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The World in Numbers

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Think Racism Isn’t An Issue Anymore? Oh, Have I Got An Infographic For You. Most minimum wage workers are adults who work for large corporations. May 10, 2013 One of the major arguments that comes up whenever there’s some talk about raising the minimum wage is “What about small businesses!” And “What about teenagers! Who is going to hire teenagers if they have to pay them anything close to a living wage?” It’s easy to assume that most minimum wage workers are teenagers working for some extra pocket change so they can get a dress for prom, go to the movies or buy some Adderall off that kid in third-period history. Well, here’s the thing: Only 24% of minimum wage workers are teenagers.

We have a serious problem with the working poor in this country. And what about small businesses! Well, as far as that goes, the majority of minimum wage workers (66%) in this country work for large corporations with more than 100 employees. It makes me sick. These companies complain about minimum wage hikes, and having to give workers health insurance. Sigh. One last thing on the small businesses, because I worked for a lot of them in my retail days. 100 People: A World Portrait. Human Development Reports (HDR) | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Gapminder Org. Nations & Countries.
