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Internet handover is go-go-go! ICANN to take IANA from US govt. The most significant change in the internet's functioning for a generation happened on 30 September at midnight.

Internet handover is go-go-go! ICANN to take IANA from US govt

At 12.01am Washington DC time, the US government walked away from the IANA contract, which has defined how the internet has grown and been structured for nearly 20 years, and hand it over to non-profit organization ICANN. Nothing will change for ordinary internet users – ICANN will keep doing what it has done since its inception in 1999 – but the shift represents something much bigger: the first time that a new communications technology has been released from, rather than pulled under, government control. How the West lost faith in globalism. Sign Up for Our free email newsletters.

How the West lost faith in globalism

Facebook posts becoming less personal as site looks to encourage people to post about their lives. 1/26 ‘The Drone-ovic’ In time for Wimbledon, Virgin Active is trialling ‘The Drone-ovic’ – a drone that drops tennis balls from above to achieve that perfect serve at its Northwood club tennis courts CPG Photography Ltd 2/26 Voice assistants are coming for your home A year from now, Google, Amazon and Apple might be listening in on your living room.

Facebook posts becoming less personal as site looks to encourage people to post about their lives

And you’ll be glad of it. All three of those companies are working on or have announced voice assistants that sit in people’s houses and talk to them. The boxes – which function as speakers, and look like them too – are meant do everything from asking questions to operating various parts of peoples’ houses Google 3/26 North Korean Facebook set up and immediately hacked An imitation of Facebook apparently set up for North Koreans has already been hacked and sent offline, just days after it was discovered. The Manufactured Invention of the Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead and the Birth of Rock n’ Roll by the Tavistock Institute; A Jesuit Corporation.

“The fact that “The Beatles” had their music and lyrics written for them by Theo Adorno was concealed from public view.” John Coleman, former MI6 agent. Paul and John giving Masonic Illuminate Hand signals on Yellow Submarine album cover. Kalergi Plan for the extinction of the white race with a world wide Jewish Zionist government. <Kalergi Translation by Michael Palomino; from: Kalergi was an Austrian Japanese mestizo.

Kalergi Plan for the extinction of the white race with a world wide Jewish Zionist government

Richard Nikolaus Eijiro Count Coudenhove-Kalergi (Japanese: リヒャルト・ニコラウス・栄次郎・クーデンホーフ=カレルギー Rihiyăruto-Nikorausu 栄次郎 (= Eijiro) Kūdenhōfu-Karerugī), (Tokio, born on November 16, 1894 - dead on July 27, 1972, in Schruns, Vorarlberg, Austria) was an Austrian Japanese politician and activist of geopolitics. In 1923 he published his manifesto "Pan Europe" which states that an International Pan-European Union was founded. With this manifesto the Pan-European Movement was started, the precursor of Europe of Maastricht and of the European union.

Breitbart/Gravis Immigration Poll: 6 to 1, Americans Want Less. New polling data shows that it would be virtually impossible for Hillary Clinton to win the general election if the Republican nominee were able to frame the immigration issue in populist terms that emphasize reducing the overall amount of immigration into the country and protecting jobs, incomes, and benefits for the domestic population.

Breitbart/Gravis Immigration Poll: 6 to 1, Americans Want Less

The poll was conducted by Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, in conjunction with Breitbart News Network, and surveyed a random selection of 2,010 registered voters throughout the nation. “The poll shows that instead of dividing Americans, immigration is an issue where Americans have reached the consensus that it is a problem, maybe the problem,” said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of Gravis Marketing. In other words, the media understands the words “pro-immigrant” not in the context of helping actual immigrants (i.e. people living inside the United States, who were born elsewhere). Replacement Migration. Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?

Replacement Migration

United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration. Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.

Philip Cross: Toronto has become a monolithic, suffocating liberal swamp. Toronto is now well established as the bastion of left-wing politics in Canada.

Philip Cross: Toronto has become a monolithic, suffocating liberal swamp

Provincially, the six million people in the GTA elected only one Conservative in the last election, while federally, Conservatives were swept clean, their support in some downtown ridings in single digits. Toronto’s supply of left-wing ideas is so voluminous it exports lunacy such as the Leap manifesto, making Toronto an arms depot in the war against fossil fuels. Faith in the goodness and expertise of the public sector is being shipped wholesale from Queen’s Park to Parliament Hill as Kathleen Wynne’s ideological stormtroopers move to the frontlines of policy-making in Justin Trudeau’s new government. A basic tenet of Toronto liberalism is that all problems can be addressed by the public sector with the proper mix of data, analysis and bureaucratic oversight. Problems are not given market solutions nor time to resolve themselves; they always require government intervention.

PositiveID. PositiveID develops biological detection systems for America’s homeland defense industry as well as rapid medical testing.


PositiveID is focused on the development of microfluidic systems for the automated preparation of and performance of biological assays in order to detect threats at high-value locations, as well as analyze samples in medical environments. PositiveID’s microfluidic technology alleviates all existing problems by replacing robotics with integrated microfluidics, reducing cost and increasing reliability.