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Ponto Difusor by Betto Coutinho: Abril 2011. Prancheta com Cavalete Regulável para Desenho - Faça você mesmo. Pessoal, boas! Estou de volta com um tuto diferente. Desta vez é pra colocar a mão na 'massa' mesmo, ou melhor - na madeira!! Trago para vocês um tutorial de como construir a sua prancheta para desenhar, tipo aquelas mesas profissionais para desenho, estilo Desetec da Trident. A idéia surgiu-me quando procurei algo semelhante na net e NÃO encontrei NENHUM site, blog ou tutorial que ensinasse a construir uma prancheta regulável para desenho e , como diz o velho e sábio ditado: "_ A necessidade é a mãe da invenção! " Material técnico para desenho é um pouco caro e uma prancheta dessas não sai por menos de uns R$250,00 ( pelo menos aqui em Recife é esse preço e até mais caro dependendo da loja ) .

De posse de uma imagem que peguei no Google, construi a minha prancheta baseado nessa imagem. Aproveitei a lateral de uma cômoda, feita em MDF, que um vizinho havia jogado fora para fazer o tampo da mesa. Material: Grande abraço! Analytical Figure Drawing SP08. Quick hand-legs-foot tutorial by `Hellobaby on deviantART.

How To Draw. "How to Draw" is a collection of tutorials that will teach you everything from perspective basics to shading chrome. Never picked up a pencil before? Fear not! From simple line drawings to modern art and easy animations, we've got you covered. All projects come from and contain pictures for each step so you can start your masterpiece today! Instructables is the most popular project-sharing community on the Internet. Figure Drawing References: Archive. Arlindo Machado e Giorgio Moscati - "Waldemar Cordeiro: Fantasia Exata" (2013) OSWALDO GOELDI. Get inspired. Get motivated. Practice. Improve your drawing skills!

Illustrator Effects How to Create a Vector Artwork in the Style of Pencil Drawing Tutorial. The Illustration &Design World of Zach Johnsen. A Singular Creation Art Community & Tutorial: Painting Realistic Eyes. We would like to ing you this feature tutorial by Linda Bergkvist, renowned in the digital arts community for her gorgeous portrayal of characters. In this tutorial, Linda shows us step by step how she paints realistic eyes. About Linda Bergkvist Linda Bergkvist is a renowned digital artist who currently lives in Sweden. Linda Bergkvist's website can be found at part 4. Mummy: “Hey! Watch where you put those!” Frankenstein: “Hey, that’s my best jacket!” Here’s two seasonally spooky Halloween cutouts to end my short break from blogging.

I think the result is quite eye catching, or maybe I should say quite eye watering! They’d definitely make perfect decoration for Halloween, but also any other party with a monster, movie or fictional character theme. Oh, and while you are in the kitchen, how about decorating the fruit bowl with some yucky bugs made from recycled materials? How to make your own spooky Halloween cutouts for your kitchen knife block These spooky Halloween cutouts are very easy to make, but if you’d like to use my artwork you can download it below. Download printables and instructions› Includes: 1) Colour versions of the Mummy and Frankenstein artwork488 downloads so far, thanks everyone!

[display_adsense ad_type="300x250"] The ‘craft’ blogging community is a very generous one. So, with that in mind I’d like to give Mini-eco a big shout out. 3D Illustrations Come Alive on the Page. Figures come alive and jump off the pages in these illustrations by Japanese artist Nagai Hideyuki. By displaying simple pads of paper at special vantage points, the artist's amazing charcoal and pencil drawings form playful 3D optical illusions. The 21-year-old artist has quite a knack for perspective and each new drawing is more surprising than the next.

Hideyuki identifies himself as an anamorphic artist, which is a style of art that stems from the early Renaissance. The style features techniques based on perspective, where an artist creates distorted images or drawings that are recognizable only when viewed in a certain way. The way Hideyuki sets up his sketch pads reminds me of opening a pop-up book and having the scenes emerge before my eyes.

If you enjoy being visually challenged by these types of impressive optical illusions, you can check out similar work by Chilean artist Fredo, here. Nagai Hideyuki's website via [Visual News]