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Social Media Landscape 2012. (La version française de cet article est ici : Panorama des médias sociaux 2012) A few years ago, Charlene Lee from Forrester said social networks will be like air.

Social Media Landscape 2012

We are now in 2012 and social media had never been this important. I regularly talk to people referring to social media as the web, the whole web. Indeed, the web as became social, and it is hard to find non-social websites. This being said, how can you explain social, when anything is social? Ehemalige Schulfreunde und neue Freunde finden mit dem Klassenfinder wiederfinden.



Content Communities. Lokalisten. Mein VZ. Studi-VZ. Mister Wong. Foursquare. Delicious. Google+ LinkedIn. Facebook. Twitter. XING.