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Health Publications - Focus On Fitness, Part 5. The portable workout: Fitness when you travel Anyone who takes long-distance trips or travels for business knows that these trips often mean overnight stays that can upset daily routines, including fitness activities.

Health Publications - Focus On Fitness, Part 5

A jog or brisk walk around the neighborhood is simple enough at home but may be more complicated while traveling. A gym or swimming pool may not be handy. And packing free weights, even just hand or ankle weights, is likely to be inconvenient. But even without access to a gym or outdoor recreation, you can still get a good daily workout. The instructions for the exercises in this workout indicate the number of repetitions, or "reps" (a rep is one complete movement), and "sets" (a given number of reps). Getting started Before starting, warm up for several minutes (see "Simple warm-up"). Sustained aerobic activity such as brisk walking for 30 minutes most days of the week is necessary for building up cardiorespiratory endurance and decreasing the risk of chronic disease. 1. Desk Jockey Workout: 8 Ways to Stay in Shape at the Office. For most of human history, work has been a physically demanding activity.

Desk Jockey Workout: 8 Ways to Stay in Shape at the Office

Our cavemen ancestors chased down mastodons and hurled spears into their tough, but tasty flesh, American homesteaders tamed the wilderness into productive farms with nothing but grit and sweat, and just 60 years ago, the majority of men in America flexed their muscles on factory floors or construction sites. Fast-forward to today. Instead of feeding ourselves by the sweat of our brows, most of us just slouch in a chair all day in a climate-controlled building while we push buttons and send documents through the ether. And the sitting doesn’t end after work. When we get home, we plop down in front of the TV to watch reality shows of men performing the kind of virile, physical, and often dirty work we fantasize about doing while answering emails in our cubicle. 10 Ways to Stay Depression-Free. Healthy living is an important part of self-care, Dr.

10 Ways to Stay Depression-Free

Manevitz says. For example, when you eat right, brain cells get appropriate nutrition so “the brain works at its maximum,” he explains. Hotmail - puhnner. Go-Go Dog Pals: Remote controlled toys for your dog to chase. Go-Go Dog Pals are said to be rugged and durable enough to withstand what your dog throws at them Image Gallery (5 images)

Go-Go Dog Pals: Remote controlled toys for your dog to chase

Get in shape in half the time. Joggers participating in the test of the new interval training technique improved their measured fitness indicator figures by 4 percent.

Get in shape in half the time

(Photo: Colourbox) Every minute, sprint for 10 seconds, then run at moderate speed for 20 seconds, then run slowly for 30 seconds. That's the formula for an interval training method called 10-20-30, which has proved a big hit in Denmark. 10-20-30 is a new interval training method that has been tested on 18 volunteers over a seven-week period and monitored by a research team led by Professor Jens Bangsbo of the Department of Exercise and Sports Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The joggers improved their fitness surprisingly quickly. Fast track to fitness It is well known that many joggers lose their enthusiasm for regular training after a certain period. "The training sessions, which lasted about 30 minutes and took place three times a week, were very effective even though the intensive part only lasted three minutes per session," says Bangsbo.

Knots - Monkey's Fist. The Monkey's Fist is a heaving line knot and is used to pass lines to shore or vessel to vessel. There are several variations of this knot. The example show here is the regular three-ply Monkey's Fist. The origins of this knot are lost in history and nobody really knows when this knot was first tied. When tying the knot for use aboard vessles it is usual to put a weight in the center. This ensures that the knot is heavy enough to throw a considerable distance. In the picture below below you can see how to tie the regular Monkey's Fist as a three-ply knot. Internal Crossings of the Monkey's Fist You will find that the ends of the finished knot are usually spliced together into an eye so that it can easily be attatched to a heaving line.

With practice it is possible to tie and finish the monkey's fist in 15 minutes or less. Step 1. Pyschology Tests & Surveys - StumbleUpon. Explaining the “money shot” Make Serendipity Work for You - Mark de Rond, Adrian Moorhouse, and Matt Rogan. By Mark de Rond, Adrian Moorhouse, and Matt Rogan | 8:22 AM February 25, 2011 Serendipity has been voted one of the most popular words in the English language.

Make Serendipity Work for You - Mark de Rond, Adrian Moorhouse, and Matt Rogan

It is also one of the hardest to translate. Conversationally, it is used as tantamount to luck, providence or chance. It has brought us Aspirin, the Pill, insulin, Viagra, penicillin, antihistamines and the smallpox vaccine, Scotchgard, Teflon, Velcro, Nylon, Ivory Soap, the Post-It note, and the technology behind the HP Inkjet printer. Google outgoing CEO Eric Schmidt liked to think of his online search tool as a “serendipity engine.”

Banish Your Man Boobs.