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Contact. Generative art. Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms (slideshow of “gx30″ tag on Flickr) Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms Feb 18-26, 2012 at iMal, The Generator.x 3.0: From Code to Atoms workshop at iMAL, Brussels culminated last Friday in an exhibition of works created during the week.

Generative art

As expected there is a wide range of works and expressions, from Makerbot’ted data sculptures (Frederik Vanhoutte, Andrej Boleslavsky, Katerina Konstantopoulos + Erato Choli) to distorted 3D scanned objects (Matthew Plummer-Fernandez) and parametric paper folding (Julien Deswaef). For a complete overview of the workshop and its results, take a look at the Flickr tag “GX30″ which currently covers over 1000 uploads. Another important resource is iMAL’s wiki site Wikimal, which includes source code and tutorials published in connection with the workshop. The people of Generator.x 3.0: iMAL: Yves Bernard, Yannick Antoine, Marie-Laure Delaby and Greg Alveolis.

Workshop coordinator: Marius Watz. Feb 24/1202:37 TAGS: No Tags. RapEricBCN : Massive 3D printed impeller! Digital Input/Output on Teensy with Arduino functions, digitalWrite, digitalRead, pinMode. The Teensy has 21 digital I/O pins and the Teensy++ has 38, which you can use to control many types of devices or read information.

Digital Input/Output on Teensy with Arduino functions, digitalWrite, digitalRead, pinMode

You can access the pins by their number, or using their pre-defined names shown in the table. These names match the printing on the circuit board. Input vs Output: pinMode() When your sketch begins running, all digital pins default to input mode. You can control the mode of any pin using the pinMode() function. PinMode(PIN_D6, OUTPUT); The first parameter is the pin number to configure and the second parameter must be either INPUT or OUTPUT. Often pinMode() is used in the setup() section to configure all the digitial pins that are used and they simply remain that way.

Output: digitalWrite() When a pin is configured as output, you can make it high or low by calling digitialWrite(). digitalWrite(PIN_D6, LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_D6, HIGH); Input: digitalRead() if (digitalRead(PIN_C2)) { } else { } Input With Pullup pinMode(PIN_D7, INPUT_PULLUP); Active Low vs Active High. 20 Furniture Marvels For The Futuristic Home. Design will keep changing to suit the most current of trends, tastes and functionality needs of today’s buyers.

20 Furniture Marvels For The Futuristic Home

The same can be evidently seen in mobile phones, PC keyboards, gaming consoles and even in mugs. These creative means to re-invent product designs as we know it are not lost in another important aspect of our daily life: home furniture. Granted some designs will look cooler and more comfortable than others, but pay extra attention to futuristic designs. This is why I’d like to highlight some futuristic designs in furniture that could possible grace our homes in the not-so-distant future.

For some lucky home and office owners, the future is already here. Read Also: Cool Futuristic/Concept Gadgets That Really Inspire Z. Concoon Bed Wasserbetten has taken design to new intergalactic heights and touched the rings of Saturn with this amazing bed using innovative technology, and incorporating a Yacht design. Innermost Asteroid Lamp Kure Family Dining Table. Prometheus Concept Art by David Levy. Concept Artist David Levy has released some great concept art that he created for Ridley Scott’s Prometheus.

Prometheus Concept Art by David Levy

David worked on many concepts including variations of the rover, the medpod and set designs. Link: All images used with permission by the artist.