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Jean-Luc Raymond sur Twitter : "Is #Twitter dividing its userbase over #hearts and #stars? Is Twitter dividing its userbase over hearts and stars? The dawn of the war between hearts and stars may soon be upon us. Prepare yourself, and be ready to choose a side. This morning, in a blog post on the MTV Video Music Awards, the company showed off tweets featuring the customized moonman emoji for the event. But it wasn’t the most interesting icon in the photo: the tweets in question had hearts on the “Favorite” button. Twitter has since corrected those photos to remove the icons, but the original photos remain in the cached version. We reported on the hearts test back in June, but Twitter’s (likely unintentional) use of hearts in an official blog post has us thinking: are we going to have to choose between the star and the heart? Twitter told TNW that the test is now on Android, iPhone and Web, but refused to admit it’s taking any action beyond classic Twitter “experimenting.”

But it’s hard to ignore the fact that Twitter is tweaking its own signature recipe. But I guess the more important question is: Why? La musique au rythme de Twitter. Au fil des années, la plateforme est devenue un carrefour de conversation pour les artistes, les festivals et les amateurs de musique. La musique est l’un des sujets les plus populaires sur Twitter. Selon une étude* menée auprès d’un panel d’utilisateurs français de Twitter, un sur deux suit au moins un artiste et 71% des utilisateurs interrogés déclarent s’intéresser à la musique. Twitter est utilisé pour partager la musique que l’on aime, pour en découvrir, pour rester informé, mais aussi, pour échanger avec ses artistes préférés. Toute l’année Twitter résonne au rythme de la musique Twitter met le public à un Tweet de leurs chanteurs ou groupes préférés et les artistes apprécient la proximité offerte par la plateforme. Les principaux artistes et majors sont sur Twitter : d’@AndreaBocelli à @SnoopDogg en passant par @KatyPerry, @acdc, @PatrickBruelOff, @tryo, @davidguetta, @QueensChristine et bien d’autres encore. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

100 Hits Of The '70s by Various Artists. L'année 2014 sur Twitter. 2014 a été une année forte en émotions, dans le monde comme en France. Chaque jour, 500 millions de Tweets sont publiés. Dans tous les pays, à n’importe quelle heure, les utilisateurs de Twitter réagissent à l’actualité, partagent leur opinion ou leurs émotions, et échangent avec d’autres utilisateurs qui partagent les mêmes centres d’intérêts. Nous avons rassemblé les événements qui ont fait l’année 2014 sur

Retrouvez les grands moments qui ont marqué l’année 2014 dans le monde : Les Français n’ont pas été en reste. 2014 a également marqué l’émergence de nouvelles tendances. Pour célébrer cette fin d’année 2014, nous vous proposons de revivre les événements nationaux ou internationaux par le prisme de Twitter et de découvrir les derniers arrivés sur la plateforme, ainsi que ceux qui y sont revenus. Sport : la Coupe du Monde au top des conversations sur Twitter Les 64 matchs de la #CM2014 ont généré un volume global de 672 millions de Tweets dans le monde. #OnlyOnTwitter. Comprendre l'influence du temps sur le moral grâce à... Twitter.

Il s’appelle Jiwei Li. Il est chercheur à l’université de Stanford, aux Etats-Unis. Il veut savoir pourquoi l’été on a le moral alors que l’hiver on cafarde. Il a donc eu l’idée de se tourner vers Twitter et vers ce que l’on appelle le big data (ici). Il faut dire qu’en matière de données massives, Twitter est bien placé : plus de 800 millions d’abonnés dans le monde, 300 milliards de tweets depuis la création en 2006 et environ 500 millions de messages chaque jour. Ça en fait des déversements d’humeurs et d’émotions ! Pourquoi Standard & Poor's n'a rien compris au modèle économique de Twitter. Twitter est connu comme étant un réseau social fort prisé. C'est également une entreprise, cotée à la Bourse de New York. Pour l'instant, Twitter n'est pas rentable, même is son chiffre d'affaires, comme sa base d'utilisateurs, est en forte croissance. Cette semaine, Twitter s'est endetté sur les marchés en offrant de la dette au public.

Ces obligations portent sur une durée de 5 ans et de 7 ans. A contrario, à l'occasion de ce placement, l'agence de notation Standard & Poor's s'est fendue d'une note (non sollicitée) qui a donné à ces obligations une de ses notes les plus faibles. Nous avons ainsi deux verdicts complètement opposés. La première chose à faire remarquer c'est l'état global macroéconomique et financier. Autrement dit, il y a beaucoup d'argent (capital) qui cherche des opportunités d'investissement trop peu nombreuses (croissance trop faible). Mais ce n'est pas le seul facteur en jeu. Cette notion d'effet de réseau est très profonde. Intéressé par cet auteur ? Je m'abonne. Cyrille Frank sur Twitter : "#Twitter a de plus en plus de mal à recruter ses utilisateurs. CHART OF THE DAY: Twitter Is Having A Hard Time Attracting New Users.

Twitter reported earnings for its fiscal third quarter of 2014 on Monday. Revenue, earnings per share, and even monthly active users (MAUs) fell right in line with Wall Street expectations. There was no grand surprise, and the company’s stock tanked roughly 9% after the announcement. Twitter’s monthly active users are arguably the company’s most scrutinized metric, since everyone cares about how Twitter plans to regularly attract new users. But while membership rises each quarter, the growth of MAUs on the network continues to slow down. According to Twitter’s data charted for us by BI Intelligence, Twitter reported 284 million MAUs in Q3 — up from 271 million in Q2 — but year-over-year growth is down to around 21% this quarter, whereas growth in the year-ago quarter was just shy of 38%. Twitter has been trying new things like “buy” buttons to increase user engagement, but this slowdown in MAU growth was somewhat expected.

BI Intelligence. Danny Sullivan sur Twitter : "Twitter announces Digits, a phone number based account creation system #twitterflight. A Non-Developer's Guide To Fabric, Twitter's New Platform For Mobile Developers. Analytics. The_assets : #Twitter Is Considering a Deal ......... Twitter Is Considering a Deal to Buy SoundCloud. Twitter may try to buy its way out of its growth problem by making another move into music.

The company is considering a deal to acquire SoundCloud, the music and audio-sharing company, according to people familiar with both companies. UPDATE: Twitter has walked away from the deal, by letting an exclusive negotiation window lapse, according to a person familiar with the discussions. Berlin-based SoundCloud is a free service that lets users upload and share audio files around the Web; it likes to describe itself as the “YouTube for audio.”

In October 2013, the company announced that it had 250 million users. If the deal goes forward, and that’s by no means a certainty, it would likely be Twitter’s most expensive acquisition by some margin. A deal would also be Twitter’s second attempt to take advantage of the fact that some of its users talk about music and share links to songs they like. Both companies declined comment. That has caused friction for SoundCloud and Twitter in the past. French_SocialTV : Médiamétrie et Twitter... Un outil pour mesurer l’audience des tweets sur la télé. The Design Thinking Behind Twitter’s Revamped Profiles | Design. The new Twitter profile design. Image: WIRED There were a few different responses to yesterday’s news of Twitter redesigning its user profile pages. Some people liked it.

Some people hated it. Many rightly pointed out that it looked a lot like Facebook. But many others shared the sentiment of my colleague Mat Honan, who Tweeted, “Sure, I like my new profile page, but when do you ever look at someone’s Twitter profile?” It’s true that for people like me and you, Twitter is defined by the firehose-like barrage of Tweets known as the timeline. The redesign isn’t just about making Twitter friendlier for casual users. Over the course of the next few weeks, all Twitter users will get moved to the new profile page. Tweets appear a bit differently too. Shifting the Boat On one level, the redesign was just about giving the profile a fresh coat of paint. On the new profile page, each Tweet gets its own container, making for a slightly less intimidating stream.

Dave Bellona Photo: Twitter. DurBirDinlee : Orantısız duvar yazıları... Twitter Testing Major Profile Redesign That Looks a Lot Like Facebook. Twitter is testing a major profile redesign that's very reminiscent of Facebook and Google+. Mashable assistant features editor Matt Petronzio spotted on Tuesday a huge update to his Twitter profile page, with the main picture and bio scaled to the left and significantly more real estate dedicated to the header photo. The revamped tweet stream is also a departure from its signature look. There is a greater focus on photos and content cards. It moves away from a strictly vertical timeline too. It's common for Twitter to quietly test new features and design updates before tweaking or rolling it out to a larger user base. Under the header photo in the test is the count for tweets, photos/videos (a new category called out on the profile), who you are following, followers, favorites and lists.

Other profile pages viewed from an account with the new design are automatically made to look like this too. The company declined to comment on this story. Have something to add to this story? Twitter: What to Expect in 2014. Seven years ago, Twitter was just a small, ragtag collection of hackers fighting over the basic premise of the company and struggling to keep the site from crashing every other day. Twitter has come a long way since then. The company is on track to bring in more than half a billion dollars in revenue this year. It has more than 230 million monthly active users worldwide and some 2,300 employees in offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Dublin and Sao Paulo.

It navigated a smooth IPO in November (unlike another social network that shall remain nameless) and is now valued at around $35 billion. Twitter has grown up, but the business still needs to mature. The social network has just more than 53 million monthly active users in the U.S., significantly less than Facebook and only about a fifth of the country's total number of Internet users. Global user growth has slowed dramatically, both on a quarter-over-quarter basis and year-over-year. A Richer, Effortless Experience Profitable? Voici la liste des sites qui ont le plus de likes/partages Facebook et mentions Twitter.

D’après les bases de données de l’outil (via theatlantic) qui recense les articles les plus partagés sur les réseaux sociaux, voici le classement des sites ayant le plus de « j’aime »/partages Facebook et de retweets/mentions Twitter au cours du mois de Novembre 2013. Facebook Likes : Si vous pensiez que Buzzfeed et Upworthy menaient la danse des « j’aime », détrompez-vous… Le Huffington Post fait mieux : 27 millions de likes en novembre, contre 20 millions pour Buzzfeed et 17 millions pour Upworthy. CNN et Dailymail arrivent en 4 et 5è position avec 8 et 7 millions respectivement. Twitter Mentions : Ici le paysage est complètement différent : BBC mène le bal avec 2,3 millions de retweets et mentions, suivi de Mashable (1,2 million) et New York Times (1,1 million). Le Huffington Post n’arrive qu’en 4è place avec 900 000 mentions.

En nombre de mentions Twitter par article, c’est Mashable qui domine avec en moyenne 950 retweets/mentions par post. L’indicateur Nielsen-Twitter marque un tournant pour l’industrie télévisuelle. Pour mieux séduire les annonceurs publicitaires, réseaux sociaux et groupes audiovisuels cartographient les conversations sociales des internautes. Alors que l’entreprise vient d’annoncer une série de partenariats avec NBC et Comcast, Twitter publie son nouvel indicateur mesurant les conversations sociales en lien avec un contenu télévisuel, Facebook et d’autres réseaux sociaux s’engouffrent dans cette tendance afin d’aider les producteurs de contenu à valoriser leurs espaces publicitaires.

Ces nouveaux outils visent à quantifier les conversations sociales décuplant l’impact de certains contenus télévisuels et publicitaires sur les réseaux sociaux. Alors que l’expérience télévisuelle est de moins en moins cantonnée au petit écran traditionnel et que les adeptes du « second screen » se multiplient, ces réseaux sociaux proposent une meilleure quantification et contextualisation des conversations sociales. Une meilleure cartographie des conversations sociales. Why getting married to the TV industry may not be the road to success Twitter is hoping for. Ever since Twitter filed the official documents for its initial public offering, there has been a spotlight on the company’s growth plans — and one big component of those plans revolves around being the “second screen” for TV shows, providing the kind of social experience (and ads) that networks are looking for.

But what if shacking up with your television set isn’t the road to riches that Twitter and its investors are hoping for? That’s the prospect that Travis Winkler of Hulu raised in a recent blog post, in which he argued that Twitter’s focus on a tight integration with the television industry limits the company’s potential valuation. Why? For the simple reason that the television world is in the process of being disrupted by a series of systemic forces, including time-shifting, downloading, streaming and fragmentation of the overall market.

As he puts it: Severin_cassan : 2 exemples de Twitter Cards... Instagram. 13 Photos That Made Twitter Massive. Why TV will play a big role in Twitter’s IPO. We don’t know much about Twitter’s planned IPO, thanks to the company’s decision to file its papers with the SEC confidentially. But we do know is that the timing is perfect. The fall TV season is just about to begin. That means that shows like Scandal are returning to the TV screen, ready to once again mobilize thousands of #gladiators (as the show’s fans call themselves on Twitter) to comment on each and every twist and turn with countless tweets and clever hashtags. And as they and other TV fans take to Twitter to celebrate their favorite shows and characters, Twitter’s TV ambitions are going to become a lot more obvious. Twitter has long worked to strike partnerships with TV networks who are eager to boost ratings and real-time engagement with tweets.

Scandal is one of Twitter’s big success stories. ABC’s on-air promotion of hashtags for Scandal. A $66 billion ad market in the US alone But this informal approach that doesn’t mean that TV isn’t big business for Twitter. Twitter Releases Spotify App. Remember when Twitter bought We Are Hunted, whose creators then built Twitter’s #music app, which was initially super popular in part due to its cool design and the fact that everybody uses Twitter, but then it ran into a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem?

Near the beginning of that process, We Are Hunted put its Spotify app on hold, presumably because Twitter wanted its own Spotify app, and didn’t want to confuse things by offering two different music charts. On Thursday afternoon, Twitter released its own Spotify app (Spotify link), bringing two of the biggest brands on the internet together. Twitter’s Spotify app plays all of the music it lists, for free, if you have the desktop version of Spotify (the standalone version of Twitter #music linked out to Rdio and Spotify, but this app is arguably more seamless).

And of course these are not lame 30- or 90-second samples — these are the complete songs. Your Twitter account has been hacked! Here's what to do about it. De à Twitter, les nouveaux enjeux de la vidéo sur internet pour TF1. Twitter teste une bannière SocialTV. Twitter's Future: Commerce, Dinner Reservations and More TV Tie-Ins.

What if Twitter launched a #TV app? Here’s what it could look like. Can Twitter elevate the “second screen” with live video? Twitter, quel impact réel sur les audiences TV ? Second Screen Engagement: Twitter VP @joell to Share Latest Trends #SESNY. New media? Why social media is just like television. MIT Professor Creates Algorithm To Predict Trending Topics On Twitter – Before Twitter. Tweet Analytics | home. Apple Is Said to Discuss an Investment in Twitter. [Etude] Facebook et Twitter au bureau, c’est bon pour l’entreprise ! Twitter va-t-il (enfin) trouver son business model ? Facebook and Twitter creating vain generation of self-obsessed people. And the Top Twitter Trends of 2010 Are… Help Center.

2morrowknight: 16 People on Twitter Who Inspire the World. 7s7 People - 50 Cent banni de Twitter (1150160) Réseaux sociaux : le spectre du consensus mou » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Prospect for Business Using LinkedIn and Twitter Together. 10 Ways to track what people are saying about you on Twitter :: 10,000 Words. What your Twitter @name says about you* L'ABC de Twitter: 8 points à connaître pour en maximiser son utilisation - Actualités Techno - Listes.

Time-Lapse Twitter Visualization Shows America’s Moods. CHART OF THE DAY: Here's How Much A Unique Visitor Is Worth. Comment Savoir quand un Twittos fait Dodo | TwitteRada. Measuring Success of URLs Posted on Twitter - Web Analytics, Beh. Twitter + Video = Magic! (And Engagement!) Twitter : média d’actualités ou réseau social ? StatusNet | Open Source microblogging service.

Study: Twitter Is Not a Very Social Network. Small, useful tools for Twitter. Report: Facebook and Twitter Battle for Social TV Ad Space.