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Crowdfunding: open business models. TNS Digital Life | Internet Statistics & Social Media Usage | Online Behavior & Trends. Sixty-two Reasons Why "Gamification" Is Played Out | Co.Design. "Game mechanics" are the new digital hotness these days. Fueled by business books like Total Engagement, successful apps like Foursquare, and presentations-gone-viral like Jesse Schell's "gamepocalypse" talk, it seems like every damn thing on the Internet is getting some gamelike interaction grafted onto it like a cyborg appendage. And Sebastian Deterding, a designer and researcher at Hamburg University, has had enough. He distilled his thoughts on "gamification and its discontents" into an embeddable 62-slide presentation that's pithy and pretty in equal measure.

Deterling attacks the gamification trend from a variety of angles, but his argument boils down to this: points, badges, and leaderboards do not a true game make. What they do make is distraction, confusion, and obsession with "fake achievement. " Here's his visual indictment of how points -- a key feature of gamified products, services, and marketing schemes -- miss the point: The whole presentation is worth viewing. 10.500 v. Chr. - Der Untergang der ersten Hochkultur 3/3 [Doku] WikiLeaks. Graswurzel-Journalismus. Graswurzel-Journalismus (von grassroot, auch partizipativer Journalismus oder Bürger-Journalismus) ist eine Form des Journalismus, bei der Bürger durch eigene Medien am gesellschaftlichen Diskurs teilnehmen können.

Die neuen Publikationsmöglichkeiten im Internet, besonders Weblogs, haben zur Verbreitung des Graswurzel-Journalismus beigetragen.[1][2] Definition[Bearbeiten] Eine Definition für partizipativen Journalismus[3] von Shayne Bowman und Chris Willis lautet übersetzt: „Partizipativer Journalismus ist die Tätigkeit eines Bürgers oder einer Gruppe von Bürgern, die eine aktive Rolle im Prozess der Recherche, des Berichtens, des Analysierens sowie des Verbreitens von Nachrichten und Informationen einnehmen. The act of a citizen, or group of citizens, playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information.

Geschichte[Bearbeiten] Beispiele[Bearbeiten] Siehe auch[Bearbeiten] Literatur[Bearbeiten] Weblinks[Bearbeiten] [netzwerk recherche] Netzwerk für investigativen Journalismus. Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung: Links. Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung: Top-Themen 2009. Redefining the Media. Launch of Newspaper Extinction Timeline for every country in the world - Trends in the Living Networks.

Back in August I predicted that newspapers in their current form will be irrelevant in Australia in 2022. That received significant international attention including from The Australian, The Guardian, Editor & Publisher (which called me the ‘Wizard of Aussie’) and many others. Part of the point I wanted to make was that this date is different for every country. As such I have created a Newspaper Extinction Timeline that maps out the wide diversity in how quickly we can expect newspapers to remain significant around the world. First out is USA in 2017, followed by UK and Iceland in 2019 and Canada and Norway in 2020. In many countries newspapers will survive the year 2040. The Australian has again covered this in a story title Deadline for newspapers as digital publications rise.

Click on image to download full framework [UPDATE:] Here are some of the many reactions to the Newspaper Extinction Timeline with a few comments. Below are the factors: Increased cost performance of mobile phones.