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ROI på en Like - gästblogg av Jesper Åström. Intro: Jesper Åström har satsat på att inte bara skriva hundra blogginlägg utan att gästblogga hundra gånger. Jag bad honom – eftersom det finns få som både har bra data och en så skarp analytisk hjärna som honom – att skriva om ROI på en like. Det här är en sjuhelvetest viktig post. Inom nationalekonomin används nytta som ett samlande begrepp för den mängd värde en företeelse utgör för en individ eller grupp. Värdet är subjektivt vilket innebär att samma sak kan utgöra olika mycket nytta för olika individer eller företag. Inom företagsekonomin pratar vi därför istället ofta om ROI, eftersom vår balansräkning någonstans definierar värdet av våra insatser i relation till våra kostnader. För att analysera detta tänkte jag titta på ROIn av en like.

Två typer av likes För att börja behöver vi förstå att det finns två typer av likes på Facebook. Utgångspunkten för ROI-beräkningen Det finns väl egentligen en rad olika slags sätt att räkna ut ROI på. Beräkningsmodell för ROI på en Like Så. Ja. Venueseen | Track, Organize and Analyze. Boardreader - Omvärldsbevakning. 50 useful apps for PR. Who doesn’t want to be more organized? With so many things happening at once, it can be difficult to keep track of everything that’s going on. Thankfully, many developers know this, and there are numerous apps designed to improve organization and workflow and do everything else in-between. We picked 50 of the best apps to help improve your productivity, no matter where you are. Social Media Apps LinkedIn For: iPhone, iPad, Android Cost: Free We couldn’t have a productivity list without mentioning the most famous app for professionals.

Facebook Pages For: iPhone, iPad, Android If you’re the administrator of a business or brand page, this app is essential to keep up with the latest developments and updates relating to your page. Twitter For: iPhone, iPad, Android Twitter can be a treasure trove of information if you use it right, so this app is less for social media purposes and more for finding new snippets of information. Readers Pulse For: iPhone, iPad Android Amazon Kindle Instapaper Zite Clear. Tips om läsning för digitala mediestrateger och projektledare.

Förutom den här bloggen (hehe) så finns det fortfarande en hel del bra att läsa när det gäller övergripande digitala strategier, varumärkesarbete på digital nivå och liknande. Jag får ofta frågan om vad man ska läsa för att lära sig sociala medier – och förutom att det finns en mängd bättre och sämre böcker i ämnet så menar jag att det bästa sättet är att läsa vad andra inom branschen skriver. Generellt har mycket av tipsandet och diskussioner flyttat ut på Twitter när det gäller sociala medier i metaformat, respektive att det mesta ibland kan kännas som sagt. Vidare har professionaliseringen av branschen enligt min mening inneburit att färre delar med sig av sin kunskap. Det är synd. Diskussionen om RSS-läsandets vara eller inte har pågått i flera år och självklart är det så att det minskat även för mig.

Jag gjorde bara för några månader sedan en rejäl rensning och försöker strukturera nya sätt att hantera olika grader av flöden. Så här ser mitt modus operandi för bevakning av omvärlden: The Power of Reputation. Every other Tuesday, ProfNet hosts #ConnectChat, a Twitter-based interview that covers topics of interest to media and communications professionals. Recently, Chris Komisarjevsky, former worldwide CEO of Burson-Marsteller and author of “The Power of Reputation: Strengthen the Asset That Will Make or Break Your Career,” discussed why reputation is among our most powerful assets. How do you define reputation? Reputation is, in part, the way you are seen by others, and it is a critical part of your personal brand. Is reputation equivalent to social credibility? Yes, it is in many ways equivalent because reputation has a critical bearing on how you are viewed. How does one build a good reputation? There are three critical factors underlying a good reputation: character, communication and trust.

How do they work together? Character is your values and how you live them, communication is how you relate to others, and trust is the underlying goal. How can one display these three factors online? 9 things to do at the end of your internship. This story originally ran on PR Daily in July 2011. Did you do an internship this summer? If so, congrats, you’re a smart cookie. Internships are 100 percent the No. 1 thing you’ll need on your resume to get that first job after college.

The No. 2 thing you’ll need is proof you can write. Guess where you get that writing experience? To round out the list—and some will disagree with me on this—the No. 3 thing you need to land a job after college is connections. If you did just put your internship to bed, or you’re about to, there are a few things I’d like you to do on your way out the door: 1. Personally thank everyone you’ve worked with this summer. 2.

Make sure you have people’s business cards. BONUS: If you did a great job in your internship (be honest, you know if you did or not), ask the highest-ranking person you worked with to recommend you on LinkedIn. For example: “Would you please write a recommendation for me on LinkedIn based on the work I did this summer? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. How Social Media Is Changing PR. On the last Tuesday of each month, ProfNet hosts ConnectChat, a monthly series of Twitter chats exploring key communications and media topics. During a recent ConnectChat, Deirdre Breakenridge, CEO of Pure Performance Communications, discussed the changing role of PR in the digital era and how we can adjust our mind and skill sets accordingly.

Breakenridge says that with the rise of social media PR professionals need to: Master information technologies as a “technology tester,” including video, SEO, website analytics, monitoring applications, CMS and more.Start dialogue and build relationships through new channels.Strategize to connect directly with stakeholders, especially customers. Breakenridge notes that being a technology tester is the most challenging new skill for PR pros to master because it requires constantly paying attention to new apps, resources and platforms. “It’s so important to understand use technology the way stakeholders,” she says. Where is PR headed? Like this: 20 things PR clients should know. Refill the cup of coffee, take a deep breath, and know you're not alone. 1. No, we don’t know every journalist everywhere across the universe—not that it matters. Even journalists whose weddings we were in will turn down our pitches occasionally. 2.

A good publicist doesn’t have to be based in New York or Los Angeles to be effective. Ever heard of this crazy thing called email? 3. 4. … And a creative PR professional can still brainstorm ways to achieve your goals without one. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Elizabeth Friedland is a senior public relations manager at Bandy Carroll Hellige in Indianapolis. (Image via) 5 emerging PR trends—and the skills they require. Good news! The advent of social media and the ever-increasing role of digital media in our lives means there are a number of opportunities for public relations.

There are new ways to find audiences, new media through which to convey messages, tons of opportunities to connect with your brand’s fans, and so on. Best of all, digital campaigns can be measured. However, there seems to be some disagreement about the skill set PR pros need to succeed in today’s environment, and there are three points of view emerging: • The traditionalist, who values the ability to write, build relationships, isolate and convey key messages and build publicity strategy above all else Let’s look at the trends in the PR business to help determine which skills we really need: 1. There’s a difference between writing well and telling a story, and a good story is valuable currency today. Required skills: Curation. 2. Skills: Data analysis and advanced spreadsheet. 3. Skills: Visual thinking. 4.

Skills: Social listening. What does a digital strategist do all day? | Articles | Social Media. When I started my career 12 years ago as a PR consultant in Melbourne, the most common question I was asked was: What do you do all day? It took me about six years to explain to my friends and family that a PR consultant's job mainly revolved around getting people to talk about brands and businesses in a way that encourages loyalty and recommendation.

Or, to simplify it even further, getting talked about without “directly” paying for it. When my career took a turn six years ago to focus more on digital media as a way of interacting with consumers and stakeholders, I went through this education process all over again. So, to try to explain what digital strategists do every day, I've created (and borrowed) the following description and supporting charts. A digital strategist—explained Let's start by borrowing one of the best explanations I've read about digital strategist provided by Jon Crowley on his blog attention industry: “My focus is the consumer (commuter). Your answer ... Det här med upphovsrätt… Här är en guide för dig som funderar över det här med upphovsrätt. Eller som inte alls tänker på det där runt omkring, när du ”lånar bilder från internet” (inte att rekommendera, särskilt inte om du är kommunikatör och representant för ett etablerat företag)….

Om du tycker att den verkar rörig är grundregeln väldigt enkel: Sno aldrig någon annans bild/musik/text/annat. Fråga om det är ok att använda den (och till vilken ersättning). Och, i så fall, länka till eller namnge gärna upphovsmannen. Bilden ovan, ”Giving Credit”, är skapad av Pia Jane Bijkerk och finns att beställa från Mammoth & company. Och självklart har vi fått tillåtelse att publicera bilden här i bloggen :) Kommentera gärna!

Sociala medier och juridik – länktips. The Ultimate Glossary: 120 Social Media Marketing Terms Explained. For many people, posting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, and sending out an invite for a Facebook event on Facebook has become common practice. (In fact, if you're highly experienced, you probably do all three at once.) But with new social media networks and innovative software cropping up almost daily, even seasoned social media users are bound to run into a term or acronym that leaves them thinking, "WTF? " Download our free social media guides here to help you get started with an effective social media strategy. For those head-scratching moments, we've created the ultimate glossary of social media marketing terms.

Whether you're still hung up on the difference between a mention and a reply on Twitter or you just want to brush up on your social knowledge, check out the following roundup of social media terms to keep yourself in the know. 3) Algorithm - An algorithm is a set of formulas developed for a computer to perform a certain function.