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Digital LIMC. CGRN Collection of Greek Ritual Norms. Tabella Defixionis Project. ARCHIBAB. Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance. Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance The Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance is a tool developed by the DFHG Project for finding concordances among ancient Greek fragmentary historians published by Karl Müller in the Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (FHG) and by Felix Jacoby and other scholars in the Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (FGrHist), including the continuatio and the Brill's New Jacoby (BNJ).

Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance

Search Fields The Müller-Jacoby Table of Concordance enables users to search authors by: FHG volume number, page number, and/or author name: e.g., Stesimbrotus Thasius FGrHist author name and/or author number: e.g., Hellanikos von Lesbos and 323a BNJ 1 author name and/or author number: e.g., Akousilaos of Argos BNJ 2 author name and/or author number: e.g., Aristonikos of Tarentum Output The results display the following data (when available)*: * For the abbreviations see Bibliography and Resources.

For a description of the syntax of DFHG and CITE urns, see the main page of the DFHG Project. CIRCE. Homepage, Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, University of Oxford. Répertoire des fonds d’archives égyptologiques. Open Greek and Latin Project. Iconiclimc. 51577 images in the database Consideration Unfortunately, there is a big restriction within the boolean search: words must be at least four characters long.


The explanation for that is rather simple. In a fulltext there are always a lot of fillwords (the, and, or, if, etc.) present, which would slow down the boolean search and return a large amount of unwanted matches. Therefore words with less than four characters are simply ignored and your search for „rom“, „eos“ or „aes“ will return NO RESULT. Simple search By default iconicarchive uses the simple search, which presumes that ALL entered words MUST be present in the keywords. Boolean search As an alternative to the simple search it is possible to use the boolean search, which is extremely powerfull in combination with other words.

No boolean operators around a word (alexander) means that the word MUST be present in the keywords. Prosopographia Ptolemaica. Le pool Ancient World Image Bank. Bases de données électroniques < Ulm - Lettres et Sciences humaines < Les bibliothèques de l'École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Paris. Revues électroniques de la Bibliothèque Jean de Vernon BOSEB/IFEB (778) LIMC-France : bases de données. KIRKE. Suchhilfen und Verzeichnisse Propylaeum Rassegna degli Strumenti Informatici per lo studio dell'antichità classica Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation Classics Resources & Links Kirke-Rubriken Klassische Philologie und Alte Geschichte: Institute, Departments, Seminare Deutschsprachiger Raum Europa übrige Welt Kirke-Spezialitäten Ovid im WWW Rom im WWW Telemachos: Materialien und Texte zur Antike weitere Rubriken Zeitschriften online Antike Autoren Textsammlungen Geschichte Philologie und Literaturwissenschaft Paläographie, Papyrologie, Epigraphik, Textkritik Genderstudies, Sexualität Religion, Mythologie Philosophie, Medizin, Naturwissenschaft Spätantike, Christentum Computer und Antike Didaktisches, Latinitas Viva Numismatik Nachbarfächer Archäologie Sammlungen von Ressourcen und Institutionen Übergreifende Themen Ausgrabungen und Museen in Deutschland Ausgrabungen und Museen in Italien Ausgrabungen und Museen in Rom Ausgrabungen und Museen in Kampanien Ausgrabungen und Museen in Griechenland.


Notizie degli scavi di antichità. Biblindex. APh - L'Année philologique.