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Getting Started With Content Management Systems - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement The need to update websites faster to keep content fresh has been ever growing. Ever since the first business owner wanted their Web designer to update their website faster, content management systems have played an important role on the Web. Why does this matter to you? How do you know if your company is ready?

In this article, we will look at how to tell if your organization needs a content management system. We will also give you information on the abilities of content management systems to help you better understand what they can do. While content management systems may seem complex, their entire purpose is to streamline your workflow and make your life easier. A content management system allows you to create, manage, store and edit massive amounts of content without any HTML programming skill.

Also consider our previous articles: 1. Do I Need a Content Management System? Does your company update its website content frequently? 2. 3. Standard Features Additional Features. Veezzle - Find Free Stock Photos. 30 Places To Find Creative Commons Media. Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre - CyberLPC - UNSW Sydney Australia. A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace. By John Perry Barlow <> Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind.

On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather. We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. You have not engaged in our great and gathering conversation, nor did you create the wealth of our marketplaces. You claim there are problems among us that you need to solve. Cyberspace consists of transactions, relationships, and thought itself, arrayed like a standing wave in the web of our communications. We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.

Davos, Switzerland.