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Manly men

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Manly Guys Doing Manly Things - Updated Mondays or whenever I feel like it. Ballad of the Laser Fish. While you guys are here, I’d like to take a minute to point you towards a comic pencilled, inked, coloured, and lettered my broest of Australia bros, Emily Smith. The digital download is only $2! I got to see all the inked pages when I was down visiting her in Australia and it was looking absolutely PHENOMENAL! I’m super proud of her for making it this far and getting a published book off the ground, and I know it would mean the world to her if people checked it out (And maybe bought a copy!). You’d also be helping to inject money into the Australian comics industry!

Does this get to count as one Pokemon? Why did they get rid of secret bases? They were the best part. And then Jared became a man. This probably isn’t as funny as I was hoping. He wants that more than any fish has ever wanted a cupcake. “win” and “fail” are also prohibited. How To Train Your Sea Serpent. 04/12/2010. 04/05/2010. 03/15/2010.