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Iconic Photos. Nerdfighters. Home. The Mary Sue - A Guide To Girl Geek Culture. Tastefully Offensive | Premium Funny. DIY Idea: Rainbow Melted Crayon Art & Man Made DIY | Crafts for Men... Artist and designer Jessica Kerbawy creates these amazing rainbow wall art pieces by gluing a spectrum of crayons on foam core, and then strategically melting them with a heat gun. The paper wrappers are left atop, with the remains of the colored wax dripping down. Though it may look like something you've seen before, I find these to be pretty clever and unique, and an update on the playing with melted wax and rainbow techniques. Jessica's prices are actually incredibly reasonable, between $25 and $75 depending on the size. But, it's also something you could try yourself, especially now that it's back-to-school season, and large boxes of crayons will be on sale.

Check them out at JKCreative's Etsy Shop Interested in more DIY colorful wall art ideas? Via CMYBacon. StumbleUpon. Me « I Knead You. I’m Hannah. I’m a Biology major who loves to cook, from a big family in Maryland. We have a teeny galley kitchen, usually with a handful of snacking kids, so moving to school in New York wasn’t a huge change on the cooking front as far as space goes. Whether it’s mixing batter in the common room, dropping eggs on the carpet at three in the morning, or finding creative substitutes for everything from oven-mitts to cheese graters, cooking in college is always an adventure. This blog is me sharing my cooking adventures: my experiments, my favorite recipes, others I’ve tweaked to work with what I have, my tips on cooking with limited resources, and refreshers on the basics I wish I’d had when I started cooking on my own and couldn’t just yell ‘Hey Dad, what temperature should the oven be again?’

Across the house. The name comes from my favorite America song to make bread to. Like this: Like Loading... Traumatized But Ready For the World. Kethera: coconutcoconutcoconut: youneedmeoryourenothing: #actors who are actually their character the greatest casting ever. Even better when you think about how Dan got a place for himself in NY to continue his career, Emma went to a school in USA, and Rupert bought a fucking ice cream truck. Follow your dreams Rupert I didn’t know this.

‘I keep my van well stocked. You found me.