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14 Coding Challenges to Help You Train Your Brain

14 Coding Challenges to Help You Train Your Brain
Programming is becoming an essential part of nearly every industry known to man, the way it helps to organize and maintain large systems is not possible to compare to anything else, and so more and more people begin their journey. You can learn to code both from interactive platforms and also from books – whichever you find most appropriate and easy to learn from. But, sometimes that’s not good enough, and we want to practice new things. Coding is a lot about creativity, your ability to come up with new and interesting ideas; but sometimes, due to a large amount of time spent tackling common problems, we forget about creativity. I’m not quite sure whether that is the reason coding challenges were made, but they certainly help with the part where you need to think of your own stuff to program. We could say that coding challenges are great for: 1. 2. HackerEarth provides a SaaS application to do an automated assessment of the technical and logical skills of candidates. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. Related:  Code - programmation

Identifying Electronic Components How-to identify and locate information for electronics components you can recycle from discarded gadgets. Brandon gives us example pictures and descriptions for most types of electronics components to help you stock up your home electronics lab. This is a must read for new electronics hobbyist. This article was submitted by Brandon Uhlig as part of the “Hobby parts for articles ” program. Brandon receives a Modern Device Company Bare Bones Arduino Kit for this fantastic article. Scrounging for parts is a great way for hobbyists to save some money. The focus will be on common reusable through-hole components hobbyists will be most likely to scrounge and re-use. Obviously, this is by no means a complete list, there are way to many different electronic components to put into a quick guide, but maybe this will give you some ideas to narrow down your search on an elusive component. Resistors are one of the most used components in a circuit. Potentiometers are variable resistors. Answers——————

Répertoire des éditeurs HTML - Créer et se dépanner en HTML Services Abonnez-vousGratuit Se connecter Fermer Oublié votre mot de passe ou pseudo? S'abonner à l'édition intégrale Accueil > Formations et ressources > Liste des répertoires > Répertoire des éditeurs HTML - Créer et se dépanner en HTML Répertoire des éditeurs HTML - Créer et se dépanner en HTML Répertoire des éditeurs HTML - Créer et se dépanner en HTML Plus de 30 éditeurs HTML 905 Rue de Nemours,bur. 217, Québec, QC G1H 6Z5CanadaTél.: 418-781-6423 poste 2135 19Partager Qui n’a jamais eu à jouer dans le code HTML d’un site ou d’un article à un moment où un autre ? Éditeurs HTML en ligne Éditeurs HTML libres WYSIWYG - Affichage TelTel Editeurs HTML pour développeurs Services d'édition de sites Niveau : Populaire Sujets : Programmation - Langages informatiques Infographie - DAO - Design web Internet - Médias interactifs Outils graphiques Mots-clés : HTML, Programmation, Application web, Création De Sites Internet Produits de cette institution Répertoire du socio-financement : $ € En voir +

gameQuery - a javascript game engine with jQuery The API has changed since this tutorial was written and it has not been updated yet, please have a look at the migration guide. In this tutorial I will guide you into making a simple javascript game from scratch. I’ve chosen a very basic side scrolling shooter for this first tutorial. At the bottom of every page there is a comment section. Prerequisites I will try my best to make this tutorial understandable to they layman, even those without prior knowledge of programming or web design. The codes snippets have been enhanced to provide a contextual link to the gameQuery API documentation. Warning English is not my mother tongue so expect a lot of spelling errors or typos but please don’t hesitate to send in an email to point them out to me. This is a series of tools that can come-in handy. Graphics: Development: Firefox – Well obviously you will need a web-browser at some time! The first kind of enemy is the most frequent, we shall call them “minions”. next step: Sprites and Animations

CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet - Justin Aguilar How it works The CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet is a set of preset, plug-and-play animations for your web projects. All you need to do is add the stylesheet to your website and apply the premade CSS classes to the elements you want animated. The CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet uses CSS3 @keyframes and works on all the latest browsers (that's IE 10). Add the animation stylesheet to the <head> element of your webpage: Replace css with the name of the directory where the animation stylesheet is. Add an animation class to the element you want animated: Replace slideUp with the desired animation class. For entrance animations, you need to make them invisible by adding the visibility: hidden property to the animated element: visibility: hidden; is used to hide elements before the animation is activated. The values for these animations are relative to the element's size. Adding effects Add jQuery to the <head> element of your webpage: Replace slideUp with an animation class.

Hack any paid WiFi hotspot in about 30 seconds (The above video was banned from YouTube on 9/12/2014 and hence has been re-uploaded to Vimeo. No explanation for the ban was given. The original YouTube video identifier was: Agodg3dmwaQ ). Or rather, DON'T hack any paid WiFi hotspots, as that would be bad... Also, don't turn your WiFi card off and then back on again after the hack to rectify any MAC address conflicts that might arise. The commands are: ifconfig en1 | grep ether arp -a sudo ifconfig en1 ether [mac address to spoof] Note that the term "MAC address" has nothing to do with Macintosh computers.

10 Useful Features Hidden in VLC, The Swiss Army Knife of Media Players There’s a good chance you already use the VLC media player. But VLC isn’t just a media player — it’s a complete Swiss Army Knife for digital videos and music, filled with useful and fun features you haven’t found yet. If you’re just using VLC to play back local media files, you’re only using a tiny fraction of VLC’s capabilities. There’s so much more you can do with VLC, whether you’re using it on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Convert Media Files VLC can convert media files between the formats it supports. To do this, click the Media menu and select Convert / Save. Stream Media Over the Network or Internet VLC can stream media across the Internet or on your local network. Of course, if you want to stream over the Internet, you’ll probably need to forward ports on your router. Record Your Desktop VLC can load your desktop as an input device. Remotely Control Playback From a Browser VLC has an integrated HTTP server you can enable. Watch YouTube Videos Play Internet Radio

MOOC Art-duino : Fabriquer des objets libres connectés créatifs avec Arduino Après le succès de son MOOC : Apprendre à réaliser des vidéos pro avec son smartphone, la prestigieuse Ecole des Gobelins (Paris) lance un nouveau MOOC (formation en ligne ouverte à tous) : Art-duino : fabriquer des objets connectés créatifs à partir du 23 février 2017 sur 5 semaines consécutives avec un effort nécessaire estimé à 3 heures par semaine ; un cours sans aucun prérequis particulier qui intéressera bien des animateurs multimédia en EPN. Inscription gratuite sur FUN-MOOC à cette adresse : Apprendre à réaliser des vidéos pro avec son smartphone. Contexte de créativité du MOOC Art-duino Le MOOC permet d’apprendre à utiliser la carte de programmation libre Arduino Uno et de faire découvrir aux apprenants comment connecter ses papertoys à Internet pour en faire des objets connectés. Ce MOOC est coordonné par Thierry Audoux et Jean-Marie Defrance, enseignants à l’Ecole de Gobelins. Les 5 objectifs du MOOC Plan du MOOC Art-Duino 3 projets à mener

Category:Programming Tasks Programming tasks are problems that may be solved through programming. When such a task is defined, Rosetta Code users are encouraged to solve them using as many different languages as they know. The end goal is to demonstrate how the same task is accomplished in different languages. These are the Programming Tasks that have been defined and solved. The Category:Simple is a small subset with only "really simple" tasks, like "Hello World", and demonstrations of basic language-features. The Category:Draft Programming Tasks is a list of tasks, some of which are just awaiting more implementations before they can be promoted to tasks. Read the guidelines on creating new tasks. The following 871 pages are in this category, out of 871 total.

21 Really Useful & Handy PHP Code Snippets PHP is the most widely used web based programming language that powers millions of websites including some of the most popular ones like Facebook. Here are 21 really useful and handy PHP code snippets that every type of PHP developer will find useful. 1. Human Readable Random String This code will create a human readable string that will look more close to dictionary words, useful for captchas. function readable_random_string($length = 6){ $conso=array("b","c","d","f","g","h","j","k","l", "m","n","p","r","s","t","v","w","x","y","z"); $vocal=array("a","e","i","o","u"); $password=""; srand ((double)microtime()*1000000); $max = $length/2; for($i=1; $i<=$max; $i++) { $password. 2. If you don’t need human readable string, then use this function instead, which will create a random string you can use for user id’s etc. 3. With this snippet, you can encode any email address into HTML entities so that spam bots do not find it. 4. 5. 6. Delete a directory including its contents. 7. 8. 9. 10.

69 Awesome Brain Hacks That Give You Mind-Blowing Powers Remember when Neo got to choose between the red pill and the blue pill? The blue pill would have put him back to sleep in the fake world of cubicles and steaks in the Matrix, where the red pill would wake him up to the real world and its industrial womb factory. You probably just chalked that scene up to another case of Hollywood turning a complicated situation into a simplistic metaphor, but what you probably didn't realize is that you're living out your own little Matrix scenario every time you go to the pharmacy. "I really hope being swallowed by a mirror is covered by my insurance." What? Did you notice how the red pill would let Neo "wake up" to the real world, but the blue pill would let him stay "asleep" in the dream world? Blue, blue and blue -- if not the package, then the pill itself. What the hell? So, in a different experiment, subjects were told they were going to get a sedative or a stimulant, when in fact they were getting neither -- all of the pills were placebos.

Hot cocoa cookies I am a teeny bit obsessed with the cookies from the most recent issue of EveryDay with Rachael Ray magazine. This recipe is the second of many cookie recipes on my list to make this holiday season. Sweets are taking over my life! I don't think I need to tell you that these were tasty. Ooey gooey chocolatey marshmallowy deliciousness. In a medium saucepan, melt together: 1 stick (4 ounces) unsalted butter 12 oz. chopped semisweet chocolate (bars) Stir frequently over medium heat until smooth. In a medium bowl, whisk together: 1 1/2 cups flour 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt Using an electric mixer, beat together: 1 1/4 cups light brown sugar 3 eggs, at room temperature 1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract Beat on low speed until smooth, 2 minutes. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Meanwhile, cut 7.5 ounces of semisweet chocolate (bars) into 1-inch squares. Grate 5 ounces of semisweet chocolate over the hot cookies. Enjoy!

LookingGlass: créer des animations ou des jeux en 3D en programmant façon scratch Un logiciel d’animation en 3D qui permet de s’initier à des rudiments de code informatique dans le même temps. Looking Glass dispose en prime d’une communauté qui le rend assez dynamique pour un travail universitaire. le principe est très simple. Vous choisissez une scène, des personnages, des objets et autres éléments de décor dans une bibliothèque assez fournie. Puis vous programmez le tout en déplaçant des blocs de programmation. Il faudra donc commencer par choisir une scène. Le logiciel offre un certain nombre de scènes prédéfinies mais vous pouvez tout aussi bien en créer une nouvelle à partir de rien. les scènes sont éditables et peuvent elles aussi contenir des éléments de programmation. il est ainsi possible de faire varier la caméra notamment et bien entendu de modifier tous les éléments présents. Une fous tous vos éléments en place, il faut passer à la programmation. Pour finir, vous pouvez exporter votre travail sous forme d’une vidéo comme un véritable film d’animation.

Beginning Game Development: Part VIII - DirectSound | Coding4Fun Articles Welcome to the eighth article on beginning game development. We have spent a lot of time working with the graphics capabilities of DirectX. We also covered how the DirectX API allows us to control input devices. Now we are going to look at another facet of DirectX, the ability to control sound devices. This capability is found in the DirectSound and AudioVideoPlayback namespaces. Sound in Games Sound creates an ambiance in a game that provides for a more immersive game experience. Sound effects also provide the same audible cues we expect in real life, such as the direction and speed of a person approaching us based on the volume, direction, and frequency of the footsteps. In BattleTank2005 I want to integrate sound in the following way. Secondly, I want to be able to play background music during game play and I want to control what music plays when in the game. DirectSound The DirectSound namespace only supports playing 2 channel waveform audio data at fixed sampling rates (PCM). Device
