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Meat. I’m honored that this often shows up on the internet.


Here’s the correct version, as published in Omni, 1990. "They're made out of meat. " "Meat? " "Meat. They're made out of meat. " "There's no doubt about it. The 16 Best Dystopian Books Of All Time. Dystopian novels—stories of the horrific future—are so common as to be almost forgettable.

The 16 Best Dystopian Books Of All Time

Here is a compilation of what I believe are the 16 greatest of the genre. I could happily list twice as many that are amazing, but these are the best. From the post-apocalyptic wasteland to deadly viruses to social malaise, all possible bad futures end here. 16. That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis Best known for his Narnia novels, CS Lewis also wrote a trilogy dealing with visiting other planets—well the first two books did. 15. Wow, can you get more polar opposite of CS Lewis than Margaret Atwood?

14. While perhaps not as well known as some, John Christopher (the pen name of Samuel Youd) wrote a fantastic trilogy of young adult novels, set in a far future where the world has reverted to a feudal society after a global ecological disaster. 14 websites to make you a more intelligent person. Books that will induce a mindfuck. Here is the list of books that will officially induce mindfucks, sorted alphabetically by author.

Books that will induce a mindfuck

Those authors in bold have been recommended by one or more people as being generally mindfucking - any books listed under their names are particularly odd. You're welcome to /msg me to make an addition to this list. And finally, although he's way down at the bottom, my personal recommendation is definitely Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as it turns the ultimate mindfuck: inverting the world-view of our entire culture, and it is non-fiction. William Gibson. Neuromancer. William Gibson. Neuromancer "Neuromancer is freshly imagined, compellingly detailed and chiling... " -- The New York Times "UNFORGETTABLE. . . The richness of Gibson's world is incredible! " -- Chicago Sun-Times "SUPERB! Gibson has created a rich, detailed, and vivid near future, populated with uncomfortably realistic characters . . . an amazingly comples novel . . . Neuromancer William Gibson This book was first published as an Ace Science Fiction original edition.

The Last Answer. The Last Answer by Isaac Asimov — © 1980 Murray Templeton was forty-five years old, in the prime of life, and with all parts of his body in perfect working order except for certain key portions of his coronary arteries, but that was enough.

The Last Answer

The pain had come suddenly, had mounted to an unbearable peak, and had then ebbed steadily. He could feel his breath slowing and a kind of gathering peace washing over him. There is no pleasure like the absence of pain – immediately after pain. Murray felt an almost giddy lightness as though he were lifting in the air and hovering. He opened his eyes and noted with distant amusement that the others in the room were still agitated. The Last Question. The Last Question by Isaac Asimov — © 1956 The last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on May 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first stepped into the light.

The Last Question

The question came about as a result of a five dollar bet over highballs, and it happened this way: Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful attendants of Multivac. As well as any human beings could, they knew what lay behind the cold, clicking, flashing face — miles and miles of face — of that giant computer. They had at least a vague notion of the general plan of relays and circuits that had long since grown past the point where any single human could possibly have a firm grasp of the whole. Multivac was self-adjusting and self-correcting. For decades, Multivac had helped design the ships and plot the trajectories that enabled man to reach the Moon, Mars, and Venus, but past that, Earth’s poor resources could not support the ships. “It’s amazing when you think of it,” said Adell. What Is Intelligence, Anyway? What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

What Is Intelligence, Anyway?

By Isaac Asimov What is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the army, I received the kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me. (It didn't mean anything. All my life I've been registering scores like that, so that I have the complacent feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who make up the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents similar to mine?