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Connexions - Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities. Chris Teplovs - Knowledge Space Visualizer. CALICO - STEF - ENS Cachan - INRP. Actualité Colloque intercompréhension IC2012 Université Stendhal - Grenoble 3 Atelier Corpus François-Marie Blondel, Christophe reffay, Emmanuel Giguet, Sandrine Déprez Analyser des corpus de discussions multilingues avec CALICO - Exemples tirés de Galanet vendredi 23 juin, 16h (résumé) ERTé CALICO L’ERTé CALICO (2006 - 2009) a pour objet la recherche sur les formations à caractère professionnalisant se déroulant à distance ou partiellement à distance et qui intègrent des modalités de travail collaboratif. Elle poursuit un triple objectif : de recherche fondamentale : rendre intelligibles les dynamiques d’interaction entre les participants à des activités finalisées dans un contexte de formation et notamment l’activité du formateur-tuteur. Résultats Synthèse des résultats Rapport final de l'ERTé - février 2010 - 162 p. ( 3,3 Mo) Publications et communications Liste des publications et communications des équipes Plate-forme CALICO Équipe IUFM associés Laboratoires de recherche associés.

La plateforme Calico. The Calico plaform offers a shared space dedicated to researchers and practitioners for Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) objects. It was originally created for sharing discussion forum objects from e-learning platforms but it now handles other communication objects such as mailing lists. Users can upload, view, study and share CMC objects.

Unregistered users can watch and study public anonymous CMC objects on the site, while registered users are permitted to upload an unlimited number of objects. Some objects are available only for the Calico special interest group, while private CMC objects are strictly available for their owner. The Calico toolkit is made of multilingual, user-centered, exploration tools dedicated to CMC Objects. ShowForum displays the content of messages depending on dates, authors and threads. Anagora provides a graph representation to visualize overlapping discussion threads over time on a single screen. Concordagora focuses on context of occurrences of topics. Calico - Plate-forme pour visualiser et analyser des forums de discussion. La plate-forme CALICO intègre des outils d'analyse et de visualisation en ligne de forums, de listes de discussion et de blogs. Ces outils sont destinés aux chercheurs et aux praticiens qui souhaitent disposer de vues plus synthétiques sur leurs forums et dépasser la simple lecture du contenu des messages, tâche qui peut s'avérer difficile à assumer suivant l'évolution et le volume des messages échangés.

Ils sont actuellement développés et utilisés par les participants à l'ERTé CALICO. Accès direct à la plate-forme : Nouveautés sept 2012 L'interface est disponible en 10 langages : ca cn de en es fr ja pt ro ru juin 2012 Concordagora affiche les constextes droit et gauche des occurences des thèmes sélectionnnés. janvier 2012 Ouverture du wiki Calico qui contient des aides complémentaires au guide d'utiilsation. mai 2011 La nouvelle version du guide d'utilisation (mai 2011) tient compte des nouvelles fonctionnalités des outils. avril 2011 Accès et mode d'emploi.

Institutional Repository Bibliography. UNdata. Open Notebook Science. History[edit] The term "open notebook science"[6] was first used in a blog post by Jean-Claude Bradley, an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Drexel University. Bradley described open notebook science as follows:[7] ... there is a URL to a laboratory notebook that is freely available and indexed on common search engines. It does not necessarily have to look like a paper notebook but it is essential that all of the information available to the researchers to make their conclusions is equally available to the rest of the world—Jean-Claude Bradley Practitioners[edit] Active[edit] Experimental[edit] Jean-Claude Bradley[8]Andrew S.I.D.

Theoretical[edit] Tobias J. Archived[edit] Recurrent (Educational)[edit] Junior Physics Lab (307L) at University of New Mexico[29] Partial/Pseudo[30] open notebooks[edit] These are initiatives more open than traditional laboratory notebooks but lacking a key component for full Open Notebook Science. Benefits[edit] Drawbacks[edit] Funding and sponsorship[edit] Logos[edit] Interview With Jean-Claude Bradley - The Impact of Open Notebook Science. FEATURE Interview With Jean-Claude Bradley The Impact of Open Notebook Science by Richard Poynder Jean-Claude Bradley is an organic chemist at Drexel University in Philadelphia. As with most scientists, Bradley used to be very secretive. He kept his research under wraps until publication and frequently applied for patents on his work in nanotechnology and gene therapy. However, he asked himself a difficult question 5 years ago: Was his research having the kind of impact he would like? He had to conclude that the answer was “no,” and this was partly a consequence of the culture of secrecy that permeates research today.

So Bradley was determined to be more open. Since his collaborators were not of the same mind, he severed his ties with them and, in 2005, he launched a web-based initiative called UsefulChem. Q: Can you tell us about your job and research interests? A: I am an associate professor of chemistry and an organic chemist at Drexel University in Philadelphia. A: Exactly. Open science data. An introductory overview of Linked Open Data in the context of cultural institutions. Clear labeling of the licensing terms is a key component of Open data, and icons like the one pictured here are being used for that purpose. Overview[edit] The concept of open data is not new; but a formalized definition is relatively new—the primary such formalization being that in the Open Definition which can be summarized in the statement that "A piece of data is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it — subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and/or share-alike.

"[2] Open data is often focused on non-textual material[citation needed] such as maps, genomes, connectomes, chemical compounds, mathematical and scientific formulae, medical data and practice, bioscience and biodiversity. A typical depiction of the need for open data: Creators of data often do not consider the need to state the conditions of ownership, licensing and re-use. I want my data back. See also[edit]