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258 JSONP APIs: Get Your JSON Response Anywhere. JSON is popular, at least when it comes to API data formats. Of the new APIs we added to our directory, one in five supports only JSON. But how many support JSONP, which allows developers to load data directly on the client side no matter the originating server? There are 258 JSONP APIs out of a possible 1,724 JSON APIs. That’s only 15% that support an approach many developers will want to use. First, let’s take a step back and look at why JSONP is important. The reason is tied very closely to why JSON is popular in the first place. JSONP becomes important when developers want to access on the client machine data that exists outside of the website the user is visiting.

JSONP simply wraps the response in a function call named by the developer. An up-and-coming alternative to JSONP is CORS, which stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. And that’s probably the biggest shocker of JSONP adoption. Some cite security concerns over JSONP, as it can pass on script injections. Pamela fox--client API(s)


Adobe. Yahoo. Google. Twitter. ProgrammableWeb--API dashboard. Best New Mashups: Who’s Feeling Aggregated? One of the most powerful aspects of mashups is taking similar data from competing websites and providing a single place to examine the content. In this round-up of the best new mashups we’ll look at three apps that aggregate data from multiple services. One looks at location check-ins, another at shared photos and another mashes photos with information about where they were taken. Checkin Mania: Find out who is checking in around you. APIs: Foursquare, Google Maps, Gowalla.

More at our Checkin Mania profile. Pictarine: A social network to share photos. PicTell: Self Describing Photos: PicTell is a Geolenz + Panoramio mashup. Both comments and pings are currently closed. Dojo Toolkit - JavaScript Tools. Best New Mashups: Get At Hidden Data. Most mashups rely on data from other APIs to do their thing. That’s part of the power of open APIs. There’s a special class of mashup that we’re featuring today. These extract additional data, hidden from casual view. Now you can find out where that short URL points, the lyrics (and more) for any song, or the spot where you can meet in the middle–as long as you can spell rendezvous. SongDNA: The SongDNA iPhone app aims to be the source for song information. Resolves Me: The site resolves short urls used on sites like twitter. Rendezvous is dedicated to finding a great meeting place that isn’t too far for both parties. Both comments and pings are currently closed.


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