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Nassim N. Taleb Home & Professional Page. The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution › About Vinay Gupta. Head over to

The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution › About Vinay Gupta

It’s a much better starting point than here! Click through to (if you are interested in my professional work, try here) I am trying to keep you alive. There are lots of threats which governments are either ignoring or causing. Nuclear war, bioweapons, even plain old conflict are driven by resource scarcity. A likely response to increasing resource scarcity (manifest as economic problems and rising prices) is centralization of power (fascism).

Finding better solutions than centralization and war is my life’s work. To this end I’ve worked extensively with government, the military, some large companies and think-tanks – but most of all with the Free and open source community – to solve real problems. Click here if your browser doesn’t support HTML5 video This video me in action at Surviving the Event. Here is a visual index of my activities. Nutzerprofil: Ralf Lippold. The Power of Perspective: Michael Milken on Knowledge and Problem-Solving In the next few blogs, I'll be recounting my wide-ranging conversation with financier and philanthropist Michael Milken, who shares his thoughts on synthesizing knowledge, real-world problem solving, his core values and how he sees the world going forward.

Nutzerprofil: Ralf Lippold

Part of my mission in writing BOLD is to share what I've learned in my interviews with some of the most successful people on the planet. This includes CEOs who've done world-changing work, like Michael Milken. Before approaching these individuals, I asked my community of friends, acquaintances, colleagues and followers what they would ask if they could sit down with the most powerful people in the world, and ended up with questions involving how they deal with overwhelm and how they create opportunities. I caught up with Milken at his Milken Global headquarters in Santa Monica, California. "I start with a portrait artist," he described. 1. David Kelley, IDEO - Designing Products vs Designing Experiences. Flemming Funch's Weblog: Ming the Mechanic. Janusz L. Wisniewski's Home Page. Nutzerprofil: Gheorghe Matei. John Lloyd inventories the invisible.

Umair Haque: Achieving Behavioral Innovation. Howardrheingold's posterous - Home. Crafitti Consulting. Moreelen. The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution › Free science and engineering in the global public interest. A follow up to my bitcoin magazine interview on natural monopolies, cartels and power law distribution of wealth.

The Bucky-Gandhi Design Institution › Free science and engineering in the global public interest

Nothing special is required to constitute the State within strict libertarian thinking. It is simply a monopoly landowner: that is the _definition_ of the State if we are honest. You do not like this, but it is [...] Read more → Your browser does not support the video tag. Read more → Maker / Culture Wednesday 17th of September, 2014 at @MakersCAFE London TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE ON EVENTBRITE Examining the fertile borders where the Makers touch the world The team that brought you TRUTHANDBEAUTY at Hub Westminster and Big Picture Days at Limewharf is delighted to present a new event at MakersCAFE, a new fabrication venue in [...] Read more → Ze's page. Homestyler - Free Online Home Design Software. Augustus 2010. Het is een positieve evolutie dat bij duurzaam bouwen de focus steeds meer verschuift van energiezuinige gebouwen naar een duurzame gebouwde omgeving.

augustus 2010

People, planet, profit: de duurzaamheidsdriehoek met de 3P's houdt in dat naast energie ook andere milieuaspecten zoals materialen, watergebruik, landgebruik,... en ook sociale aspecten en economische aspecten worden beschouwd. Bovendien wordt het gebouw niet meer als losstaand element gezien, maar als een onderdeel van een ruimere gebouwde omgeving. De ontwikkeling van duurzame bedrijventerreinen is een begrip in Denemarken, Frankrijk, Engeland en Nederland.

Zo informeert het Nederlandse kennisplatform DBT over het concept van duurzame bedrijventerreinen en presenteert het verschillende praktijkvoorbeelden. The Long Tail - Wired Blogs. Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:46:19 “Priced and Unpriced Online Markets" by Harvard Business School professor Benjamin Edelman.

The Long Tail - Wired Blogs

Discusses tradeoffs in market such as email, IP addresses, search and dial-up Internet. "Reminiscent of the old adage about losing money on every unit but making it up in volume, online markets challenge norms about who should pay, when, and why. " I found this typically academic: dated, dry and pretty unilluminating. But it got published in The Journal of Economic Perspectives. Mon, 31 Aug 2009 01:53:50 From Mashable: “Freezly is a lot like Tweetmeme in that it finds link and tweets and shows you their popularity based on retweets.

Fri, 28 Aug 2009 02:08:25. Search Results for maptivism. Only a few years ago 'unconferences' where a new and different type of event, where people organized themselves online to meet somewhere to listen and exchange about crazy ideas.

Search Results for maptivism

The web-based model of open innovation developed into face-to-face events. Years later, we are now witnessing how innovation hubs are popping up across the world. Spaces are being opened for anyone to exchange ideas and find help and solutions to seriously implement these. The Internet, as platform for open innovation, has been transforming the way we collaborate, which makes companies, for instance, experiment with incubators, accelerators or open innovation challenges.