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Sémantique de l'image. Mobilisation local d'arts plastiques et multimédia. Techno pédagogie 1. Création d'applications. Vive la Sociale ! 5. Monde libre. La classe autrement...inversée, différente. Préscolaire. Éducation préscolaire. Education. Recette petit dej. Les recettes de cuisine. Chansons pour enfants. Les épices. EMC - Textes officiels et programmes.

EMC : Des ressources pour l’enseigner. L’Ecole mobilisée pour les valeurs de la République - laïcité. GENEALOGIE. Lecture et écriture. Les cerveaux encombrés. Pâtisseries festives. Méthodo de veille. Moteurs de recherche. Réalité virtuelle - Réalité augmentée. Bibliothèques et numérique. Stockage dans les nuages : comparatif. Le stockage de données dans les nuages (Cloud) est une tendance tellement lourde que j’ai du mal à la porter. Mais comment choisir entre les différents acteurs ? GoogleDrive, SkyDrive, DropBox, iCloud ? Les critères à prendre en compte gratuité ou nontaille maximale d’un fichierexistence d’appli bureau et/ou mobiletarifs des offres payantesspécificités de chaque service Bref, voici une infographie utile pour choisir l’offre la plus adaptée à vos besoins Auteur : Chob Passionné par le digital sous toutes ses formes : médias sociaux, web design, emarketing, outils utiles, blogging, open data, dataviz... 558 articles, certains bons, d'autres moins ;-) Profil Google+

How to Build a Content Marketing Machine. Content Marketing is hot. White hot. SEO and digital marketing thought leaders are declaring that Content Marketing is the next big thing. Even Rand is touting its importance. The strategy of Content Marketing makes sense: instead of pushing messages about your product at prospects, pull prospects towards you by publishing content about your prospects’ interests. Search rank, traffic, leads and all sort of goodness flow from this approach. So the conversation is no longer about if or why an organization should practice Content Marketing.

So if you’re wondering “How?” The Machine First, let’s take a look at the machine, all of its pistons, cogs, smokestacks and miscellaneous parts. Now we’ll go over the machine, part by part. Goals & Plan What is the goal, the end output for your Content Marketing Machine? Your plan then becomes to create a content-powered path that takes your prospect from where they are today to the end goal. Team So you’ve got a plan. Ideas Production Audience Development. Biological computer created at Stanford. Posted: 03/29/2013 07:42:14 AM PDT0 Comments A team of Stanford engineers has made a simple computer inside a living cell, where it could detect disease, warn of toxic threats and, where danger lurked, even self-destruct cells gone rogue.

The startling achievement, unveiled in Friday's issue of the journal Science, takes us to a new frontier -- where nature's instruction manual is being programmed to deliver information long-concealed within our bodies. "We're going to be able to put computers inside any living cell you want," said lead researcher Drew Endy of Stanford's School of Engineering. "Any place you want a little bit of logic, a little bit of computation, a little bit of memory -- we're going to be able to do that. " The creation completes 10 years of work and represents the final chapter of Stanford researchers' quest to build the biological computer. These tiny computers could deliver true-false answers to virtually any biological question that might be posed within a cell.

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"hot" psycho. Multiple-Intelligences. Carto. Interesting teams. Boxes. Drum Machine. Effects | PhotoFunia. Editing Tutorials For Amazing HDR Effects. You either love or hate HDR pictures – that is a fact. Some people say that these pictures look too unreal and opt for more realistic photos. However I think that some HDR pictures are just perfect. Somehow some photographers that choose this technique achieve that dreamy and unrealistic effect.

What also needs to be taken into consideration is the type of photo that one has decided to turn into an HDR. Not all of them are good for this technique and hence the weird effect that some people hate. What is good about HDR is that it can make even the ugliest photo look good, but once again – without exaggerations.

Some people just over saturate their photos, thinking this would make it look good. If your camera doesn’t have this property, or you didn’t have time to make and HDR or it was simply not the right moment – then you can easily process your photos in one of the editing softwares out there. Gritty HDR Photo Effects Exposure Blending Tutorial HDR Tutorial with Photomatix. El Poder de la Palabra. Home - Flavourful Tuscany. Being Human. Psychosomatica.

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