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Procedural Crumble and other Shatter resources. Random Motion. The Basics Randomness is one of the most asked about uses of expressions and After effects gives us a pretty good arsenal of tools with which to implement it.

Random Motion

The basic random() method has several different flavors. Some examples would probably be helpful in understanding the different ways you can call random(): Random Expression Result random() // number between 0 and 1 random(6) // number between 0 and 6 random(-2,4) // number between -2 and 4 random([3,4,5]) // vector between [0,0,0] and [3,4,5] random([3,4,5],[6,7,8]) // vector between [3,4,5] and [6,7,8] So you can see that the random() method is pretty flexible. Typefaces. The Solace of Simple Solutions. AE Plugin. After Effects and Cinema 4D Tutorials and Training. After Effects: Animate A Traveling Dotted Line. The Shatter Effect in After Effects [updated] by Rich Young. Most shattering in AE is done with Shatter, an older 8-bit per channel plug-in that ships with After Effects.

The Shatter Effect in After Effects [updated] by Rich Young

Originally developed by Brian Maffitt under the Atomic Power banner, Shatter is mostly used for shattering glass, walls, puzzles, and so forth, but also used to generate 3D text or shape blocks. It's fairly easy to generate text quickly with Shatter, as shown in numerous tutorials like Creating 3D Extruded Text by Aharon Rabinowitz and Extruding 3D Text & Shapes 2: The Shatter Method from Andrew Devis.

The initial results are limited, though you can help to sell it with enhancements like adding subtle textures strategically, a stroke layer, Bevel Alpha (or some stylize or displace filter), lighting effects, or maybe a scale-down to smooth edges. 15 Inspiring Particle-Based Tutorials from Around the Web. THE ILLUSION OF LIFE. Make things Float in After Effects.