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Aboriginal Spirituality

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Stolen Generations—effects and consequences. Effects on those who were stolen Members of the Stolen Generations often suffer from a range of problems. Searching for family. Aboriginal people of the Stolen Generations are still looking for their families [1]. This personal ad also documents that children were taken until the late 1970s. Loneliness.Low self esteem and feelings of worthlessness.Loss of identity. Carol Kendall’s thoughts reflect both the positive and negative side of not being told one’s identity: “When I was told I was Koori… I felt wonderful because this was the first information I had about who I was, me the real person, and I was Koori. I also felt frightened too because my skin was fair and I thought I wouldn’t be accepted by other Koories.” [30]I have no identity really.

Many members of the Stolen Generations also had their wages stolen from them. I suspect I'll carry these sorts of wounds 'til the day I die. Effects on family members who were not stolen “My god you look like mum” Effects on birth parents The Pillow. The men of the Fifth World (full documentary) Harold (1994) clip 2 on ASO. Teacher’s notes provided by This clip shows interviews with Harold Blair’s wife Dorothy Blair, her sister Florence Trevail, and Harold’s sister Meryl Thompson. Intercut with the interviews are still black-and-white photographs of Harold and Dorothy, together and separate, taken in the early days of their relationship. The voice of Harold Blair, who was a well-known tenor, is heard on the soundtrack. Educational value points Harold Blair, singer and Aboriginal activist, was born at Cherbourg Aboriginal Reserve in Queensland in 1924.

This clip starts approximately 12 minutes into the documentary. Dorothy is being interviewed in a room set up for a piano rehearsal. Outdoors, there are yellow flowers in sweeping bushland scenery, and more photographs of Dorothy and Harold together in their youth. Florence Trevail It was rather a shock to the whole family. Meryl Thompson, Harold’s sister, is interviewed outdoors with trees and bird calls in the background. Aboriginal section post 1945. Class Research - Studies of Religion Wiki. Week 2 Edit 1) To get a clear understanding of the dreaming, click on the following link from the Indigenous Australia website. When there, use the tabs at the top of the page and research the information about the Dreaming. Make some notes on this material. 2) Research and discover websites that cover the first three hyphens of the syllabus.

Keep notes with this material. For quick reference the syllabus material to research is: Discuss how Aboriginal spirituality is determined by the Dreaming – kinship – ceremonial life – obligations to the land and people Don't forget to remember the key verb: Discuss. Not sure what this means? Key Verbs Explanation 3) When you find a great website, share it with your classmates on the link from our wiki homepage Great Websites Page. We will give this 2 lessons!

- Mr Mac Week 3 This week we will be covering the following Syllabus Dot Points – separation from the land – separation from kinship groups Mr Mac Week 4 – Mabo Ta,