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Homo cyberneticus. (En anglais) Cette vidéo montre les efforts techniques déployés à l’heure actuelle pour permettre l’établissement d’une ville sous la mer. S’il est assez peu probable que nous ne soyons jamais contraints d’aller y vivre (en tout cas dans un avenir proche), voir se développer un tourisme des profondeurs est probable. le défi technique est d’importance, surtout parce que nous ne sommes pas du tout adaptés pour vivre dans un tel environnement. Mis à part le plus évident, nous ne somme pas faits pour supporter de hautes pressions sur le long terme. En allant plus loin vers la science-fiction, cette vidéo donne un assez bon aperçu des difficultés qu’il y a à faire vivre durablement des Hommes dans un milieu qui ne leur est pas favorable (à ce point de vue, le milieu aquatique terrestre est loin d’être le pire.

Les autres hypothèses entraîneraient un beaucoup, beaucoup plus grand coût technologique, et donc financier. How Will Humans Respond to Immortality? Thanks for the responses! What really drives resource consumption instead is rising standards of living. But rising everyone standards of living is good because it is very strongly correlated with increases in women's social, economic and political rights, improvements in people's eductation, a vast reduction in infant mortality and huge reduction in birth rates. I agree! But this is only feasible IF humanity has reached a state of true global equality and IF these technologies are accessible by all. Let's say we have reached a truly peaceful state of equality for humankind. I am not by any means mentioning all of this as a reason not to achieve or attempt to achieve world peace! All this is independent of whether a cure to aging or rejuvenation exists or not.

One could say that with higher standards of living come lower birthrates, so if birthrates decrease in an inverse proportion to average life expectancy increases, things may be ok. You’ll Probably Never Upload Your Mind Into A Computer. Countering Objections to Mind Uploading. Russkaya Fantastika. 9 Ways Humanity Could Bring About Our Own Destruction. By George Dvorsky | 12 December It won’t be because of a Maya prophesy, but humanity may actually meet its doom someday. There is no shortage of threats from the natural world, including asteroid impacts and the eruption of supervolcanoes.

But who needs natural disasters when you’ve got human ingenuity? Here are the top nine ways humanity could eventually bring about its own destruction. 1. The Cold War may be over, but we’re not out of the nuclear woods just quite yet. The trick, however, is for these nuclear wannabes to get their hands on enriched uranium — easier said than done. Now, all this said, it would take a considerable number of nuclear bombs to wipe out all of humanity. 2. Affectionately known as the “grey goo” scenario, this nightmarish possibility was first described by Eric Drexler in his seminal 1986 book, Engines of Creation. Since the publication of Drexler’s book, other experts have warned of similar scenarios involving advanced nanotech. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Predictability: The brass ring for synthetic biology. Predictability is often used synonymously with "boring," as in that story or that outcome was soooo predictable. For practioners of synthetic biology seeking to engineer valuable new microbes, however, predictability is the brass ring that must be captured. Researchers with the multi-institutional partnership known as BIOFAB have become the first to grab at least a portion of this ring by unveiling a package of public domain DNA sequences and statistical models that greatly increase the reliability and precision by which biological systems can be engineered.

The DNA sequences produced by BIOFAB provide precise control of gene expression in Escherichia coli, the rod-shaped bacterium that is one of the principal model organisms for genetic engineering. While these DNA sequences serve as standardized parts specific to E. coli, they also provide a set of rules for how the sequences fit together that should apply to other microbes as well. Etes-vous Cosmiste, Terran ou Cyborguien ? Article déjà publié par le même auteur, sous un autre nom, sur Silicon Maniacs, à cette adresse. C’était le 9 janvier dernier, Steven Spielberg annonçait à ses fans que le très ambitieux projet d’adaptation de Robopocalypse, de Daniel H. Wilson, était retardé « indéfiniment ».

C’est d’autant plus dommage que l’adaptation de ce roman, dans lequel les robots deviennent une menace mortelle pour l’être humain, aurait pu « nous sensibiliser » aux dangers robotiques. C’est en tout cas ce qu’espérait, Hugo de Garis, une des grandes figures du transhumanisme. Le transhumanisme est un mouvement culturel et intellectuel international qui prône avec un optimisme parfois déconcertant l’usage des sciences et des techniques afin d’augmenter les capacités de l’être humain. Théodore Brutal avait eu l’occasion de l’interviewer il y a exactement un an, à la Cantine, à Paris. Bonjour, pouvez-vous vous présenter pour nos lecteurs? Je suis le Dr. Pour vous, qu’est-ce qu’un transhumaniste ? Et vous ? Pourquoi ? Profhugodegaris | Species Dominance, Artilects, Artilect War, Cosmists, Terrans, Gigadeath, Essays, Media, etc.

The Stonemaker Argument. Hi friendly readers. I know a lot of you may have many different beliefs and philosophies on life. Now this is all well and good, but regardless of what beliefs you may hold, please, for the benefit of everyone, do not use the following argument. You may have heard this argument before, as it comes in many forms. It is often called the watchmaker argument, or the watchmaker analogy. It has been described in many different ways by many people, but the basic idea is this: This statement does have an element of truth to it.

But first, l'd like to introduce you to Steve. How NASA might build its very first warp drive. I want to see this work as much as anyone else on io9, but every time I read an article on warp drive, I expend so much mental energy trying to wrap my head around the concept that my entire left hand side goes numb. Somewhere along the line my understanding of concepts such as the nature of Spacetime is deficient. Here's the problem. When I think about the idea of expanding the conceptual framework that describes the continuum between two abstract concepts, behind a spaceship, whilst contracting the conceptual framework that describes the continuum between two abstract concepts, in front of a spaceship; all I can think of is that this like saying that when in conversation with another person, I can reach out with my hand, grasp hold of the words that are coming out of that other persons mouth and fold them in half.

If someone could point me towards some legible books that I could buy that would help me understand where my understanding has gone wrong, I would be grateful. Thanks. NASA Images. Steal My Sunshine. Top row (l to r): Elysia chlorotica; spotted salamander adult; Lotharella globosa. Bottom row (l to r): diatom (Campylodiscus sp.); Paulinella chromatophora; diatom (Thalassiosira pseudonana). For credits, see end of article. Our world is swarming with symbioses. Sea anemones and clownfish, land plants and mycorrhizal fungi, rays and remora cleaner fish, corals and algae. All around us, radically different species team up in unconventional ways, forming long-lasting relationships that benefit both parties. Among the more profitable endosymbioses is one that allows the host to derive energy from sunlight.

Catch me if you can The genesis of plastids follows a straightforward and generally agreed-upon plot: about 1.5 billion years ago, a heterotrophic eukaryote, which gained energy by consuming and digesting organic compounds, swallowed and retained a free-living photosynthetic cyanobacterium. Opportunistic eukaryotes have also hijacked plastids from red algae. Moving in References 1. 2. 3. Actualités. Definitions of Science Fiction. These definitions of science fiction are for those of you who are not satisfied with Damon Knight's definition of science fiction: "... [Science Fiction] means what we point to when we say it. " Brian W. Aldiss Science fiction is the search for definition of man and his status in the universe which will stand in our advanced but confused state of knowledge (science), and is characteristically cast in the Gothic or post-Gothic mould. -- Trillion Year Spree: the History of Science Fiction (London, 1986) Dick Allen Is it any wonder that a new generation has rediscovered science fiction, rediscovered a form of literature that argues through its intuitive force that the individual can shape and change and influence and triumph; that man can eliminate both war and poverty; that miracles are possible; that love, if given a chance, can become the main driving force of human relationships?

Kingsley Amis -- New Maps Of Hell (London, 1960) Benjamin Appel Isaac Asimov James O. Gregory Benford Ray Bradbury. SCIENCE FICTION FRANCAIS. Space Exploration: Crazy Far. On the edge of a parking lot at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, stands a relic from a time when our future as a spacefaring species looked all but inevitable, as clear and grand as a rocket ascending over Cape Canaveral. “This is not a model,” NASA physicist Les Johnson says as we gaze at the 35-foot-tall assemblage of pipes, nozzles, and shielding. “This is an honest-to-goodness nuclear rocket engine.” Once upon a time, NASA proposed to send a dozen astronauts to Mars in two spaceships, each powered by three of these engines.

Marshall director Wernher von Braun presented that plan in August 1969, just two weeks after his Saturn V rocket delivered the first astronauts to the moon. He suggested November 12, 1981, as a departure date for Mars. Thirty years after the Mars landing that never was, on a humid June morning, Johnson looks wistfully at the 40,000-pound engine in front of us. Why did it seem more reasonable half a century ago? L’Autre monde ou les états et empires de la Lune/I. La lune était en son plein, le ciel était découvert, et neuf heures du soir étaient sonnées lorsque nous revenions d’une maison proche de Paris, quatre de mes amis et moi. Les diverses pensées que nous donna la vue de cette boule de safran nous défrayèrent sur le chemin. Voyage dans la Lune et Histoire comique des états et empires du Soleil. La bibliothèque libre. La lune était en son plein, le ciel était découvert, et neuf heures du soir étaient sonnées lorsque, revenant de Clamart, près de Paris (où M. de Cuigny le fils, qui en est seigneur, nous avait régalés, plusieurs de mes amis et moi), les diverses pensées que nous donna cette boule de safran nous défrayèrent sur le chemin.

Je demeurai si surpris, tant de voir un livre qui s’était apporté là tout seul, que du temps et de la feuille où il s’était rencontré ouvert, que je pris toute cette enchaînure d’incidents pour une inspiration de faire connaître aux hommes que la lune est un monde. « Quoi ! — Mais, ajoutais-je, je ne saurais m’éclaircir de ce doute, si je ne monte jusque-là ? — Et pourquoi non ? Me répondais-je aussitôt. Prométhée fut bien autrefois au ciel dérober du feu. Mon opinion ne fut point fausse, car j’y tombai quelque temps après, et à compter de l’heure que j’en étais parti, il devait être minuit. What will your next body be like? Many engineers, including me, think that some time around 2050, we will be able to make very high quality links between the brains and machines.

To such an extent that it will thereafter be possible (albeit expensive for some years) to arrange that most of your mind – your thinking, memories, even sensations and emotions, could reside mainly in the machine world. Some (perhaps some memories that are rarely remembered for example) may not be suited to such external accessibility, but the majority should be. (By Ian Pearson, IEET published by Kris Notaro) The main aim of this research area is to design electronic solutions to immortality. But actually, that is only one application, and I have discussed electronic immortality a few times now : Firstly, why would you want to do this?

Options You could be any age. Emerging Technologies: Should They Be Internationally Regulated? Mankind has really popped the planet in the jaw the last few centuries: six million hectares is lost to deforestation every year; the ocean is increasingly acidic and void of fish; the planet’s sixth mass extinction seems to be underway; and human-caused climate change is already raising sea levels, aggravating droughts, and increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like Hurricane Sandy.

By Grant Wilson (IEET published by Seth Baum) One possible remedy to these and other grave threats to the planet comes from “emerging technologies” like bioengineering, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence (AI), and geoengineering. With an influx of government support and a budding marketplace, scientists are developing emerging technologies at a rapid pace, placing mankind on the cusp of being able to create life, engineer microscopic mechanical systems, alter the entire atmosphere, and create superintelligent AI.

Bioengineering Geoengineering Nanotechnology Artificial Intelligence. 2012: Science Fiction Dreams That Came True. As a longtime reader of science fiction, it's always interesting to see how the visions of writers eventually become real. Take Arthur C. Clarke's letter to Wireless World in 1945, which details the geostationary communications satellite network everyone uses today. The satellites are in what is called the "Clarke Orbit. " And Isaac Asimov wrote frequently about humanoid robots, which are becoming more common in research labs — although we have yet to see R. Daneel Olivaw from Asimov's Robot series. So inspired by these writers and others, I decided to take a look at 2012 and the futuristic technologies that are materializing before our eyes.

ANALYSIS: Robot Prostitutes, the Future of Sex Tourism Bionic Limbs The term "cyborg" was coined in 1960 by Manfred E. Then bionic limbs have been a trope in many pieces of fiction -– The Six Million Dollar Man of the 1970s, the Borg of the Star Trek franchise, and even Darth Vader. Robotic limb and feed herself directly with her brain. Happening. #6 Piracetam - is it the smartest of the smart drugs? Une sélection de 10 vidéos scientifiques au ralenti. The Symphony Inside Your Brain | NIH Director's Blog. The Trouble With String Theory. The Subjectivity Trap - Examining Problems in Mind-Uploading. Let a thousand turtles fly, in the quest for joyful immortality | TURING CHURCH.

Aubrey de Grey | Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence: A SENS Primer. The End Is Not The End. Philip K. Dick, Mystification Et Psychose 01. Big Theological Questions that Science Fiction Should Answer. Transhumanist religion 2.0. TURING CHURCH | A magazine about science, technology, religion, and spirituality. The Discovery Enterprise: The Search for Extra-solar Planetary Systems and the Search for Life In the Universe. New Theory: Universe didn't start with a Big Bang, but with a Big Freeze. Are We Panspermia or Not? Does Knowing Matter? Conscious Entities » Blog Archive » Moral machines – thinking otherwise.