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Dibujario: Fernando de Pablo: noviembre 2011. Lo primero que quiero es centrar el tiro en una idea fundamental. El proceso está por encima del resultado, nadie está destinado a un único resultado. Si esto es así, si nos convencemos de esta idea, podremos abrir nuestras capacidades a una realidad fundamental: la capacidad de explorar. Un punto de partida fundamental para explorar es tener "Las cosas claras y la mente abierta" Las cosas claras nos ayudarán a dejar claros nuestros objetivos y la mente abierta nos facilita la exploración. Explorar es la base de todo proyecto de innovación: todo aquello que queramos generar partiendo de cero necesita la exploración. Para explorar y definir, los juegos de definición y ejecución son una herramienta estupenda. La dinámica que propongo aquí se desarrolla en tres fases de exploración diferente. Fase 1: individual y autónoma Fase 2: individual y guiada Fase 3: colectiva Se trata de fabricar un objeto mecánico que funcione y de documentar los resultados del proceso de exploración.

La falacia de la revolución sexual femenina y otras mentiras del capitalismo patriarcal. | Plataforma Anti Patriarcado. Existen numerosos daños que ha producido en la sociedad actual el capitalismo salvaje, y uno de ellos, del que poco o nada se habla, es la erotización extrema que muchos tratan de vendernos en forma de “Liberación Sexual”. Esta erotización extrema a la que nos someten cada día no es más que otra forma de esclavitud que nada tiene de libertaria, pues degrada y cosifica, especialmente a las mujeres. Por un lado, convirtiendo sus cuerpos en una cárcel de auto exigencia por los cánones de belleza impuestos, y por otro, reduciéndolas y representándolas como simple mercancía.

Una esclavitud consumista que continúa cosificando y promoviendo la desigualdad de género y el tráfico de seres humanos, y cuyas víctimas directas son sobre todo mujeres y niños. No nos engañemos, la mujer de hoy sigue siendo mostrada desde una perspectiva misógina y androcéntrica, como algo que está ahí para complacer, no como un ser digno de respeto. Los pederastas no nacen, no vienen de otro planeta: se hacen. Game Storming: des jeux pour créer | facilitations. Avec « Game Storming », nous faisons référence au livre américain du même nom, qui s’est proposé de réunir des dizaines de « jeux » permettant à des groupes de toute taille et de tout profil de partager et de co-créer.

Chacun de ces jeux vise à soutenir une des trois étapes essentielles d’une facilitation: l’ouverture, l’exploration-invention, et la clôture. Un peu en marge des célèbres Forums Ouverts et Worldcafés, le game storming est une invitation faite au facilitateur: « ne te fige pas dans une « technologie de rencontre », soit créatif et goûte à l’inattendu… » Contexte: Dans le cadre du projet d’écoquartier des Vergers (Genève), la Coopérative Equilibre souhaitait inviter ses membres à définir les bases du projet architectural de leurs futurs immeubles. Au sortir, les représentants de la coopérative devait disposer de la matière nécessaire pour établir le cahier des charges des architectes.

Temps disponible: une journée. La proposition de facilitation. Playback Theatre: Bringing Groups to Life | Creative Collaborations. A snapshot of Playback Theatre - Healing York and River Crossing Playback. Photo by John Pavoncello, York Dispatch. Imagine your community telling honest, heartfelt stories of its members within an hour of gathering – and listening intently to each other. And one by one, those stories come to life on an intimate stage! That’s Playback Theatre, an interactive form of creating beautiful community dialogue that I have been practicing since 2004. And it could be your group. Because Playback Theatre is not just fun and good storytelling, it’s the activation of our common human empathy.

Across cultures and languages, it’s a potentially universal experience. Chris Fitz conducting a story at Your Stories, York's Stories performance, part of the Healing York initiative in April 2008. Contact me to help develop a Playback Theatre event near you!

The Facilitator’s Toolbox | Creative Collaborations. Where do all these crazy ideas come from? And what is it that I actually do? I was originally trained in integrative conflict mediation at the University of Massachusetts and Hampshire College by Leah Wing and Janet Rifkin. This type of mediation establishes a safe format for people to share stories and brainstorm solutions while in conflict – so they can solve their own problems. This is the fundamental premise on which all my facilitation work is based – empower and involve participants and then, voila, watch the magic unfold. With groups of diverse participants, personalities, histories and power dynamics, this process is infinitely trickier – as you well know.

In pursuing this work, I have trained in and practiced a range of group processes and facilitation techniques, and I employ them in various situations according to what different groups need with their different cultures, contexts and growing edges. I look forward to serving your group with these unique, fun and powerful tools. How Facilitating Works Magic | Creative Collaborations. Your group has a great vision. How will you make it reality? And how do you weather the storm of personality clashes and power struggles that will inevitably unfold? “Thanks for bringing this to our staff. I’ve worked down the hall from her for years, but never knew any of her stories!” ~ community college staff member I use an array of both subtle and dramatic techniques to catalyze your group into an energized and sensitive team. Here’s how: CONSULT: I work with you and your leadership on a needs assessment, asking questions about your group’s history, dynamics and current issues.

I draw from a number of traditional “vanilla” facilitation techniques for meetings in addition to tools that have more of an exotic “chunky monkey” flavor. If you’re interested in exploring powerful solutions for your group and community, contact me for a free consultation. Learn more about the different tools in my toolbox. Want to take your group to the edge? “Wow, the stories blew me away. Creative Collaborations | Facilitating Your Potential. Gamestorming – A toolkit for innovators, rule-breakers and changemakers. The Grove | Our Work | Services. Client engagements often include a combination of the options below. Facilitation Grove facilitators are the acknowledged leaders in integrating facilitation, interactive graphic recording, and graphic templates to lead groups toward agreed-upon goals.

We facilitate a wide range of meetings, from planning and team-recharging events to large public meetings, annual retreats, and cross-organization summits. In virtual settings, our facilitators incorporate real-time polling, graphic recording, and other groupware technologies, producing a shareable, visual document for participants. Graphic Recording Real-time visualization is a key to agile planning sessions. Our graphic recorders interactively document a group’s conversation on flip charts, large poster paper, graphic templates, murals, and other media, thus allowing everyone to see and understand the flow of dialog, decisions and agreements. Agenda Design Thoughtful process design ensures productive meetings.

Gamestorming. Creative Collaborations | Facilitating and Marketing Your Potential. Gamestorming. Talleres dados.