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Facebook Twitter home. 10 Useful Tips For Ruby On Rails Developers. Advertisement By Greg Borenstein and Michael ‘MJFreshyFresh’ Jones Rails is an model-view-controller Web framework written in the Ruby programming language. One of its great appeals is being able to quickly crank out CRUD-based Web applications. A big advantage of Rails over other frameworks is that it values convention over configuration. Now, we love Rails. In the overview below we present 10 useful tips, ideas and resources for Ruby on Rails-developers (both newbies and professionals). 1.

Rails has a well defined plug-in structure that enables you to easily install and use plug-ins in your application. There’s an old nugget of developer wisdom that “the best code is no code at all.” There are a few ways to install a plug-in in Rails, however the most common is using script: # Install from a git repo script/plugin install # Install from a url script/plugin install 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Macbook$ . 9. Getting Started With Ruby On Rails. Beginner's Guide To Ruby On Rails: Part 2. Advertisement Last week we published Getting Started With Ruby On Rails, the first part of our Ruby On Rails introduction. We explained basic ideas behind Ruby and presented concepts and essential components of the language. In this article you’ll learn more about Rails, you will learn how to get Ruby on Rails running on your computer, and get an overview of the basic functionality of Rails and demonstrate how Rails’ main parts work together.

I assume you’re already familiar with some other form of Web development, whether PHP, Python, Perl or Java, and relational databases like MySQL. After reading these parts, you should have an idea of whether Rails is for you. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Get Rolling To get your feet wet with Rails, it’s best to simply install it on your own machine and start playing around. On Windows do the following: Install Ruby 1.8.6 using the one-click installer from To edit Ruby code, you can use any text editor.

15 Things for a Ruby Beginner. The following is a post I had recently sent the Bangalore Ruby User Group. It has been slightly modified to address a larger audience. There were many Ruby beginners in last week's meetup, and the common question we heard was 'after the very basics, what next? ' The best way to learn Ruby best practices is to pair with an experienced dev; the way I learned was by inheriting a reasonably small, but well-written codebase from an amazing colleague.

In the absence of either, here is a checklist of 15 things (since 'N things that you need to know about X' is the in-thing these days!) That I'd recommend a Ruby beginner to consider: 1. Our very own has a Ruby primer which was written for exactly this purpose; we open our inbox everyday to gushing feedback from people who've found it to be a great way to learn Ruby. also has a basic introduction to Ruby, and has been around longer. I have heard good things about Learn Ruby the Hardway, but haven't tried it out myself. 2.