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yEd - Graph Editor. “ As a software developer, I used to use Graphviz for my code comprehension needs.

yEd - Graph Editor

While its compact format has its advantages, it was just too much effort to input data - particularly relationships. I wanted to be able to create relationships by dragging my mouse from one node to another. This is exactly how yEd works.You don't have to sacrifice the longevity of plain-text that Graphviz files offer. yEd works entirely on the XML-based GraphML format. You get the same benefits of cross-platform support and exporting to SVG, PNG, PDF etc. as with Graphviz. But yEd is that it is written in Java yet has a 100% native look and feel (so on Mac, you can zoom in and out with 2 finger scrolling).The best feature for me is its ability to group nodes and collapse/expand them.

Optimizando obsesivamente las consultas al MySQL. Para ir al grano y que no perdáis el tiempo los que no estéis interesados en esta frikada de optimización de consultas a base de datos [MySQL]: el código siguiente es el código SQL que selecciona y obtiene los datos de los enlaces que aparece en la portada del Menéame.

Optimizando obsesivamente las consultas al MySQL

Nota: Las variables que comienzan con $, como $from o $where son variables asignadas desde el PHP para definir las condiciones (publicadas o pendientes, ordenadas por fecha o por karma, etc). Las que comienzan con @, como @user_id o @ip_int, son variables de sesión del MySQL. La pregunta es ¿por qué tan complicado?

¿por qué esos LEFT e INNER JOIN en vez de consultas más simples? Por eficiencia, y también comodidad, como intentaré explicar en este apunte. . [1] Y así acabamos matando mosquitos a mosquetazos, i.e. recurriendo a soluciones “NoSql” sin siquiera darnos cuenta que mejor es la escopeta de al lado, que está bien probada. Estructura de un enlace Vamos a ver cuál es la estructura básica de un enlace: Iteradores. Types of Member Functions in C++ Classes. Types of Member Functions We already know what member functions are and what they do.

Types of Member Functions in C++ Classes

Now lets study some special member functins present in the class. Studytonight. 14 Coding Challenges to Help You Train Your Brain. Programming is becoming an essential part of nearly every industry known to man, the way it helps to organize and maintain large systems is not possible to compare to anything else, and so more and more people begin their journey.

14 Coding Challenges to Help You Train Your Brain

You can learn to code both from interactive platforms and also from books – whichever you find most appropriate and easy to learn from. But, sometimes that’s not good enough, and we want to practice new things. Coding is a lot about creativity, your ability to come up with new and interesting ideas; but sometimes, due to a large amount of time spent tackling common problems, we forget about creativity. I’m not quite sure whether that is the reason coding challenges were made, but they certainly help with the part where you need to think of your own stuff to program. We could say that coding challenges are great for: 1. 2. HackerEarth provides a SaaS application to do an automated assessment of the technical and logical skills of candidates. 3. Discover how to build an app with these easy-to-follow tutorials.

C++ Tutorial for Beginners. Courses. Programmer Competency Matrix. Free-programming-books/ at master · vhf/free-programming-books. - StumbleUpon. HTML5 Presentation. In March 1936, an unusual confluence of forces occurred in Santa Clara County.

HTML5 Presentation

A long cold winter delayed the blossoming of the millions of cherry, apricot, peach, and prune plum trees covering hundreds of square miles of the Valley floor. Then, unlike many years, the rains that followed were light and too early to knock the blossoms from their branches. Instead, by the billions, they all burst open at once. Seemingly overnight, the ocean of green that was the Valley turned into a low, soft, dizzyingly perfumed cloud of pink and white. Uncounted bees and yellow jackets, newly born, raced out of their hives and holes, overwhelmed by this impossible banquet. Then came the wind. It roared off the Pacific Ocean, through the nearly uninhabited passes of the Santa Cruz Mountains and then, flattening out, poured down into the great alluvial plains of the Valley.

