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Top 10 best emulators for Android | Android. Thanks to inexpensive or even free emulators flooding the Android Market, it’s perfectly possible to play almost every game system released right up to Sony’s revolutionary PlayStation whenever or wherever you want. The only real problem is the lack of physical controls on Android phones, and while virtual control pads work relatively well a Bluetooth control pad – like the Game Gripper – is pretty essential for accurate play. Most emulators support them, while some impressively allow you to use a Wiimote as a controller (the D-pad and buttons, obviously), but check the write-ups on the Android Market to be sure.

If emulation is a more serious pastime for you, Sony’s hit Xperia Play mobile is the primo choice for the retro hardcore thanks to its classy slide-out control pad. To learn how to download emulators onto an Xperia Play (or any Android phone) read our handy guide. psx4droid SNesoid Astonishingly, net play is also possible via wi-fi or local Bluetooth. Gensoid NESoid GBAoid Marvin. Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange. Mobile.

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