photo credit: 1 to 4: XxdrummerxX Photo credit: lilineko Photo credit: razorscarred Photo credit: Ive-got-soul Photo credit: faerie191 Photo credit: RiouMegumi Photo credit: MaryElizabethMcClain Photo credit: ainekatt Photo credit: Magic-Fox Photo credit: ~xMimi-Madnessx Photo credit: Vegasbride Photo credit: darklanternssee Photo credit: one-slip Photo credit: Trousy Photo credit: MarioMastr Photo credit: pop-the-bubbles Photo credit: Al-Maaida-Arts inShare3 598.