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Genesis Outline. Genesis The book of Genesis is a book of beginnings that takes us back before the dawn of our first parents - Adam and Eve. Here, we see the Spirit of God “hovering” over His creation with the express purpose of bringing it to light and life. His thoughts toward us even then were for redemption, as scripture says that we have been chosen in Him before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4, 1 Peter 1:20, Romans 8:29). King David also writes in the fortieth Psalm, “Many, O Lord my God, are Your wonderful works which You have done; and Your thoughts which are toward us cannot be recounted to You in order; If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.”

Genesis has also been called the watershed of all scripture, where the major doctrines and themes of scripture are compared to great rivers, ever deepening and broadening as they flow - the rivers having their common source in the book of beginnings. Layout of the book of Genesis Two main sections*: Biblical Archaeology Society. Bible History Flowchart. TEXTUS RECEPTUS (Received Text) Due to the original Greek having hundreds of custom symbols, even with the advent of printing around 1450 AD it took until 1516 AD for the Greek to be widely available, in a special reduced Greek character set.

Printer John Froben of Basle (who stole a march on Cardinal Ximenes) engaged Desiderius Erasmus who produced a dual Greek/Latin version. The edition was full of errors, and not traceable to particular Greek originals. It was an instant success, reprinted with corrections several times, and led to nearly 200 successors, all suffering from errors to a certain degree between 1516 and 1550. The damage was done, the world was flooded with erroneous Greek text. 1550 AD saw the publication of Robert Stephanus's TR, whose third edition became the standard text, as it started to introduce rigour sadly lacking in previous work.

The Textus Receptus is thus very far from it's Latin name, received text, it is a vast range of the Greek, of variable quality. Bible World History. Historicalbiblesociety. Digital Dead Sea Scrolls. Archaeology & the Bible.