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Access Denied. Qwant. This awesome periodic table tells you how to actually use all those elements. Thanks to high school, we’ve all got a pretty good idea about what’s on the periodic table.

This awesome periodic table tells you how to actually use all those elements

But whether you’re looking at something common like calcium, iron, and carbon, or something more obscure like krypton and antimony, how well do you know their functions? Could you name just one practical application for vanadium or ruthenium? Lucky for us, Keith Enevoldsen from has come up with this awesome periodic table that gives you at least one example for every single element (except for those weird superheavy elements that don’t actually exist in nature). There’s thulium for laser eye surgery, cerium for lighter flints, and krypton for flashlights.

You’ve got strontium for fireworks, and xenon for high-intensity lamps inside lighthouses.

Masse et volume

Access denied. Physique et Chimie au Collège. - cours et outils de chimie gratuits en ligne. La physique c'est fantastique. PCCL - Cours et exercices corrigés pour la 5e. - Contrôles et leurs corrigés, évaluation, correction - Pédagogie - Soutien scolaire en animations pédagogiques flash pour les sciences physiques et chimie 5e. - Physique Chimie au Collège.

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Physique-chimie - Ressources Physique-chimie cycle 4.