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Human Side Of Refugee Crisis In Moving Photos » Hope 103.2. The human side of the Middle Eastern refugee crisis has been powerfully captured by a photographer on a ferry boat to Greece.

Human Side Of Refugee Crisis In Moving Photos » Hope 103.2

Matthieu Paley, a photographer based in Istanbul, boarded a ferry on Chios Island in Turkey last month, to take his family on a holiday to the Greek Islands. He was surprised to find many passengers fast asleep, and it didn’t take him long to discover that they were refugees—most Afghans, Iraqis and Syrians, journeying from Lesbos Island to Athens. Many had made dangerous, illegal night-crossings from Turkey into Greece and stayed in camps on Lesbos Island, before paying their fares and boarding the enormous ferry to Athens.

Roads to Refuge - Further reading on issues refugees face. AMES Australia – settlement, education, training and employment services for refugees & migrants. Support for Refugee Students. ​Students from refugee backgrounds in schools, especially those with disrupted or no previous schooling, require additional support to develop the English language and learning skills they need to succeed in Australian schools.

Support for Refugee Students

They may also require specific support in relation to settlement, dealing with migration and pre-migration experiences and transition to mainstream schooling. Whole school support The Foundation House Schools Support Program – provides specialist services and support for schools to improve the wellbeing and engagement of students from refugee backgrounds, including professional learning. Foundation House Schools Support Program Resources – include School’s In for Refugees; A whole-school approach to supporting students of refugee backgrounds and Klassroom Kaleidoscope: a program to facilitate connectedness and well-being in the culturally diverse classroom. Refugee Education Support Program (RESP) Refugee Support Programs. Each year, NSW public schools enrol between 1,000 and 1,500 newly arrived students from refugee backgrounds.

Refugee Support Programs

These students come from many different countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Major source countries include Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Ethiopia, Liberia, Bhutan and Burma. Foundation House Refugee Education Support Program (RESP) - Foundation House. The Refugee Education Support Program (RESP) is funded by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).

Foundation House Refugee Education Support Program (RESP) - Foundation House

RESP is delivered through a partnership between the DEECD, the Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) and Foundation House, and works in cooperation with Catholic Education Commission Victoria (CECV) and Independent Schools Victoria (ISV). RESP aims to improve the educational outcomes of refugee and migrant young people. Culture of Syria. Eggelin Tomb Tower in Palmyra Syria is a traditional society with a long cultural history.[1] Importance is placed on family, religion, education and self-discipline and respect.

Culture of Syria

The Syrian's taste for the traditional arts is expressed in dances such as the al-Samah, the Dabkeh in all their variations and the sword dance. Marriage ceremonies and the birth of children are occasions for the lively demonstration of folk customs.[2] Music of Syria. "Syrian music" redirects here.

Music of Syria

See Syrian hymnody for the sacral music of Syriac Christianity. The music of Syria largely emanates from the country's capital Damascus and the largest city Aleppo. Syria has long been one of the Arab world's centers for cultural and artistic innovation, especially in the field of classical Arab music. Culture. Popular culture. Arts. Health benefits of music. Written by Adam Ramsay, health journalist Music has a special power to move us and stir our emotions.

Health benefits of music

Anyone who has ever wiped tears away from their eyes listening to their favourite sad song will know how powerful simple notes and chords can be. Music Therapy. Other common name(s): none Scientific/medical name(s): none Music therapy is the use of music by health care professionals to promote healing and enhance quality of life for their patients.

Music Therapy

Music therapy may be used to encourage emotional expression, promote social interaction, relieve symptoms, and for other purposes. Long Journey - Young lives. Music therapy helps refugees: Music Program for 'ACS' Refugee Transitions Issue 23 music therapy helps refugees. Music and art therapy helps refugee children to HEAL. Help Is Coming. Capoeira4Refugees. Capoeira brings leisure and peace-building for refugees in northern DR Congo. News Stories, 19 September 2014 © UNHCR/B.Sokol Central African refugees practice capoiera in front of a rapt audience at Mole camp in Equateur province, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Capoeira brings leisure and peace-building for refugees in northern DR Congo

MOLE REFUGEE CAMP, Democratic Republic of the Congo, September 19 (UNHCR) – It's a hot, muggy Saturday afternoon in the Mole refugee camp, but while many people are taking a siesta, a hardy group of young men and women are indulging in their new obsession – capoeira. The Brazilian martial art includes elements of dance, acrobatics and music, and it is keeping people occupied and fit as well as helping ease tension between different groups of Central African Republic (CAR) refugees in this camp of more than 13,000 people in the far north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Capoeira for Refugees update. The Arabic Student: Top 15 Arabic Songs for Americans. To western ears Arabic music sounds at first, well, foreign.

The Arabic Student: Top 15 Arabic Songs for Americans

It uses beats, rhythms, and scales that our ears just aren't used to. We didn't grow up with it so the music sounds strange. In this post you're going to find some songs that you will likely enjoy, even if you've never listened to Arabic music before. 'ACA' Dance Program. Download Human rights in the school classroom. Tackling racism in Australia is a unit of work that encourages students to think about diversity, particularly in relation to people, groups and their cultures, to affirm and celebrate difference and to use their understanding of diversity to act with respect, empathy and trust. In this unit, students explore the impact of discrimination and harassment on individuals, their family and friends and the wider community.

Students learn to identify racial discrimination, racial harassment and racial vilification as unlawful acts, which undermine safe, respectful environments for all. Building on learning activities in the unit, students develop strategies and actions for celebrating diversity and taking action against racism. Centre For Multicultural Youth. This knowledge Hub represents the wealth of information collected over more than two decades of working with young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. It is primarily aimed at workers and organisations looking for information about working with young people and the issues they face.

You cans earch for relevant information using the advanced search filters: By Tag – each page or document is tagged with key words that will appear in a search. Refugee awareness - Teaching ideas. Refugee settlement: repatriation - local integration - resettlement. The UNHCR and international community work together creating durable solutions so that refugees and internally displaced persons can live with safety and dignity. There are three main options for refugees that the international community is able to assist with: “Protection needs do not disappear when people repatriate. Refugee awareness - Teaching ideas. Startts - Hints for Healing. In our last edition, we explored the concept of resilience among refugee children and adolescents. In that issue we looked at strategies that are protective but which focused largely at the individual or non-collective level.

This time, I thought it would be helpful to consider resilience from the point of view of the two most influential social systems for young people: home and school. How can we help to strengthen the healing potential of the family and of the school communities? In keeping with this theme, our case study this month is about a group intervention, showing how this way of working can offer an important emotional resource in the recovery process. Supporting communities to buffer the pain and loss caused by refugee trauma is not easy. Supporting refugee education. In general, refugee students have greater educational and support needs than most other newly arrived migrant students. Most refugee children and young people have had disrupted or no education prior to arrival in Australia.

Many have no literacy skills in their first language and in addition may have complex health problems, including mental health issues as a result of their experiences. Schools. Learning World: Education for Displaced Children. Making a difference in refugees' lives through education. Migrants, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. For teachers - Refugee Council of Australia. ERC Asylum Seekers schools resource Activities for Students Dec2013. Books and novels - Refugee Council of Australia. Austral Ed Children's Books - Books about Immigration. Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers. Reading and Expressive Writing with Traumatised Children, Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

The Challenge of Education. WorkingwithYoungPeoplewhoareRefugees. What is the education Capital? Asylum seeker intake explained: Who will come to Australia under the Government's plan? Ten things you didn’t know about refugees. Migrants, Immigrants or Refugees? Debunking Dehumanizing Propaganda. Refugees in Australia - Lesson 1: Supporting refugees.

Inside The Syrian Refugee Camp The Size Of A Small City. Malala Yousafzai tells Syrian refugee Mazoun's story. Refugee life through a child’s eyes: Young Syrians capture the laughter and heartbreak of living in a refugee camp in photos they took themselves. Where Are the Syrian Refugees? - Factpod #17. Go Back To Where You Came From. Digital Portal Lets U.N. Visitors Step Inside Zaatari Refugee Camp. Syria war refugees in Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan don't all want to come here. #zaatari hashtag. Zaatari Syrian refugee camp fertile ground for small businesses. Inside Zaatari refugee camp: the fourth largest city in Jordan. Young refugees living the Australian dream. Refugee Children in Crisis. Syrian refugee crisis: What Australian families should consider before opening their homes.

Q&A: Geoffrey Robertson on Australia’s response to Syrian refugee crisis. Has the tide turned on how we treat asylum seekers? Not quite - The Drum. Zaatari Syrian refugee camp fertile ground for small businesses.