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E-Biblioteca de la UNAD.


Sonido. Idiomas. Neurociencia. BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English / Who needs a manbag? Página Principal BioInteractive. Internet Issues, Technology, Standards, Policy, Leadership. Max Planck Florida Institute For Neuroscience. Comunidades Virtuales Aprendizaje. TECNO_ADULTOS. Diseño gráfico-Arte. Productos multimedia. 45 Design Thinking Resources For Educators.

45 Design Thinking Resources For Educators Imagine a world where digital learning platforms help adult learners succeed through college completion; where a network of schools offers international-quality education, affordable tuition, and serves hundreds of thousands of children in economically disadvantaged countries; where we engage parents in understanding national trends and topics in education; where a comprehensive learning environment seamlessly connects the classroom with the opportunities of the digital world for young students; and where system-level solutions help more students gain access to college.

45 Design Thinking Resources For Educators

Educators across the world have been using design thinking to create such a world. Design thinking consists of four key elements: Defining the Problem, Creating and Considering Multiple Options, Refining Selected Directions, and Executing the Best Plan of Action. An early example of design thinking would have been Edison’s invention of the light bulb.


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Estos son los mejores sitios para descargar libros en español

( 50 Votos ) Google Books: si existe una versión gratuita y electrónica de un libro, de seguro está en esta plataforma. Google posee una enorme colección de títulos de diferentes categorías y muchos están en nuestro idioma. Amazon: aquí encontrarás más de 1.700 títulos. Wikisource: este es un sitio donde podrás leer los libros que hayan sido publicados bajo licencias GFDL o CC-BY-SA 3.0. Proyecto Gutenberg: a la fecha existen más de 42 mil ebooks disponibles en diferentes formatos para descargar o leer en línea.

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Navegar por Internet ayuda a poner freno al alzhéimer

Madrid Internet ya no es algo exclusivo de jóvenes. En los últimos años, las personas mayores han mostrado un creciente interés por las nuevas tecnologías, las redes sociales y todo el mundo de posibilidades que les presenta la Red. Este entusiasmo ha motivado varios estudios sobre sus beneficios en la tercera edad. El último de ellos, ‘English Longitudinal Study of Aging’, ha demostrado que el uso habitual de esta herramienta frena el deterioro cognitivo en los enfermos de alzhéimer. Los autores han investigado a 6.442 pacientes con edades comprendidas entre los 50 y los 90 años durante ocho años y han concluido que el uso de Internet ejercita la memoria. Crear una página web gratis con nuestro Editor web gratis. Quatre services de videoconférence en ligne gratuits. Le site Les outils collaboratifs a présenté au début du mois de septembre 2012 trois services gratuits de vidéoconférence :, et

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Tecnología Educativa

Fast and beautiful maps. - History, documentary and video online. Free Technology for Teachers. Welcome to your network - Start session. Create a free website and a free blog. “ It's a way our clients can get to know us and see our culture without physically visiting the store.

Create a free website and a free blog

I couldn't believe I got the site up and running over one weekend.” “ I have been an entrepreneur for many, years, but suddenly my art licensing is really coming together and I need to have a simple, bold statement about my art. My Weebly site fits that vision for me.” “ It surprised me how quick it was to put the site together. It only took me a leisurely evening of clicking around on the site, while sitting in front of the TV, to get it up and running. . “ I started a site because I took my home sewing studio public. . “ I decided to start a website since I run a unique side business that people tend to have a lot of questions about. . “ It was important to us to be able to express our design sense in everything we did including how we organize, layout, and present our website.

. “ Being able to update and change the site sooo easily has been awesome. DEN Blog Network. Explanation: How Brain Training Can Make You Significantly Smarter. Popcorn Maker.