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64 règles pour apprivoiser ton ego et réaliser ton âme. Alejandro Jodorowsky (dans “Le plaisir de penser 122“): 1 • Ne transforme pas une douleur en souffrance : laisse-la venir, laisse-la passer, ne t’enchaîne pas à elle… 2 • Sois ce que tu es dans le présent, laisse le passé derrière, ne te charge pas de fautes. 3 • Élimine toute angoisse du futur. 4 • Travaille à ton évolution jusqu’au dernier moment de ta vie… 5 • Ne rends de comptes à personne : sois ton propre juge.

64 règles pour apprivoiser ton ego et réaliser ton âme

David Guetta - Turn Me On ft. Nicki Minaj. REPRISE. Tatuador “reconstruye” pezones de mujeres que fueron víctimas del cáncer de mama. Quizás Veas Los Tatuajes De Una Manera Muy Distinta Después De Verlos En Ella. Científicos planean convertir los residuos en la isla flotante del Océano Pacífico. Océano Pacífico FOTO: internet.

Científicos planean convertir los residuos en la isla flotante del Océano Pacífico

3D-printed sugar could be icing on the cake for kitchens of the future. For anyone who gets the munchies at the office, it sounds like a fantasy: print your own cake.

3D-printed sugar could be icing on the cake for kitchens of the future

But a husband and wife architectural design team in Los Angeles is close to making it reality, by producing custom 3D-printed sugar for "mega cool cakes". Kyle and Liz von Hasseln have adapted the technology to design, digitally model and print original sugar sculptures – frosting – for confectionary, turning their company, The Sugar Lab, into a thriving business. "It's such an exciting intersection between technology, food, and art. We've been getting excited reactions from all over the world," Liz von Hasseln said on Thursday. New York City then and now. An unusual collection of photographs from the archives of crime news of the New York Daily News newspaper made in the style of “then and now”.

New York City then and now

Added description, references to the scene and in some places the original photo to make it clearer. 1. March 19, 1942. In the photo Edna Egbert mother soldier who went to the front, and from which there was not a single news since then. Deciding that his son was killed, she was mad with grief and went to the cornice of the building to jump off. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3D printed cast – CORTEX – JAKE EVILL. July 1, 2013 AT 12:00 am After many centuries of splints and cumbersome plaster casts that have been the itchy and smelly bane of millions of children, adults and the aged alike, the world over, we at last bring fracture support into the 21st century.

3D printed cast – CORTEX – JAKE EVILL

The Cortex exoskeletal cast provides a highly technical and trauma zone localized support system that is fully ventilated, super light, shower friendly, hygienic, recyclable and stylish.The cortex cast utilizes the x-ray and 3d scan of a patient with a fracture and generates a 3d model in relation to the point of fracture. Robohand » Customised, Fitted, Mechanical Fingers and Hands. Las impresiones en 3D permiten crear mejores yesos y miembros ortopédicos. Rebuilding the Body with Bionics. Prostheses: So What Do We Do With All These Nerves?

Rebuilding the Body with Bionics

So What Has Been Done? In the 1970’s a great deal of research was being done involving connecting sensory prostheses with the nerve cells of the body. One problem at the time was that the only way to pick up a signal was to impale the nerve tissue, thus destroying the nerve. The advent of the silicon receptor has solved this problem, and machine to nerve connections are now a possibility, nevertheless research of the 1970’s has been crucial to the understanding of the nervous system and the development of a bionic body.

So What Do We Know and What are the Problems? Rebuilding The Human Body. I often post articles relating to medical technology, but today I’m going to focus on just those technologies that are available or being researched now that can be implanted into (or onto) humans.

Rebuilding The Human Body

Specifically, I am going to talk about several new technologies that promise to restore (and one day replace) faulty biological systems. We will start at the top. Eyes: Scientific American reports that scientists have created a retinal implant that can restore sight to some of the blind. Light-detecting cones (called photoreceptors) in the eyes that malfunction cause some forms of blindness. Water Supply/Conservation : The Centre for Alternative Technology Eco Store. Innovation et participation dans les domaines de la gestion des déchets. Julie Nioche - L’équipe - A.I.M.E. - AIME.

Julie Nioche est danseuse et chorégraphe, diplômée du CNSMD - Conservatoire National Supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris en 1996.

Julie Nioche - L’équipe - A.I.M.E. - AIME

Elle a travaillé comme interprète auprès d’Odile Duboc, Hervé Robbe, Meg Stuart, Alain Michard, Catherine Contour, Emmanuelle Huynh, Alain Buffard, Jennifer Lacey. De 1996 à 2007, elle co-dirige l’association Fin novembre avec Rachid Ouramdane au sein de laquelle elle participe à des projets communs et initie les siens propres. Elle y met également en place de nombreux dispositifs de recherche plus informels.

Elle débute en 2000 un cursus universitaire en psychologie, une formation en ostéopathie validée en 2008 et participe à plusieurs colloques d’éthique médicale. Julie Nioche a créé A.I.M.E. en 2007 avec une équipe de chercheurs-enseignants, acteurs du monde associatif et praticiens du corps. En 2012, elle co-signe sa nouvelle création Voleuse avec la scénographe et architecte Virginie Mira. Chalon dans la Rue - Festival TransNational des artistes de la Rue - Chalon sur Saône. Recherches théoriques / personnelles / subjectives sur ou pour une DRAMATURGIE DU CIRQUE.

Lo Llamaban Chuleta De Cerdo Cuando Niño. Tomó Ese Dolor Y Lo Cocinó En Esto. Árbol de la vida. Las herramientas que construyeron el árbol de la vida. Las herramientas que construyeron el árbol de la vida Dra.

Las herramientas que construyeron el árbol de la vida

María Susana Rossi* IFIBYNE-Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales- Universidad de Buenos Aires Ciudad Universitaria, Pabellón 2. C1428EGA Recibido 12/8/05. Aceptado 30/8/05 versión para imprimir Una de las características que nos distinguen del resto de los seres vivos es el lenguaje. Como parte de su mecanismo, necesitamos describir aquello que nos rodea, lo que implica asignar nombres que permitan identificar a los objetos animados e inanimados. The 38 Most Haunting Abandoned Places On Earth. For Some Reason, I Can’t Look Away… Top Things Women Invented! Because Who is Perfect? JeeYoung Lee. 50 Creative Ways to Repurpose, Reuse and Upcycle Old Things. If you’re like me, you probably have a lot of old stuff just lying around your house.

50 Creative Ways to Repurpose, Reuse and Upcycle Old Things

It’s not doing anything but taking up space, but you’re either too busy (or lazy), sentimental or just have more important things to deal with. Well if you’re looking for a little inspiration or a new DIY project, here are 50 creative ways to repurpose, reues and upcycle old things. There’s a pretty broad range in this list but hopefully a handful jump out and spark an idea for you and your home! 1. Reuse Toilet Paper Rolls to Organize Cables and Chords. Art Gens - Un pôle d'attraction où l'art vient éclairer la problématique des déchets. Art Gens - Art Gens - Recyclage artistique, Sensibilisation au tri et aux déchets - La récup devient art. Upcycling, rien ne se perd, tout se transforme. Uncategorized. Eco Fashion Talk. Andrea Zittel is a California based sculptor and installation artist, whose work is an ongoing experiment and exploration in living as it relates to shelter, food, furniture and clothing, and is in response to her daily routines and surroundings.

In the early 1990’s, as a young artist, with very little money, and working at an office job where she was expected to wear “something respectable”, she conceived of the “Uniform Project”. Now her longest running continuous art project, it started as a pragmatic response to her situation, at the same time confronting the values placed on fashion. Each season Zittel designed one perfect black dress, which she wore every day for an entire season. Made by a professional seamstress to her specifications, she would replace her perfect black dress each season with another seasonal creation. Fascinated by the flexibility of felting, Andrea Zittel creates seamless dresses formed directly into fiber and form in three dimensions. Valorisation des déchets. "El teatro es, durante algunas horas, una utopía": entrevista con Ariane Mnouchkine en la Escuela de Espectadores - Palos y Piedras - Edición N° 2 - Revista del CCC.

Ariane Mnouchkine. Biography[edit] Ariane Mnouchkine is the daughter of Russian film producer Alexandre Mnouchkine and Jane Hannen. She is the maternal granddaughter of British stage actor Nicholas "Beau" Hannen. Ariane is the namesake of the production company "Ariane Films" that was founded by her father. Mnouchkine attended University in England and studied psychology before returning to her roots in theatre. Abstract.

Ethnoscenology The term "Ethnoscenology" is a neologism, constructed on the common model used in scientific terminology for identifying a new discipline. The official founding took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 3 May 1995, followed at the Maison des Cultures du Monde by an international colloquium the same afternoon and the following day. Within merely three years, an international network of researchers has been established, who organized colloquia in Cuernavaca (Mexico) in June 1996, Salvador (Brazil) in 1997 and Paris (France) in 1998. Several doctoral theses in ethnoscenology have been defended, while others are currently in progress. Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Edmund Husserl. Edmund Husserl en 1900. Espacio 528 - Cuerpo en Movimiento. Category: 1 - Carolina Jimenes - Psicoterapia, Danza Movimiento Terapia y Movimiento Auténtico.

Denis Darzacq, La Chute. Depuis plus de 15 ans , j’interroge la place de l’individu dans la cité. Pour ce travail spécifique, j’utilise une construction photographique qui oppose deux réalités sans manipulations numériques. Si par hasard <h7>L’immédiat : si par hasard. Untitled. La Putyka - Risk. Superar un trauma y aumentar la resiliencia. Scarred For Life. Scarred For Life.