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Linux: Install a million games in one click! Linux: Install a million games in one click! Updated: December 16, 2009 Well, not really a million, but how about tens or hundreds? Good enough for you? Today, we will talk about two extremely useful applications that allow to you search for hundreds of games that run on Linux, sorted by category, popularity, license, or price, read game synopses, check out the screenshots, and then, should you decide that you like some of them, install them with a single mouse click.

Do you know what this means? Djl homepage djl is an open-source game manager for Linux, written in Python and inspired by Steam Valve for Windows. Get djl The first thing you will have to do is download the installer script from the website. Tar zxvf <archive-name> cd <extracted-archive-dir> chmod +x . When you run the script the first time, if you do not have the Python framework installed, you'll get an error.

Run djl Once you have everything in place, run the application. Using djl Now comes the really cool part. Plugins. Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD. Linux Live for CD & USB. Pinguy OS. Xubuntu Home Page | Xubuntu. Bash commands - Linux MAN Pages.