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The Bible is Like a Software Licence picture on VisualizeUs. Good With God? Marcusaurelius picture on VisualizeUs. Extraordinary Claims. Vocations. Here is the complete collection of online comics I have produced, with the exception of the (extremely occasional) ongoing comics that I publish to Friendly Atheist. Cectic: The user manual for your brain, in comic form. 2007-2011. Cectic Bonus: Originally only available to people who had donated.

Psience: I used to be a believer. Then I wasn't. This was the result. The Official God FAQ. Jesus: The Cosmic Jewish Zombie. Prove you can't fly? Prove you can! 559.jpg (JPEG Image, 850 × 557 pixels) 45871_420527318365_563728365_4886354_8136143_n.jpg (JPEG Image, 720 × 576 pixels) How to suck at your religion. Treder-quote.jpg (JPEG Image, 816 × 575 pixels) - Scaled (79%) Icky.