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Technology and the Brightest Young Minds in Music, Art, Film, and Design. Extinct Toys. Takeji Nakagawa’s Wooden Toys. Posted by Michael Pinto on Mar 29, 2008 in Hobbies and Collections | Takeji Nakagawa is a Japanese craftsman who makes his futuristic toys out of our types of wood: keyaki (a Japanese tree of the genus Zelkova), teak, walnut and white ash.

Takeji Nakagawa’s Wooden Toys

There’s an interesting article on him at, and his website is Found via and NEW! Elephant & Rhinoceros Wooden Heirloom Toys by David Weeks. Email It’s no secret that we’re huge fans of designer David Weeks‘ heirloom quality wooden toys.

NEW! Elephant & Rhinoceros Wooden Heirloom Toys by David Weeks

We’ve previously featured his animal kingdom offerings: his sustainable wood Simian, Hanno the Gorilla, and his personable and poseable Ursa the Bear. Weeks’ refreshing interpretation of robotic toys also made news here at Inhabitots, when we highlighted his mean, green Cubebots. The master craftsman has added two new characters, both made from sustainably harvested beech wood, to his impressive line-up: Hattie the Elephant and Simus the Rhino. Both Simus and Hattie will be cherished additions to any animal-loving child’s play kingdom. . + Hattie the Elephant $125 + Simus the Rhino $110 + David Weeks Studio. Dashboard. Skip to this view's content Please enter your e-mail address below, and we will e-mail instructions for setting a new password.


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GRASP Laboratory - University Of Pennsylvania. Animaciones. StopMotion. 3dMAX. Diseño interactivo. CNC Panel Joinery Notebook. I’ve been collecting clever ways of slotting flat stock together since I first read Nomadic Furniture back in 1999, well before the advent of the accessible hobby-class CNC tools that, today, make manufacturing parts like these pretty easy.

CNC Panel Joinery Notebook

Now, the world is full of people designing models, project enclosures, sculpture, furniture, and all kinds of other cool stuff to be assembled from parts made on laser cutters and CNC routers, and I keep expecting a definitive book or website to emerge that covers the “bag of tricks” in an organized way. So far, I haven’t found it. I may have missed it. Or maybe this article can serve as a jumping-off point. In any case, I think it’s time to open up my file. In presenting this material, I want to first acknowledge my respect for the world’s established and ancient traditions of joinery.

I may abuse some terms, without meaning to, and I am glad to be corrected by those who are in the know about traditional joinery. Laser vs. Biasing Cross (“X”) Joints.


Diseño. Museografia. Arte mecanico. Audiovisual.