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Perfect Pairing: Coffee and Strawberry Cream Cheese Cake. I love layers in my cake, how all the different flavors mingle together to form one perfect harmony.

Perfect Pairing: Coffee and Strawberry Cream Cheese Cake

Just like this cake. It's got a moist buttery cake, thick cream cheese filling, sweet jam made from fresh strawberries and a nice crumb topping. What could possibly be better than this? No Bake Oreo Truffles. Be sure and join me on Facebook for the latest updates on new recipes!

No Bake Oreo Truffles

I have been making these Oreo Truffles since Derek and I first got married. They are SO EASY to whip up for a party or get together with friends or just to make a husband happy! (My husband’s favorite thing is Oreos) I made a batch of these for him to take to work earlier this week. The best part about this recipe…It only has 3 INGREDIENTS! No Bake Oreo Truffles Only 3 ingredients and they are delicious! Ingredients 1 package Double Stuffed Oreos 4 oz Cream Cheese, you may add up to 8 oz, I just like the consistency best with 4 oz. Instructions Chop Oreos up finely in a food processor. Oatmeal Peanut Butter Cookies. Lemon Scented Pull-Apart Coffee Cake.

Do you remember those Little Debbie Pecan Wheels?

Lemon Scented Pull-Apart Coffee Cake

I used to loooove those as a kid. My favorite (and ONLY) way to eat them was to unravel the little roll. Slowly peel it away and eat it layer by layer. I used to do the same with cinnamon rolls and flaky layer biscuits. Not much has changed by way of my odd layer quirk. Pumpkin Roundup. Pumpkin Ice Cream Recipe.

Every year I get a slew of requests from people looking for a recipe for Pumpkin Ice Cream. While in The Perfect Scoop I have a recipe for Sweet Potato Ice Cream studded with maple-glazed pecans, there’s something about the fall that makes people think of all-things pumpkin. I’m a big fan of sweet potatoes, personally, but old traditions die hard I suppose. And Pumpkin Ice Cream got put on my to-churn list. As luck would have it, I was leafing through a copy of The Craft of Baking by Karen DeMasco, former pastry chef at Craft in New York City, and landed on a picture of Pumpkin Ice Cream.

Quelle chance! Karen uses canned pumpkin, which a lot of people like to use because it’s easy and consistent. The pumpkins we get here, les potirons, are huge…and delicious. And they’re always sold by the slice. Copycat Recipe: Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs. As of right now, the Chocolate Covered Katie Cookbook is the #1 Amazon Best Seller for dessert cookbooks and #4 on the Best Seller list for cookbooks overall.

Copycat Recipe: Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs

Oatmeal Cream Pie Cake! I don't think I ever met someone that didn't like Little Debbie snacks.The only bad thing about all those yummy, pre-packaged treats is those darn trans fats!

Oatmeal Cream Pie Cake!

When I was in my teens (so long ago), I used to buy the boxes of Little Debbie Fudge Rounds, and Oatmeal Cream Pies and eat them all. The whole box. In one sitting.How do we eat such horrible things in our teenage years and not die from artery's clogging and diabetes? I'm all about the living it up, and having a 'who cares' kind of attitude when it comes to good food once in awhile. Okay, fine, almost every day. It was a nice change from chocolate cake, or anything super rich like I usually seem to be drawn to making.The only thing I would probably change next time is the filling. Sweet saturday: one minute peanut butter cake & Food & back to her roots. Picture this scene: it’s 8:30 in the evening.

sweet saturday: one minute peanut butter cake & Food & back to her roots

The sky is just starting to get dark outside your living room window. You ate a delicious, healthy and veggie-filled dinner a few hours ago and now you are ready to sit down to the most recent episode of So You Think You Can Dance and dive into a decadent plate of dessert. Oh wait, you have no dessert. No chocolate, no cookies, no ice cream, no cake, no pie, not even a Jordan almond. CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH CHEESECAKE BARS. Very PINteresting {desserts} Pumpkin chocolate chip muffin party! Click HERE to print recipe only I live with two pumpkin FANATICS!

pumpkin chocolate chip muffin party!

Mark’s favorite pie is PUMPKIN and Monica’s favorite muffin flavor is pumpkin chocolate chip. Banana Bread Brownies!!! YUMMM. FollowPics Banana Bread Brownies!!!

Banana Bread Brownies!!! YUMMM

YUMMM Source: this image Tags: Cooking, Dessert Receipes, Drinks and Desserts, Recipes, Recipes I must try! , Things for My Wall home Sourdough Starter (w sour dough French bread recipe). Peanut Butter and Corn Chip No Bake Cookies. This is one of those crazy recipes I just had to give a try.

Peanut Butter and Corn Chip No Bake Cookies

My friend Alice shared this super simple no bake cookie recipe with me. Kookie Cookies 1 package (9.75 to 10.5 ounces) corn chips 1 cup light corn syrup 1 cup sugar 1 cup creamy peanut butter Spread corn ships in a greased 15 in x 10 in by 1 in baking pan. In a saucepan over medium heat, bring corn syrup and sugar to a boil, stirring frequently to help dissolve the sugar. I thought a drizzle of melted semi-sweet chocolate chips would be a nice touch. Cool, Break (tear — it’s gooey) into pieces.