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TESSA - Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Portada. Learning Objects at What are Learning Objects? What can a Learning Object's learning activity include? Why is there an argument over Learning Objects? Why should I use Learning Objects? Advantages of Learning Objects for individuals.Advice for the use of Learning Objects.More Learning Objects characteristics. What are Learning Objects? Broadly speaking, Learning Objects are small, reusable chunks of instructional media. You can think of learning objects as the "Lego blocks" of instruction upon which educational experiences can be built. A Learning Object "Is defined as the smallest independent structural experience that contains an objective, a learning activity and an assessment. " 1. 2. 3. And more broadly speaking: 4. What can a Learning Object's learning activity include? A Learning activity can contain text, multimedia (audio, video, computer software and tools), and references as well as any other instructional tool including programs, cases, and simulations.

Why is there an argument over Learning Objects? Eureca. Mark Twain in His Times Homepage. Odds_2005.pdf (application/pdf Objeto) Recursos de CEPIndalo. Home.