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Rob Siri

I'm specialized in Blockchain development with more than nine years of experience. I have deep knowledge in Steemit platform and the necessary know-how to develop DApps and Bots on top of the Steem Blockchain. For more details, you can visit my website.

5 Crypto Businesses that are Thriving at the Speed of Light. While the potentials of blockchain are still in the process of being discovered, this revolutionized technology is slowly paving the way into a myriad of industries.

5 Crypto Businesses that are Thriving at the Speed of Light

Since its first application that is the cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, blockchain has not looked back. It continues to surprise people with its innovation and excellent capabilities. Today, the uses of this technology are not limited to the financial sector. It is disrupting other sectors, like healthcare, agriculture, social media, and many more. In 2017, only 0.5% of the population across the globe was using blockchain in various ways. 5 Ways Blockchain Can Improve the Education Sector - Steem Experts. For most people, Bitcoin is the most popular application of blockchain.

5 Ways Blockchain Can Improve the Education Sector - Steem Experts

Certainly, that’s true, but what about other sectors except the finance? What about the education sector? Steemit and Steem Bot: Is it a Legit Way to Make Money? In recent times, Steemit is gaining popularity as a cryptocurrency site that pays everyone, from content creator to upvoter.

Steemit and Steem Bot: Is it a Legit Way to Make Money?

However, a few are speculating whether it is legit or just another scam. Why not? After all, this platform pays people for posting content, commenting, and upvoting. Having years of experience helping people make money with the Steemit bot, we can assure you that it is not a scam. To understand this better, let’s go back to the inception of cryptocurrencies. Why the World Needs Decentralized Social Media? The widespread practice of social media has changed the way the world communicates today.

Why the World Needs Decentralized Social Media?

But many people believe that these changes are not positive in some cases. For instance, the lack of content moderation has allowed misinformation to spread over different social media platforms. As a result, the world has witnessed bad influences from time to time. So, what’s the solution or alternative to it? How the world can create a better social media platform where everything is safe and secure? Hiring Bitcoin Wallet Developer: Things to consider before on-boarding an Expert. Whether you want to unleash the power of blockchain technology for personal use or need a revolutionary solution for your business, a Bitcoin wallet is the answer.

Hiring Bitcoin Wallet Developer: Things to consider before on-boarding an Expert

In the coming years, more enterprises will opt for a cryptocurrency wallet for various benefits. One of the primary reasons is its accuracy and efficiency in boosting profits. 5 Things to Consider When Hiring ICO Marketing Agency. With the increasing faith in blockchain technology, more and more businesses and individuals are ready to invest money.

5 Things to Consider When Hiring ICO Marketing Agency

For this reason, enterprises are bringing new projects in this domain. When it comes to fundraising, it is vital for the smooth functioning of companies. So, it is not a surprise we have numerous ICOs. Marketing in the Age of Blockchain – What Blockchain Technology Could Mean for the Marketing Industry. What are the Pros and Cons of Decentralized Social Networks? – Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Blogs. The widespread use of social media networks has changed how we communicate, spend leisure time and run our businesses.

What are the Pros and Cons of Decentralized Social Networks? – Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Blogs

Undoubtedly, with the advent of the social media world, our lives have become more convenient. But there are also some negative impacts, including data breaching, misinformation, lack of privacy, censorship, no user control, and many more. Fortunately, we have a solution to overcome these challenges – decentralized social media applications. What is the decentralized app? If this question has crossed your mind, do not worry. Steem-based Apps: Do they have a Better Future then Traditional Apps? Over the past few years, the blockchain and cryptocurrency are taking the world by storm.

Steem-based Apps: Do they have a Better Future then Traditional Apps?

The use cases of this revolutionized technology are not limited to the finance and banking sector. But it has disrupted various sectors, such as gaming, healthcare, social media, agriculture, and many more. Apart from this, we have seen the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies among businesses and individuals who are crypto-enthusiasts. Some of the top cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Steem, etc. In this post, we will look at how the implementation of Steem has made modern-day apps better than traditional ones. Steem Blockchain Seed Node & Steemit Witness Setup Services. Where to Find Professional Blockchain Writers Online -Steem Experts. Blockchain is one of those inventions of the 21st century that has shaken the world by its storm.

Where to Find Professional Blockchain Writers Online -Steem Experts

People are eager to dig deeper to get the best out of this amazing technology. Nowadays, there is a high demand of blockchain-based content writers in many industries. Companies are looking to hire professional writers with blockchain know-how, to leverage their businesses. At present, there are several platforms and websites available online where you can find professional blockchain writers. However, if you are looking for an ICO writer, blockchain content writer or cryptocurrency content writer, here are some platforms where you can find them: Blockchain: What Are The Biggest Advantages Of Technology? Blockchain is a foundational technology that allows designing a secure way for recording transactions.

Blockchain: What Are The Biggest Advantages Of Technology?

It is a public digital ledger that records transactions of cryptocurrencies in a safe and transparent manner. Hire Steem developers and you will get to become a part of this growing platform. Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions is expected to grow to an estimated 11.7 billion by 2022. Reasons for Entrepreneurs to Invest In Steem Power -Steem Experts. Steem Power (SP) is what gives you influence on Steemit and is an amazing opportunity for investors to invest in Steem Power. The more SP you have, the more money you give to authors with an upvote. About 376,435 accounts on make it one of the top cryptocurrencies in terms of number of wallets – Source Steem Bot development has given some major goals to the entrepreneurs for entering this forte and leveraging it as per their organizational needs.

We shall not make you wait anymore and get straight to the reasons why entrepreneurs should invest in Steem Power. You can promote your goods and services for free. Steem Bot Developer: Key Skills to Look for When Making a Choice. Since its release, Steem has been in the limelight due to its powerful communities such as Steemit. The craze for this decentralized and censorship-resistant blogging platform is growing among people with each passing day. Well, one of the exciting reasons is numerous opportunities to make money with Steemit bot. From creating engaging content to upvoting a post, commenting, and so on, everyone will get rewarded. Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Components: Everything You Need to Know. The cryptocurrency market is witnessing a dramatic change as a large number of businesses venture into cryptocurrency development services to add new revenue streams.

The rise of crypto-exchange software has led to a new revolution in the world of finance as more and more cryptocurrency software development companies transform themselves to fill the new role. However, a series of steps are required to be taken to start a crypto-exchange development company. Company Registration A business needs to get legally compiled by registering its company and bank accounts. Same goes for a cryptocurrency development company or a crypto-exchange development company as well. You should start by looking for a crypto-friendly country where you will register your company. Each country has a different set of rules and regulations so study the regulatory framework and government policy of different countries and choose the best-suited country according to your business model.

Impact of Blockchain in Marketing and Advertising in 2021. Marketing and advertising has undergone major changes in the past decade, and is now on the brink of another revolution. The use of blockchain in marketing is going mainstream as big brands like Unilever, Nestle, McDonald’s, and Virgin Media delve into it to improve the transparency in their digital marketing initiatives. Blockchain marketing agencies are deemed to solve common issues such as data insufficiency, fraud, trust issues, etc. and benefit various industries. Are dApps the Future of Mobile App Development? Over the past few years, the global investment in blockchain technology has increased to more than double, says the IDC report. In 2017, the spending on blockchain was $945 billion, and $2.1 billion in 2018. Based on this statistic, it is quite evident that the impact of blockchain is more than ever. Well, it is not just the finance and banking sector that is deploying blockchain in their businesses.

But various other industries, such as healthcare, gaming, transportation, e-commerce, social media, and many more are opting for this technology. If you are wondering what the reason for the massive adoption of blockchain is, the answer is decentralized apps. E-commerce Currently, most e-commerce businesses are dependent on third-party APIs to carry out various processes, such as payments. Voting for Steem Witnesses: How it Benefits the Voters and Witnesses? Most people confuse Steem witness with Steemit witness. If you are one of them, it’s time to get your information right. What is a Cryptocurrency? Understanding the Basics of Cryptocurrencies. Ever since bitcoin was launched in 2009, the digital world was never the same. Blockchain Technology in 2020 -Steem Experts. Firstly let us explain. Blockchain empowers transactions between two gatherings without the requirement for outsider confirmation.

The blockchain technology is an advanced, digitally decentralized technology that is developing and making an imprint in various enterprises. Are Decentralized Networks Really the Future of Social Media? Social media is a fun way to connect with friends but over the past few years, it has taken on a much more annoying tone. Due to the widespread use of various social media networks, the world has changed the way it communicates. Many people believe that these changes aren’t positive. For instance, misinformation spread through a social network can lead to utter chaos among a community or society. Thus, many users are quitting major social media platforms and are looking for alternatives. Decoding the Craze for Reddit Coins – Why Would You Want Them. Reddit – a great network of communities for like-minded people – is well known for its content that is based on popular interests. A few years ago, Reddit launched the Reddit Gold feature, which was a premium membership for users and could be used by them to make purchases on the website or to gift other ardent Reddit patrons.

What Is the Future of the Cryptocurrency Industry? Learning Through the Experts. Nearly a decade ago, cryptocurrency came into the limelight and slowly made its place in the market. Blockchain Technology: Doing it Big for the Agriculture Industry. Blockchain is a promising digital technology that allows ubiquitous transactions without the need for banks and other financial organizations. However, as compared to existing traditional global financial systems, it is still in its early stage. If we keep the age issue aside and look at the blockchain technology, its superior features have the potential to overweigh the existing solutions in the industry as well as most other aspects of our daily lives. Blockchain - A Game Changer for the Social Media Industry. Companies are now collecting more data than ever before, and are using it to make significant business decisions based on it. Often known as the 4Vs of the big data – volume, velocity, variety, and veracity have a major impact on marketing.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Software Development: 4 Must-have Components. Blockchain, a blooming technology, brings endless possibilities for businesses as well as individuals. We all know that it offers more transparency, privacy, and high security. Blockchain Development: Which Blockchain Tools are Used Frequently by Experts. Christmas and Crypto: Launch an ICO this Holiday Season with these Tips.

Top 4 Coding Languages used for Steem DApp Development. A Guide to On-Demand Apps – Types, Features, and What to Consider. Steem Witness Node: What it takes to install a Witness Server? Cryptocurrency Software Development: Top Reasons to Consider It. Popular Methods to Earn Money with Cryptocurrency Online -Steem Experts. Halloween Offer on All ICO Marketing Services - 25% Offer Entire Month. 25% off on ICO Marketing Services entire Halloween month.

How Businesses can benefit from Certified Marketing and Blockchain? Top Benefits of creating A Custom app for your business. Steemit: 5 Easy Ways to Make Money Using this Platform - Steem Experts. Before and After the Inception of Artificial Intelligence. The Use of Blockchain in the Marketing Industry– Where is it headed? What is A Dapp? Learn the Pros and Cons of having a Dapp - Steem Experts. Step by Step Process of Teaming Up with the Best ICO Launching Company. SteemIt DApp Developer. DTube: A Futuristic Video Hosting and Marketing Alternative to YouTube. Blockchain- Based Business: Here’s How You Can Market It Effectively. Reasons Why Blockchain is in for Impacting Digital Marketing Big Time. The Various Stages of ICO Launch and Development. Blockchain: The Role of this Futuristic Technology in Revolutionizing the Banking Industry. Decentralized Social Media Platforms: How Are They More Beneficial?

Cryptocurrency Marketing Know-How: 3 Essentials of Effective ICO Marketing. Blockchain And DLT: Is There A Difference Between These Two? Distributed Ledger Technology: Advantages of using in social media app development. Blockchain and Marketing: How good is the Blend? Cryptocurrency Software Development: Top Reasons to Consider It. Distributed Ledger Technology: Busting the Myths with Reality.

Start Your Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform: A Complete Guide. ICO marketing campaign: Effective ways to promote your ICO. Blockchain and Marketing: How good is the Blend? Top Social Media Platforms That Let You Earn Cryptocurrency -Steem Experts. The Blend Of Blockchain And Digital Marketing: How It Is Going To Resonate? ICO Vs IEO: Choosing the Right Tokenized Crowdfunding Model -Steem Experts.

Time is Right to Invest in a Cryptocurrency Wallet Development Services. The Effective Ways an ICO Marketing Firm Can Help You Get Better Results. Top 3 Blockchain-based Social Media Networks you must try in 2020. 5 Reasons That Will Make Content Creators Shift Towards DTube. Reasons for Entrepreneurs to Invest In Steem Power -Steem Experts. Reasons Why DApps Are the Future of Decentralization-Steem Experts. Steemit: Common Myths vs. Facts & How You Can Make It Big By Shunning Them.

DApps that are experiencing extensive adoption. Prediction of Blockchain Technology for 2020 - Steem Experts. The Process of DApp Development - Steem Experts. Steem WitnessSeed Node Setup. Top Cryptocurrency Forums of 2020 Every Marketer Should Know -Steem Experts. List of STEEM DApps experiencing an Extensive Adoption -Steem Experts. Why DApp Development Should Be On Your Business Roadmap - Steem Experts. Top 7 Blockchain Jobs and Careers in Demand - Steem Experts.

5 Best Practices For Bot Development.