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World Health Organization. OPAS - Organizaçao Pan Americana da Saúde - Brasil. OPAS - Campus Virtual de Saúde Pública - Brasil. Publicações - OPAS Brasil. Promoção de Saúde - OPAS Brasil. PAHO - Pan American Health Organization. PANAFTOSA Centro Panamericano de Fiebre Aftosa. PAHO - Virtual Campus for Public Health. PAHO - Publications. Regional Monitoring Strategy-Regional Initiative for the elimination of MTCT This integrated strategy specifies complete and coherent surveillance, with surveillance and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems in place at the country level—all of which allow for measuring progress made towards elimination.

PAHO - Publications

In order to support and guide the countries in these processes, the Regional Monitoring Strategy (3) was published in 2010, thus laying the foundation for validating elimination processes in the region. Read more... Guía sobre ética en la prevención, tratamiento y control de la tuberculosis Estamos en un momento crucial para ampliar el acceso a la prevención y atención de la tuberculosis, y controlar la pandemia como parte de una iniciativa mundial. Health Promotion. The policy line of action in the Regional Strategy for Chronic Diseases encourages and provides technical cooperation for the establishment of sound and explicit public policies that support better health status and a life free of chronic disease-related disability, in initiatives taken to establish public health policies based on key WHO resolutions and recommendations that will address the broad social, economic, and political determinants of health.

Health Promotion

Advocacy will be utilized to advance policy and institutional changes that will support chronic disease programs. It will emphasize the key role of governmental functions and empower the health sector to engage other sectors in collaborative actions to ensure that chronic disease issues are collectively addressed. Health Promotion Schools. Health promotion. School health and youth health promotion. Chronic diseases and health promotion. Global Health Promotion Consortium. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Healthy Living. Social Determinants of Health. OIE - World Organisation for Animal Health.