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Siavash: Programmer vs Management #LoL... Facebook Tornado: FriendFeed’s Real-Time Web Framework Goes Open. As part of Facebook’s open source initiative , the company is today releasing the web framework that powers the real-time functionality of recently acquired FriendFeed as an open source tool. The Facebook Developer blog explains more about the framework, dubbed the Tornado Web Server .

Written in Python, Tornado was developed from the ground up to handle thousands of simultaneous connections — critical to powering FriendFeed’s real-time functionality. Tornado puts its primary focus squarely on speed and handling the load from large amounts of traffic, differentiating it from similar frameworks in Python. Facebook’s Director of Products, Bret Taylor, explains on his blog the technical details of Tornado more in-depth.

Kowari. Joseki - A SPARQL Server for Jena. Scalability Report on Triple Store Applications. See also the PDF version, requires a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Scalability Report on Triple Store Applications

Abstract This report examines a set of open source triple store systems suitable for The SIMILE Project's browser-like applications.