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Atheist Prayer. PREVIOUS | GALLERY | NEXT Atheist Prayer Unfortunately faith (the reliance on hope and ignorance) drives the hearts of most people instead of reason.

Atheist Prayer

Secular Web: Atheism, Agnosticism, Naturalism, Skepticism and Secularism. Greydon Square. Greydon Square (born Eddie Collins on September 28, 1981) is an American rapper. He is an Iraq War veteran and an outspoken atheist who promotes discussion on philosophical issues, as well as having studied physics full-time before moving on to study computer science.[1] Early life[edit] Collins grew up in Compton, where he was raised as an orphan and became immersed in gang culture.[1] In May 2001, he enlisted in the United States Army and served in the Iraq War in 2004. After his discharge, Collins began attending college in Phoenix, Arizona as a physics major.

[citation needed] Career[edit] Julia Sweeney on letting go of God. US survey reveals that evangelicals are most likely to despise Jesus’ teachings. 00064ydz (450×540) RationalWiki. Lack of belief in gods. Michael Shermer on strange beliefs. Atheist, Gnostic, Theist, Agnostic. Too many times I have informed someone that I am an atheist, only to have them reply, “Oh, but how could you know that God doesn’t exist?

Atheist, Gnostic, Theist, Agnostic

You’re taking a faith position!” Many headaches later, we finally come to an agreement over the definitions of these words. This arrangement is an attempt to clarify and classify these words, so that their rogue meanings no longer confuse and muddle religious debate. To begin with, here are the four key terms arranged on a graph with their opposites across from them.

This should allow a very rough placement of one’s theological position. Now here are the terms defined. The horizontal axis concerns WHAT YOU BELIEVE: The vertical axis concerns WHAT YOU THINK WE CAN KNOW: So, to restate: These four labels can be very useful in describing the way we feel about gods. An atheist agnostic is someone who does not believe in gods and also thinks that the existence of gods cannot be known. The absolute central position is one of apathy or indifference. Pulls Atheist Video After Making Front Page of Atheist_Quotes_II_by_Unikraken.png (1920×1080) The Intelligence² Debate - Stephen Fry (Unedited) - a Film ... Science Saved My Soul. Former Christian apologizes for being such a huge shit head for all those years : PochoBlog. I stumbled on this . Thoughts? 1. I apologize to all the homosexuals. I am sorry that I believed in a religion that condemns you. I am sorry that for many years I thought that the bible was right in it’s condemnation of homosexuality.

This is a worse for me having tolerated the irrational moralizing and thrown stones and from the safety of the closet those years ago. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. For all these things I am truly sorry and I most humbly repent… AND plan to make changes, repair damages and do the hokey pokey and turn myself around. State of the Nation.

The first incorrect assumption I would like to address is the topic of "belief": Atheism is a belief system.

State of the Nation

Atheism is not a belief system because there isn't anything we are "believing" that could be considered a "system. " Atheism doesn't join people together in a common ideology like religions do because atheists share nothing in common, except their lack of belief in 1 specific thing. Imagine trying to label other groups based on their lack of belief in 1 specific thing. You'd have the "Non-bigfoot-believers" and the "Non-mermaid-believers" and the "Non-magic-believers". In a way, people will get into a discussion of semantics of whether atheism is a "belief" or not, but really that is only because it is possible to state the any negative belief as a belief in the negative, which kinda works in english even if it doesn't exactly convey the position.

But the things I don't believe are infinite. Don't believe me? -