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Philip K. Dick

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Philip K. Dick. Porträt Philip K.

Philip K. Dick

Dick von Pete Welsch Leben[Bearbeiten] Philip Kindred Dick und seine Zwillingsschwester, Charlotte Jane Dick, wurden am 16.

The Man in the High Castle

Read Philip K. Dick’s Letter About Blade Runner. Script. Daily Philip K. Dick. Stanislaw Lem- Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans. Philip K. Dick - two early British viewpoints. The novels of Philip K.

Philip K. Dick - two early British viewpoints

Dick are likely to be familiar to most Forteans -- not because their subject matter is particularly Fortean, but because their author was virtually a Fortean phenomenon in himself, with his convoluted lifestyle of drugs, Gnostic theology and paranoia. Between the early 1950s and the late 1970s, Dick rose from being an obscure but prolific science fiction writer to a cult icon, acclaimed by everyone from counterculture dropouts to university professors and mainstream literary critics. While looking through some old bits and pieces in search of bloggable ideas, I came across two articles -- both from British magazines -- that illustrate just how dramatic this rise was. The earlier of the two articles (first page reproduced at left) comes from the September 1966 issue of New Worlds magazine. Eight years later, in July 1974, all this had changed. The Death of Philip K. Dick and the Birth of Cyberpunk.