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All Product Backlog and User Story Management Tools for Agile and Scrum Projects. Scrumwise - The Scrum tool you've always wanted. Agile Project Management Tool. Product Canvas - BMFiddle. Ability to create dependencies between stories. Integrate Asana with Pivotal Tracker using CloudWork - CloudWork. (4) What is the difference between Asana and Pivotal Tracker. (4) How does Trello compare to Pivotal Tracker. 7 Requirements Management Tools. I’m writing this post to provide a shortlist of requirements management tools – i.e. tools to capture and manage requirements for your projects/products in a structured, collaborative fashion.

7 Requirements Management Tools

There are a large number of requirements tools available in the market, too large to fit into any list like this! So, this post will focus only on tools I personally have good experience with, or have heard very good things from close friends in the industry… List of Requirements Management Tools All of these tools help you to capture, develop and manage structured requirements in a collaborative fashion. Feeling spritely about on Dion Almaer. Man, I haven’t been as excited about a development tool as I am about Joe Stump’s in a looooong time (GitHub is probably the last time).

Feeling spritely about on Dion Almaer

It is an incredibly timely tool for me. I use a variety of small tools for different projects. Open source hacking vs. large projects at work with a bunch of different teams. I enjoy Pivotal Tracker, and have even begun to appreciate why I have to use JIRA…. and thus, for some projects I am forced to use both.