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Forbes Welcome. Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler. Several comedians, world leaders and political activists have compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler recently.

Don’t compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It belittles Hitler.

(Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) Several comedians, world leaders and political activists have compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler recently. Several comedians, world leaders and political activists have compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler recently. (Peter Stevenson/The Washington Post) Before their recent meeting — and I suspect a few times after — Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler.

I am a Jew — a New York Writer Liberal Jew, the scariest Jew of all — and from a very young age, I was taught about an unimaginable horror called the Holocaust and about an evil man named Adolf Hitler. Hitler believed Jews were the cause of every problem. Trump doesn’t. Hitler was a psychopath. Scott Adams Asked Trump Supporters About Threats They Received—Their Responses Are Eye-Opening. Dilbert comics creator Scott Adams was one of the few public figures, months ago, to forecast Donald Trump‘s rise, and often tweets about the candidate.

Scott Adams Asked Trump Supporters About Threats They Received—Their Responses Are Eye-Opening

He’s become a Trump supporter, although he says he endorsed Hillary Clinton for his own safety. Adams and other Trump supporters believe that backing the Republican nominee comes with some risks. He wanted to see what his followers had experienced in an effort to prove his hypothesis, so this week he sent out a tweet asking Trump supporters to give him examples of when they’d been threatened or attacked because of their backing for the Republican nominee. His tweet garnered lots of responses, and reports of verbal and even physical abuse (though, of course, the claims cannot easily be verified). Fourteen Medal of Honor recipients endorse Trump. Fourteen Medal of Honor recipients publicly backed Republican Donald Trump’s presidential bid on Monday, the latest set of military-themed endorsements in what has become a campaign arms race over support from notable veterans.

Fourteen Medal of Honor recipients endorse Trump

The group includes retired Army Mst. Sgt. Eighty-eight former military leaders write letter endorsing Donald Trump for president. Donald Trump Calls Obama ‘Founder of ISIS’ and Says It Honors Him. Video SUNRISE, Fla. — A day after remarks that appeared to suggest that gun rights advocates harm , sprayed his fire at on Wednesday, accusing him of creating the Islamic State and saying the terrorist group “honors” him.

Donald Trump Calls Obama ‘Founder of ISIS’ and Says It Honors Him

“In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama,” Mr. Trump told a raucous and rowdy crowd in Florida on Wednesday night. Why Trumpism Will Outlast Donald Trump. Over the past 14 months Donald Trump has upended much of what we thought we knew about American politics.

Why Trumpism Will Outlast Donald Trump

He won the Republican nomination easily with no prior political experience, no filter, and an entirely new kind of political platform—one that, in an almost total rejection of conservative orthodoxy, is anti-free trade, isolationist and doesn’t really seem to care that much about the size of government. He’s also raised a crucial question: Is the Trump campaign about the man or the message? In other words, will Trumpism survive Trump? Story Continued Below Many in both parties are hoping for the former—that the Trump campaign turns out to be the brief, dramatic story of a celebrity sweeping up primary voters with lavish but empty promises, and that his harsh “America First” worldview will disappear once it’s no longer being flogged from a jet plane by a billionaire TV star.

For people who feel that way, I have some discouraging news. 65 percent. A Small Minority in 10 States Will Elect the Next President. When Richard Nixon ran for president in 1960, he vowed to visit and campaign in all 50 states.

A Small Minority in 10 States Will Elect the Next President

The strain of that effort, particularly in an era of slower air travel, exhausted Nixon and was in part responsible for his poor appearance — and performance — in the crucial first TV debate with JFK. Today, with so many states falling into the solidly blue or solidly red column, there are only 10 states that are realistically in play. Not surprisingly, these “purple” states get the most attention in a presidential race.

In fact, throughout the 2012 election cycle, President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney campaigned in only 12 states. Thirty-eight states, from New York to California, had not a single campaign visit after the nominating conventions. The actual roster of swing states may change over time, according to Schultz. Click HERE to Download Mp3 Full Text Transcript: Jeff Schechtman: Welcome to Radio Whowhatwhy. David Schultz: Thank you for having me today. David Schultz: Correct. Trump’s ‘revolution’ should be embraced by both parties. Whatever else you might say about Donald Trump, give him this much: He understands that America’s taxes are, as Jimmy McMillan said about New York rent, “too damn high.”

Trump’s ‘revolution’ should be embraced by both parties

It’s killing the economy. And jobs. In Monday’s speech laying out his economic vision, the billionaire businessman called for “the biggest tax revolution since the Reagan tax reform.” Nypost. Toward a Sensible, Coherent Trumpism. Rebuilding America Now. Donald Trump Calls on Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails. Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not - News.

(JTA) — Donald Trump is doubling down on his America First policy.

Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not - News

After Trump used the term “America First” in late April to describe his policies, the Anti-Defamation League sent him a letter urging him to drop the historically tainted slogan — speaking for Jews and others who remember it as the name of the isolationist movement championed by a notorious anti-Semite to keep the United States out of World War II. But in a speech Tuesday night following his victories in the last six state primaries, the presumptive Republican nominee for president made clear he’s not about to take the ADL’s advice and abandon the slogan. America First, Trump said, reading from a teleprompter, means protecting American jobs from “unfair foreign competition,” tapping America’s energy resources (including coal), instituting protectionist tax and regulatory policies, loosening regulation, reducing taxes for middle-class Americans and businesses and protecting American workers from immigrants. Donald Trump will win in a landslide. *The mind behind ‘Dilbert’ explains why.

A panel from “Dilbert.”

Donald Trump will win in a landslide. *The mind behind ‘Dilbert’ explains why.

(Scott Adams / Universal Uclick 1991) SCOTT ADAMS remembers just how the game turned. He was young and improving at chess, but the masterful kid across the board would outmaneuver Adams till the game seemed a runaway. The 5 Stages of Political Death by Donald Trump. The phenomenon that is Donald Trump and the Trump candidacy is historic.

The 5 Stages of Political Death by Donald Trump

It has created an election and an atmosphere that we could go another century without seeing again. Given that Donald Trump is the Haley’s Comet of American politics, no political science playbook or textbook or game plan exists on how to handle this phenomenon. Donald Trump supporters are not the bigots the left likes to demonise. Last Tuesday, at about 3pm, I parked my rental car outside a polling station in the suburbs of Indianapolis, and began to talk to the droves of people going in and out. There was only one subject I really wanted to hear about: Donald Trump, and his jaw-dropping progress to being the presumptive Republican nominee. As he said himself, a win in the state of Indiana would seal the deal, and so it proved: he got 53% of the vote, which triggered the exit of his two supposed rivals. Meanwhile, the global liberal left seemed to be once again working itself into a lather, which was easily translatable: how awful that a man routinely described using all the boo-words progressives can muster – misogynist, racist, fascist, xenophobe, or “xenophobic fascist”, as George Clooney understatedly put it – could now be a resident of the political mainstream, and a serious contender for president.

Caricatures of rednecks and white trash are obviously in the foreground here. Hispanics Planning More Anti-Trump Violence - Hispanic activists are planning even more violent protests as US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump moves his campaign into California, one of the most heavily overrun states in the country. The promise of more protests follows serious unrest last week when large crowds of nonwhites engaged in extended street violence outside Trump rally venues in Costa Mesa and the Burlingame hotel.

“I think it’s going to get worse if he gets the nomination and is the front-runner. I think it’s going to escalate,” said Luis Serrano, a nonwhite invader who “works” with a group called the California Immigration Youth Justice Alliance. Julian Langness, "What Would A Trump Presidency Mean For Europe?" 1,919 words After winning primary contests in five more states, Donald Trump looks like he will most likely become the Republican Nominee. Indeed, Trump didn’t just win narrow victories, he won every single county and every single Congressional District in all five states. He annihilated his opponents — Cruz and Kasich — and may well have vaulted over the clutching tentacles of the #NeverTrump movement and squarely into the GOP captain’s seat, squaring-off against Hilary Clinton.

In that general election matchup I feel strongly that Trump will win. He has proven himself to be light years ahead of every other candidate in terms of strategy. While I will leave it to others to analyze the impact this will have here in America where it is taking place, I am more concerned with the impact it might have in Europe, where the majority of my focus and concern rests, and where our people’s survival is most immediately threatened. Hillary Clinton Blames Trump For Violence Committed By Her Own Supporters. A couple days ago, I posted a story which essentially everyone in the media had missed — that Obama’s Press Secretary had compared the violent rioters outside Trump’s recent rallies to our nation’s Founding Fathers.

In the post, I went on to state how even low-level violence against political opposition perfectly fits the dictionary definition of terrorism, and now the Obama administration was openly defending it. Now it’s official — the entire Democrat establishment justifies and excuses terrorism against Trump supporters — from Barack Obama all the way to Hillary Clinton.

The Donald Trump Presidential Archive - Page 529 - General Shit Talk - My Posting Career. Saucer Lord, on 02 May 2016 - 03:02 PM, said: A good friend of mine sent me this essay early this morning. The Electoral Map Looks Challenging for Trump. Mexican For Trump Speaks Out. I’m a PhD student, and I can’t wait to vote for Donald Trump.