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Some works - Gilberto Magno. Far Cry 4 : A99 : 1, Greg Rassam. 3D. Free maya downloads, downloads for maya, maya scripts, maya plugins, maya character rigs, maya shaders, maya plugins, maya paintfx brushes. Mariana Gorbea's Sketchbook - Page 5. Alone With Horny Aliens [action porn game][NSFW] The radial friction of her breasts appear isotropic, but this isn't how breasts work in reality. They should follow an exaggerated version of your lateral shoulder motion. Please observe this breast motion trajectory (BMT) figure. The figure 8 motion of your model's breasts is more in line with what you'd expect with an encapsulation bra, which provides adequate support in most directions (except the vertical).

In the above figure you should notice that the motion is much less curved in the medial direction. This is simply a result of the (limited) tensile support inherent to the chest, of which there are two major components: • The skin provides the support you'd expect. It is anisotropic and stronger in the mediolateral axis. Another improvement to the theory of breast biomechanics, albeit perhaps a bit too complicated for your game, would be to decouple the forces involved into 3. PolygonArt. Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator by Motiv. How This Calculator Works The Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator will help you determine what you need in order to support the lifestyle that you desire. By entering information into each field, you can calculate an hourly rate based on your costs, number of billable hours, and desired annual profit.

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Your dream lifestyle is within reach! Visit Our Blog! Vichar's Sketchbook - Page 3. Eternity-nu sketchbook. Fire extinguisher concept art. Abandonedography. Steampunk Cyborg. Thanks so much guys!! Nassosa - It's VRay. manum - Sure, I will post something about the render soon.Here are some breakdown images. Thanks guys.References: Body Sketch: Body Retopo: Posed with Trasnpose Master: The KO Jewellery Shop - Handmade Silver Jewellery. Distressed metal texture. Welcome to Hotel Triund at Bhagsunag, Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, Himachal - hotel accommodation at best rates and services. Dharamsala is situated in the Northern Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. It lies on a spur of the Dhauladhar range in the Pir Panjal region of the Outer Himalayas; and commands majestic views of the mighty Dhauladhar ranges above, and the Kangra Valley below.

Dhauladhar means "white ridge" and this breathtaking, snow-capped range rises out of the Kangra Valley to a height of 5,200 meters (17,000 feet).The Kangra Valley is a wide, fertile plain, crisscrossed by low hills. People from all over the world flock to Mcleodganj to receive blessings and teachings from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Western and Indian tourists and scholars come here to see the rebirth of an ancient and fascinating civilization. The high altitude and cool weather contribute physically to the re-creation of the original Tibetan environment.

Attractions at Dharamsala / Mcleodganj. Bhagsu mcleodganj triyund. Abhishek Singh. Summer exercise - alien. My summer exercise in ZB. I used also Sculptris6 (for base mesh) and CorelDraw and PhotoPaint (for background, description, and layers).I really waiting for flip from ZB to Sculptris without problems with the surface - it will be great - will it be? Sometimes there are bad days. Happy viewing. Hope you like. The man opened his mouth to speak. a small trout swam out, trailing impossible bubbles. - decapitate animals.

Seamless rust texture. Brasilien - Mit dem Schiff den Amazonas hinauf in den Regenwald. Manche Regionen in Brasilien sind ob der schieren Größe des Landes sehr weit und menschenleer 32 von 32 Brasilien ist ein Land der großen Distanzen. Otto legte dort rund 30.000 Kilometer zurück, viele davon auf unbefestigten Pisten 1 von 32 Dieses Schild an einem der nördlichen Grenzübergänge zeigt die Dimensionen des riesigen Landes 2 von 32 Eine der Sehenswürdigkeiten sind die Wasserfälle von Iguazu genau auf der Grenze zu Argentinien. Sie sind etwa 82 Meter hoch. 3 von 32 In der Gischt des schäumenden Wassers, das aus allen Richtungen in den Regenwald zu tosen scheint, bricht sich das Licht 4 von 32 Viele der kleineren Städte haben sich einen portugiesisch-kolonialen Charakter bewahrt 5 von 32 Für Christine Holtorf, hier 1999 am Wendekreis des Steinbocks, war es der erste Besuch in Südamerika.

Über das Projekt - Ottos Reise. Wenn Gunther Holtorf auf eine Landkarte blickt, dann laufen sofort Filme in seinem Kopf ab: von vergangenen Besuchen, von Begegnungen, von Abenteuern. Egal welches Land – er war garantiert schon mal da. Jedenfalls dort, wo man mit einem Auto mit Allradantrieb hinkommt: 215 Länder, autonome Gebiete und Regionen hat er in den letzten 26 Jahren bereist. Immer war er dabei mit seinem Mercedes-Geländewagen unterwegs. „Otto“, so hatte Gunther Holtorf sein Auto irgendwann genannt, hat inzwischen fast 900.000 Kilometer auf dem Tacho. Ehe "on the Road" – 22 Jahre gemeinsam unterwegs Begleitet wurde Gunther Holtorf bei seinen Touren die meiste Zeit von seiner vierten Frau, Christine. Fünf Jahre waren Gunther und Christine Holtorf mit Otto kreuz und quer in Afrika unterwegs. Eine Weltkarte als Türöffner ... Wann die Idee entstand den Versuch zu machen, alle Länder der Erde anzusteuern, weiß Gunther Holtorf gar nicht mehr genau. ... ein Stadtplan als "Finanzier" Otto bekommt nun einen Ehrenplatz.

Gunther, Christine and Otto. Eat 3d bolts. Vichar's Sketchbook - Page 3. Nikola Tesla's Life New Documentary Full. Curvature map and you. Marmoset skies | Joost Vanhoutte. These are free environments for use in marmoset toolbag 2. Just click on the images to download. You may not use the cathedral environments for commercial use. Full resolution HDRis and sIBL sets can be purchased here If you can’t find the sky you’re looking for, feel free to contact me and we’ll arrange something. download low res .hdr file here download low res .hdr file here download low res .hdr file here download low res .hdr file here download low res .hdr file here download low res .hdr file here download low res .hdr file here.

RigsArena - Free Delivery of 3DS Max Rigs. Dogs Of The World. He Got Down On the Floor with His Puppy. Nothing Can Prepare You for What Happens Next! Cuteness Alert! Here’s something for your daily dose of cuteness! This video is guaranteed to make you smile today! This guy got down on the floor with his puppy, and guess what happened? Yup, the puppy attacks! The puppy is so playful as he tries to nibble and play with the guy! Have you ever been attacked by a puppy? How to Lose Up To 10 Pounds In 3 Days On The 3-Day Diet! (Three Day, Military Diet) "Before the birth of my second child, my max weight was 241 pounds. I had gained double the weight with my second pregnancy, but had just accepted the weight gain as being healthy for myself and my baby girl. I was thinking that I would be able to lose it with no problem. Then, at my six week postpartum checkup, I was only down to 216 pounds. I thought to myself, "OK, now that it's been six weeks since my baby was born, I can get back on my exercise routine and lose this weight.

No more of those, 'You just had a baby' excuses. " Well, I got lazy, and my eating habits didn't change as I thought they would. I would catch myself eating double portions and getting second helpings to the cake, cookies, and all the other "good" stuff. I was going through some photos on our Ipad one day and I thought to myself, "Oh my . . . who is that lady sitting on our couch? " One day, as I was browsing on Pinterest, I noticed a link to this article. Reasons apple cider vinegar is good for you. Apple Cider Vinegar, Honey, Garlic and Lemon Drink. I know I’ve been focusing on colds a lot here, but this winter has been horrible-I feel like every other week I am sniffling and coughing.

For some reason there have been a number of highly contagious bugs flying around that nobody can seem to avoid. I revisit this topic because winter decided to drag itself on for even longer. I write this fresh snow is falling outside the window and a little black storm cloud is hanging over my head because I am so bitter that spring is delayed after we already got a taste of it. But anyways. It’s at least given me an excuse to perfect cold remedies, and this spicy little drink is one of them. Why the Ingredients? Honey: Honey acts as a natural sweetener in this recipe, and I find it necessary with the garlic and ACV combination (although I actually don’t mind the vinegar on its own.) Apple Cider Vinegar: The list of apple cider vinegar’s health benefits is virtually endless, with some theories having more solid backing than others. By Claire Goodall. Illustrated fashion alphabet. Marcos Sifrin on Pinterest. (31) #pinstripe #motorcycle tank art | 48 sportster.

Maquettes and sculpture on Pinterest. Carolina CG on Pinterest. SCULPTURE / 3D on Pinterest | 96 Pins. (28) Miriam Balsano on Pinterest. Character Design: Animals on Pinterest | 378 Pins. MarvelousDesigner. MarvelousDesigner. MarvelousDesigner. Screenlicker's deviantART gallery. (19) ZSphere | Tutorials and Resources. S Blog - Archive - Recent. This article is a review about the Rigging Automation and Tools Development Class that I took at back in Fall 2013, it’s my personal experience and I would like to share it with the students who are looking to enroll in this class. So what you will read in this article is not meant to be a tutorial, it’s just a review of what you will expect at AnimSchool’s Automation Class, and I will include some hints I’ve learnt within it.

First off, I’m coming from artistic background, so I don’t have any programming experience from a university or even from a studio! Five years ago, I’ve learnt MEL scripting by myself; which was like a nightmare for me, I just used it to run several Maya functions that makes my work process a little bit faster! After that, I’ve did knew somehow that Python is much easier to learn than MEL, so I start searching for good tutorials around the net and I found that Chad Vernon; the guy who made the cvShapeInverter script!

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