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Techniques for Changing Minds. How To Use 10 Psychological Theories To Persuade People. What are we really talking about when we’re talking about conversions?

How To Use 10 Psychological Theories To Persuade People

Persuasion, right? Influence. When we talk about conversions, we are, most of the time, discussing ways we can be more persuasive, more influential. We’re interested in meeting the needs of customers, fans, and followers and doing so in a way that truly speaks to them. So how can you persuade--i.e., convert--better?

Stories and persuasion

Designing for Behavioral Change in Health. Designing applications to encourage a certain kind of behavior (especially with regards to health) is a rapidly emerging subfield of interaction design.

Designing for Behavioral Change in Health

Best practices are constantly evolving. With such a wide range of proven applications – from fitness monitoring wristbands to doctor-patient communication tools – the field is a great source of both inspiration as well as design strategies. While studying social and cognitive psychology can help designers learn how people think, behavior(al) design shows designers what they can do about it. Additional Event: 23rd April – Designing for Engagement with Susan Weinschenk.