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§. User Agent Switcher. How to Clean An Infected Computer. The truth is that it's a lot easier to keep a computer malware free than it is to clean one that is already infected. However, with the advice given in this article you should be able to remove any type of malware from your computer and get it back to working order. The main problem with most malware removal guides is that you have no way of knowing if all of the infections were removed. However, with my approach you can easily tell if even just running a single scanner was able to entirely clean the infection. Thus, this can save you the hassle of having to run many different scanners and the uncertainty of whether your computer is really malware free.

Make sure you follow this article in order so as to clean the infections with as little work as possible. The idea is that most people won't have to go any further than the first approach in order to clean their computers of active malware. Thus, effectively this article is actually much shorter than it appears to be. Index 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Assign Text To Hotkeys With This Tiny Freeware Program. If there are some words, phrases or sentences that you find yourself typing often, you may find it useful to assign each of them to a particular Windows hotkey. For example, pressing Ctrl-Alt-N might paste your full name into whatever application the cursor is currently in.

This isn't something that Windows offers out of the box, but there are a number of third-party programs that let you do so. Of all such programs, none is as small and unobtrusive as Quick Text Paste, which you can download from The download is less than 0.1 MB, and it even includes some basic help text built in. As you can see from the screen shot below, it's easy to define new entries and assign them to hotkeys. Quick Text Paste is by far from being the most flexible, pretty or powerful keyboard macro program, but it's tiny, free, does the job, and takes up virtually no system resources, which is why I'm impressed.

TV. My Book® Essential - User Manual - 4779-705019.pdf. Best Firefox Download Manager Integration - Thanks for installing FlashGot! - InformAction. New to FlashGot? Learn about its features or read the FAQ! V. Download Anything, Replay Anytime. Looks like you are running an older version (, probably because did not publish the latest version yet. You are strongly encouraged to upgrade manually to latest stable version ( If you find any bug or you'd like an enhancement, before reporting here or here, please check if it's fixed in latest development build. Main good news are: FlashGot is Free Software: if you like it, you can support its progress :) Ophcrack. Free attempting to.gif phone wallpaper. Tools / Troubleshooting / Computer Diagnostics. ScanUse our list of free web tools to improve your PC's performance.

Is your computer an Open Invitation for HACKERS? Download free version of Sparktrust Inspector to identify vulnerabilities and problems on your computer (and even your WEBSITES)! Click the green 'download now' button above for a diagnostic scan of the Windows registry. Computer Diagnostics refer to the state of a computer system's various components including the hardware, software, operating system or network of systems of which the computer is a part.

Diagnostic systems enable users to monitor the system's processes and guide them through possible solutions if errors are encountered. Diagnostic programs are written to locate and examine problems and provide solutions for the user without necessitating professional technical assistance as much as possible. Different parts of the computer system and different types of technology require and use different diagnostic maintenance systems and management. Document Assembly, Mail Merge and Form Software from Zumesoft. Note taking and organization. What is KeepNote KeepNote is a note taking application that works on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. With KeepNote, you can store your class notes, TODO lists, research notes, journal entries, paper outlines, etc in a simple notebook hierarchy with rich-text formatting, images, and more. Using full-text search, you can retrieve any note for later reference.

KeepNote is designed to be cross-platform (implemented in Python and PyGTK) and stores your notes in simple and easy to manipulate file formats (HTML and XML). Archiving and transferring your notes is as easy as zipping or copying a folder. Read more about KeepNote's design philosophy or follow my development ideas on twitter (@mattrasmus).

Features Rich-text formatting (e.g. Updates 2012.03.26 - Released KeepNote 0.7.8 I just released KeepNote 0.7.8. 2012.01.01 - Released KeepNote 0.7.7 Happy new year! 2011.11.20 - Released KeepNote 0.7.6 KeepNote 0.7.6 is now released. Download See change log for update details. Download extensions Requirements. RealWorld Cursor Editor - make animated cursors. Craggle Find any Serial keygens and Cracks - Download from - Import Bookmarklets. Import Bookmarklets You can add a bunch of bookmarklets at once by importing one of these files. All the files are in "Netscape 4 bookmarks file format", which most browsers can import. Some minor categories of bookmarklets, such as "site-specific bookmarklets", are not included in these files.

Mozilla Firefox Save bookmarklets-moz.htmlBookmarks, Manage Bookmarks. Then, drag the bookmarklets you use most often directly to your personal toolbar. Internet Explorer Save bookmarklets-ie.html. Opera 7 I don't recommend importing bookmarklets in Opera. Netscape 4 Save bookmarklets-ns4.html. You should be aware of a Netscape 4 bug: bookmarklets don't work from subfolders of the personal toolbar. Other browsers. Web widgets, desktop widgets, widget resources, samples, tutorials @ Widgipedia. Web Development Bookmarklets. Web Development Bookmarklets These bookmarklets let you see how a web page is coded without digging through the source, debug problems in web pages quickly, and experiment with CSS or JS without editing the actual page.

(To keep bookmarklets in order to use them on other web pages, drag them to your Bookmarks Toolbar. Or, install them all at once.) Browsers: is Internet Explorer for Windows, is Netscape 7 or Mozilla, is Netscape 4, and is Opera. Details Opens a JavaScript Shell and allows it to access the current page. Opens a JavaScript Development Environment and allows it to access the current page. Type in CSS rules to experiment or to create a temporary user style sheet. Creates a new window into which you can type CSS rules for the original page. Experiment with changes to the page's style sheet. Similar to "test styles". This bookmarklet supports inline and linked style sheets, imports, and style sheets with data: URLs (such as those created by "test styles"). Also shows classes (e.g. MFC-440CN: Downloads: United States. ViewMarks | Codepad. You successfully installed version 1.0.3 of the ViewMarks Add-on.

On this page you will find a short documentation about the operation and the configuration of the Add-on. ViewMarks offers an alternative way to organize and use your bookmarks. When you create a bookmark, a preview image is automatically captured and saved. You can then use a web page view of your bookmark folders, navigate through them, rearrange items with drag and drop, move and copy between folders, edit title, url, keywords, description and tags, search items and of course open bookmarks and bookmark folders in the same or a new tab or in a new window.

The new version 2 contains the following enhancements over the previous version: Creating and Editing a ViewMark You can create a boomark with preview of the web page by clicking on the dropdown arrow of the ViewMark icon in the Navigation Toolbar (or right clicking on the icon in the Status Bar) and choosing "Add ViewMark".

Using and managing ViewMarks Using QR codes. Clearly. Distraction-free reading Create the perfect online reading experience by clearing away everything but the content. Make it your own Choose from several pre-set themes or build one to suit your needs. Save it for later If you don’t have time to finish reading, tap on the Evernote icon to finish reading later. InstallingSoftware. Main page: Ubuntu Documentation: Installing applications. Note: The Main page is available in multiple languages. Installing software in Ubuntu is easy, and this guide will show you how to do it. By default, many useful programs are already installed when you put Ubuntu onto your computer.

However, you may need a particular piece of software that serves a purpose not served by the default applications. You might just want to try an alternative program to one which is already installed. If you'd like to get some background information on what's happening when you install software (which can sometimes be technical), read Packages and Package Management. See also: FreeSoftwareAlternatives This section covers the basic concepts of packages and package management. What is a package? Software is a very broad term, and is generally taken to mean a program which you can run on your computer.

Ubuntu uses packages to store everything that a particular program needs to run. Source or Binary? Use Keryx. Apple. Programming Tutorials: Articles, tutorials and resources for programmers! How To Format A New Internal Hard Drive | Most new external hard drives available in the market are designed to be plug and play. By plug and play, what I mean is that you can just plug in the hard drive and start using it right away. This is because the manufacturers send the disk initialised and ready to work with the most common operating systems. The internal hard disks available in the market, on the other hand, require to be prepared before use.

By preparing a hard drive, I mean that the hard drive needs to be formatted. So, how do you format a nwe internal hard drive and make the hard drive useable by your operating system? Of course, I’m assuming that you have already attached your disk to your computer and the computer is able to boot up with the older hard disk. So, once you’ve logged into the administrator account under Windows XP, what you need to do is right click on the “My computer” icon and click on Manage.

This should open the Computer Management tool. Mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb /mount_point. Firefox 3: 8 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do - Solutions by PC Magazine. Unleash the power of Firefox 3 with the help of these little-known features. The latest version of Mozilla's popular open-source browser enjoyed one of the most successful launches in software history, with a record-setting 8.2 million downloads the first day it was available. With the ability to drastically expand the browser's functions using plug-in extensions and Greasemonkey scripts, many of Firefox 3's built-in features are overlooked. Here are eight handy things you can do with Firefox, ranging from tiny tweaks to hugely powerful capabilities, all with nary an extension to install. 1. 2. Smart bookmarks are live bookmarks that don't just refer to particular sites but actually generate live lists of sites according to parameters you define. To create a smart bookmark, select Organize Bookmarks from Firefox's Bookmarks menu.

Normally, clicking on an e-mail address on a Web page will open up a new e-mail using your default e-mail program. 100 Most Frequently Asked Help Desk Questions and Answers. I have been working in IT for way to many years to be still considered a sane and well adjusted individual. After you spend a few years in this industry you realize that some questions asked by users keep recurring like bad dreams or glitches in the matrix. Below is my attempt to compile a comprehensive list of frequently asked IT questions you might encounter when working as a systems administrator or help-desk drone. All of these are actual quotes from various ticketing systems and email exchanges. I preserved original grammar and spelling wherever possible.

Feel free to print this out and use it in your help desk training manuals. Is it a virus? Illegal Disclaimer: please do not use this for training manuals! HOW TO BYPASS BIOS PASSWORDS. HOW TO BYPASS BIOS PASSWORDS by Elf Qrin ( v2.24 r03Sep2000-13aug2004 First Release: r25Mar2000 The latest version of this document can be found at The aim of this article is to explain how to bypass BIOS passwords.

By reading this article you should realize you can't rely on BIOS passwords if you need to secure your computer. Accessing information on the hard disk May be you don't actually need to access the computer, but you only need to access the information contained on the hard disk. In this case it could be more convenient to remove it temporarely from that machine and put it as a secondary hard disk on another machine, that you'll use as a host to retrieve data.

Before to put the hard disk on the host machine, set its jumper according to the EIDE channel to which you are connecting it (master, slave, or stand alone). Each disk drive has its own configuration, but it's usually explained on a sticker on the top. Important. 12,151 Passwords (WW) (56K Beware) - Forum.